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Балтимор / Соединённые Штаты Америки

Ба́лтимор — независимый город на востоке США, крупнейший населённый пункт штата Мэриленд.

Художественный музей Уолтерс

Балтимор / Соединённые Штаты Америки

Художественный музей Уолтерс — публичный художественный музей в пригороде Балтимора под названием Маунт-Вернон. Основан в 1934 году.

Балтиморский художественный музей

Балтимор / Соединённые Штаты Америки

Балтиморский художественный музей — художественный музей в городе Балтимор на востоке США. Основан в 1914 году. Здание музея построено в 1929 году в классических формах наподобие древнеримского храма по проекту Джона Расселла Поупа. Соперничает за звание главного музея Балтимора с Художественным музеем Уолтерса.

Peale Museum

Балтимор / Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Peale Museum, officially the Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore, was a museum of paintings and natural history, located in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. It occupied the first building in the Western Hemisphere to be designed and built specifically as a museum. The museum was created by Charles Willson Peale and his son Rembrandt Peale . It functioned separately as Baltimore City's historical museum while the original structure was being rebuilt, restored, and renovated in 1930–1931, and then merged with other historic sites, houses and museums in the early 1980s under the expansive efforts of a new executive director, with the name of the Baltimore City Life Museums and a broader mission in conjunction with the other historical locations/sites/structures in Baltimore. After opening a new three-story exhibition gallery, uniquely using the old cast-iron façade of the razed Fava Fruit Company and being re-assembled on the new structure facing North Front Street and the parallel new President Street boulevard , the new gallery and the B.C.L.M. ran into financial difficulties in the first year after the grand opening, coincidentally during the bicentennial celebration of Baltimore's establishment as a city. The Peale branch of the City Life Museums closed with the other branches, historic houses and sites later in 1997, after being refused a one-year extension of its five-year subsidy of about $300,000 annually by then Mayor Kurt Schmoke. Its large collections from over 66 years of original existence were disassembled, transferred and handed over to the Maryland Historical Society, founded 1844, now located on the city block on the southwest corner of West Monument Street and Park Avenue, centered in the old Enoch Pratt Mansion and adjacent research library and museum exhibition areas building. The building was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1965.Today, the museum is being renovated and relaunched as the Peale Center for Baltimore History and Architecture through a partnership between Baltimore's Department of General Services, which owns the building, and the Board of the Peale Center for Baltimore History and Architecture, a 501 tax-exempt, non-profit corporation. It is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but anticipates re-opening soon.

Maryland Center for History and Culture

Балтимор / Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Maryland Center for History and Culture ), founded on March 1, 1844, is the oldest cultural institution in the U.S. state of Maryland. The organization "collects, preserves, and interprets objects and materials reflecting Maryland's diverse heritage". The MCHC has a museum, library, holds educational programs, and publishes scholarly works on Maryland.

Университет Джонса Хопкинса

Балтимор / Соединённые Штаты Америки

Университе́т Джо́нса Хо́пкинса — частный исследовательский университет, основанный Джонсом Хопкинсом в городе Балтимор . Филиалы университета расположены также в Нанкине и в Болонье . В 2013 году вуз занял 17-е место в Академическом рейтинге университетов мира 15-е место в рейтинге THE, 11-е место в рейтинге CSIS R&D крупнейших подрядчиков военных заказов , с ним связана научная и исследовательская деятельность 36 лауреатов Нобелевской премии, работавших здесь в разное время, университет Хопкинса один из самых цитируемых в мире. Крупнейший после Массачусетского технологического института по объёму военных проектов университет в США и, по всей видимости, во всём мире . Является основоположником международных научных Гордоновских конференций. Открыт 22 февраля 1876 года; событие было приурочено к 100-летнему юбилею образования Соединённых Штатов и дню рождения первого президента США Джорджа Вашингтона. Первый президент Гилман в инаугурационной речи отметил в качестве приоритетов научно-исследовательскую деятельность и помощь отдельным выдающимся учёным. На протяжении всей своей истории вуз сохранил этот подход.

Amalie Rothschild

Балтимор / Соединённые Штаты Америки

Amalie Rothschild was an American artist who lived and worked within the art community of Baltimore, Maryland. An accomplished painter and sculptor, she was also an art teacher, philanthropist, patron, and cultural advocate. Over the course of a long career, she made oil and acrylic paintings as well as drawings, watercolors, and other paper works. She also sculpted using found objects, Plexiglas, metals, and particleboard. Originally working in a realist style, she became well known for geometric abstractions based on figurative subjects. In 1993 a critic described this approach as "[walking] a tightrope between the abstract and the representational with a suggestion of three-dimensional depth." Rothschild was by choice a regional artist. Although she occasionally exhibited elsewhere, she did not actively promote her career outside a mid-Atlantic region centered on Baltimore. Thus, in 1997 a critic wrote, "Amalie Rothschild is a fixture and ornament of the Baltimore art world." At the time of her death a critic gave this career summary: "She was one of the leading artists of her time in this area. Her work is thoroughly modern and related to geometric abstraction, but without losing the figure. It has emotional reserve, often contains a hint of humor and at times recalls the childlike sagacity of the great Paul Klee."