


Chinese Taipei


"Chinese Taipei" is the name used in some international organizations and competitions for Taiwan . This name was first proposed in the Nagoya Resolution whereby the ROC/Taiwan and the People's Republic of China recognize the right of participation to each other when it comes to the activities of the International Olympic Committee and its correlates. The ROC participates under this name in various international organizations and events, including the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, the Metre Convention, and international pageants. The term is deliberately ambiguous. To the PRC, "Chinese Taipei" is ambiguous about the political status or sovereignty of the ROC/Taiwan; to the ROC, it is a more inclusive term than just "Taiwan" and "Taiwan, China" .

Hong Kong Museum of Art

Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Museum of Art is the first and main art museum of Hong Kong, located in Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. It is managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong Government. HKMoA has an art collection of over 17,000 items. Admission is free for permanent exhibitions.A separate branch museum, the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, is situated in the Hong Kong Park in Central.