Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Estados Unidos

Estados Unidos[nota 2]​ ,[nota 3]​ oficialmente los Estados Unidos de América ,[13]​ es un país soberano constituido en una república federal constitucional compuesta por cincuenta estados y un distrito federal. La mayor parte del país se ubica en el medio de América del Norte —donde se encuentran sus 48 estados contiguos y Washington D. C., el distrito federal—, entre los océanos Pacífico y Atlántico, limita con Canadá al norte y con México al sur. El estado de Alaska está en el noroeste del continente, limita con Canadá al este, separado de Rusia al oeste por el estrecho de Bering. El estado de Hawái es un archipiélago polinesio en medio del océano Pacífico, y es el único de sus estados que no se encuentra en América. El país posee en el mar Caribe y en el Pacífico varios territorios no incorporados. Con 9,83 millones de km²,[5]​ y con más de 325 millones de habitantes, el país es el cuarto mayor en área total, el quinto mayor en área contigua y el tercero en población. Es una de las naciones con más diversidad de etnias y culturas, producto de la inmigración a gran escala.[14]​ Es la economía nacional más grande del mundo en términos nominales, con un PIB estimado en 15,7 billones de dólares y una quinta parte del PIB global en paridad de poder adquisitivo.[9]​ El país es la principal fuerza capitalista del planeta, además de ser líder en la investigación científica y la innovación tecnológica desde el siglo XIX y, desde comienzos del siglo XX, el principal país industrial. En PIB PPA, EE. UU. es la segunda economía más grande, por detrás de la China.[15]​ El territorio continental estadounidense estuvo habitando por diversos grupos indígenas durante miles de años. Esta población aborigen fue reducida por las enfermedades y la guerra después del primer contacto con los europeos. Estados Unidos fue fundado por trece colonias británicas, a lo largo de la costa atlántica. El 4 de julio de 1776, emitieron la Declaración de Independencia, que proclamó su derecho a la libre autodeterminación y el establecimiento de una unión cooperativa. Los estados rebeldes derrotaron al Imperio británico en la guerra de independencia, el primer conflicto bélico colonial exitoso de carácter independentista.[16]​ La Constitución de los Estados Unidos fue adoptada el 17 de septiembre de 1787; su ratificación al año siguiente hizo a los estados parte de una sola república con un gobierno central fuerte. La Carta de Derechos, que comprende diez enmiendas constitucionales que garantizan muchos derechos civiles fundamentales y las libertades, fue ratificada en 1791. En el siglo XIX, los Estados Unidos adquirieron territorios de Francia, España, Reino Unido, México, Rusia y Japón, además de anexionarse las repúblicas de Florida, Texas, California y Hawái. En la década de 1860, las disputas entre el sur agrario y conservadurista y el norte industrial y progresista sobre los derechos de los estados y la abolición de la esclavitud provocaron la Guerra de Secesión. La victoria del norte evitó una división permanente del país y condujo al final de la esclavitud legal. Para la década de 1890, la economía nacional era la más grande del mundo[17]​ y la guerra hispano-estadounidense y la Primera Guerra Mundial confirmaron su estatus como una potencia militar. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, surgió como el primer país con armas nucleares y miembro permanente del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas. El final de la Guerra Fría y la disolución de la Unión Soviética la dejaron como la única superpotencia internacional. El país representa dos quintas partes del gasto militar mundial y es una fuerza económica, política y cultural, líder en el mundo.[18]​[19]​

Museo Kreeger

Washington D. C.

El Museo Kreeger es un museo privado ubicado en Washington DC, en la antigua casa de David y Carmen Kreeger, y fue inaugurado en 1994.[1]​ La colección incluye pinturas de los siglos XIX y XX y las esculturas, con obras de artistas de renombre internacional tales como Boudin, Cézanne, Epstein, Kandinsky, Monet, Moore, Munch, Picasso, Rodin, Stella y Van Gogh, junto con obras de artistas locales de Washington, tales como Sam Gilliam y el arte tradicional africano occidental y central. El museo también alberga arte y diversas actuaciones musicales. La colección se encuentra en un edificio modernista diseñado por el arquitecto Philip Johnson y Richard Foster. El museo está abierto al público en general en casi todos los sábados, entre las 10 a. m. y las 4 p. m..


Sleepy Hollow (Nueva York)

Kykuit , known also as the John D. Rockefeller Estate, is a 40-room historic house museum in Pocantico Hills, a hamlet in the town of Mount Pleasant, New York. The house was built for oil tycoon, and Rockefeller family patriarch John D. Rockefeller. Conceived largely by his son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and enriched by the art collection of the third-generation scion, Governor of New York, and Vice President of the United States, Nelson Rockefeller, it was home to four generations of the family. The house is a National Historic Landmark owned by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and tours are given by Historic Hudson Valley. Kykuit, derived from the Dutch word Kijkuit meaning "lookout", is situated on the highest point in Pocantico Hills, overlooking the Hudson River at Tappan Zee. Located near Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow, it has a view of the New York City skyline 25 miles to the south.

Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences

Peoria (Illinois)

The Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences was a public museum of science and culture located in Peoria, Illinois. It opened in 1965, and contained a planetarium that opened in 1963. The 36-foot planetarium was set as the sun in the largest to scale mock solar system as recognized the Guinness Book of Records in 1992. It was closed in September 2012, shortly before the Peoria Riverfront Museum, of which Lakeview Museum's organizations were participants, opened in downtown Peoria.

Lorenzo State Historic Site

Cazenovia (Nueva York)

Lorenzo State Historic Site is a mansion built by Colonel John Lincklaen, founder of the village of Cazenovia, New York. Colonel Linklaen was the agent of the Holland Land Company upon whose recommendation the Company purchased the 135,000-acre tract of land where the village grew. The painted brick mansion, begun in 1807 and completed in 1809, overlooks Cazenovia Lake. It was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in July 1970. Located on the grounds is the separately listed Rippleton Schoolhouse.

Maine Historical Society

Portland (Maine)

The Maine Historical Society is the official state historical society of Maine. It is located at 489 Congress Street in downtown Portland. The Society currently operates the Wadsworth-Longfellow House, a National Historic Landmark, Longfellow Garden, the Maine Historical Society Museum and Store, the Brown Research Library, as well as the Maine Memory Network, an online database of documents and images that includes resources from many of state's local historical societies.

Maine State Museum


The Maine State Museum is the official Maine government's museum and is located at 230 State Street, adjacent to the Maine State House, in Augusta. It collections focus on the state's pre-history, history, and natural science. Permanent exhibits include dioramas of Maine's animals, birds and plants in different ecosystems; gems and minerals; displays about the state's natural resources and industries, including forestry, granite, fishing, and agriculture; Clovis culture and archaeological artifacts; and settlement and state history. There is also a working three-story water-powered woodworking mill, and craftsmen's work areas. The current director of the Museum is Bernard Fishman.

Converse Memorial Library

Malden (Massachusetts)

The Converse Memorial Library – also known as Converse Memorial Building – is a historically significant building designed by noted American architect H. H. Richardson. From 1885 to 1996, it housed the Malden Public Library, which now occupies a modern building adjacent to it. The former library is located at 36 Salem Street, Malden, Massachusetts. The building was a gift of Elisha S. and Mary D. Converse in memory of their murdered son, Frank Eugene Converse, who was the victim of the first bank robbery/murder in North America. It was constructed 1883-1885 in an overall L-shape, with a facade of brown Longmeadow sandstone, a tower rising from the L's inner corner, and a heavily arched entry porch set within the L's short arm. The main library room is 50 x 36 feet and finished in elaborately carved white oak with a high, vaulted ceiling. Its furniture was designed by Richardson and manufactured by the Boston firm of A. H. Davenport and Company.In 1896 two additions were made to the building, designed by Richardson's successor firm, Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge. One gable-roofed wing extends the building to the rear, along Park Street, following the same general lines of the existing structure. The other addition was a flat-roofed rectangular stack area also attached to the rear. An octagonal gallery space further extended the rear in 1916, designed by Newhall and Blevins.The Converse Memorial Building was the last of Richardson's library designs, and is generally considered among his finest works. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1987.

Michael C. Carlos Museum

Druid Hills

The Michael C. Carlos Museum is an art museum located in Atlanta on the historic quadrangle of Emory University's main campus. The Carlos Museum has the largest ancient art collections in the Southeast, including objects from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Near East, Africa and the ancient Americas. The collections are housed in a Michael Graves designed building which is open to the public.

Mills College Art Museum

Oakland (California)

Mills College Art Museum is a museum and art gallery in Oakland, California. The originally all-girls' school Mills College was founded by Susan and Cyrus Mills, who were both interested in art and history. Susan's sister Jane Tolman was an art historian who developed the art history curriculum in 1875. With a Tolman Mills bequest the present museum building was constructed in 1925 called the Mills College Art Gallery. Albert M. Bender, the Mills College Trustee chiefly responsible for the museum's completion, also made a gift of 40 paintings and 75 prints by contemporary San Francisco Bay Area artists, and since then the gallery has become an important public collection of modern art in Northern California. Bender himself later became a principal founder of what is now the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.