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Il Canada o Canadà è uno Stato dell'America Settentrionale bagnato dall'Atlantico a est, dal Mar Glaciale Artico a nord e dall'Oceano Pacifico a ovest. Con una superficie di 9897170 km² è il secondo paese del mondo per superficie totale dopo la Russia. Confina solo con il territorio degli Stati Uniti d'America: quelli continentali a sud, in buona parte lungo la linea del 49º parallelo Nord, e con lo Stato dell'Alaska a nord-ovest quasi interamente lungo il 141º meridiano Ovest: si tratta del confine terrestre tra due Stati più lungo del mondo . Abitato, prima dell'arrivo europeo sul continente, da popolazioni aborigene, il territorio dell'attuale Canada fu colonizzato da Francia e Regno Unito a inizio XVII secolo a partire dalla costa atlantica. I francesi persero in seguito i loro territori progressivamente a favore del Regno Unito: dapprima con il trattato di Utrecht alla fine della guerra di successione spagnola, con cui Terranova e la baia di Hudson furono cedute da Luigi XIV; a seguire nel 1763 dopo la sconfitta nella guerra franco-indiana, teatro nordamericano della guerra dei sette anni e, infine, con la vendita di Napoleone della Louisiana francese agli Stati Uniti d'America e delle sue ultime rimanenze oltre il confine canadese al Regno Unito. Il 1º luglio 1867 nacque la federazione canadese con l'unione delle tre colonie del Nord America Britannico di Nuova Scozia, Nuovo Brunswick e Canada, che in seguito divennero quattro per la scissione della provincia del Canada in Ontario e Québec. Nel corso del tempo si aggiunsero sempre più province che avrebbero poi formato l'odierno stato nordamericano. Costituitosi in Stato unitario il 1º luglio 1867 come Confederazione canadese per iniziativa della Corona britannica, divenne formalmente indipendente l'11 dicembre 1931, data di promulgazione dello statuto di Westminster con cui il Regno Unito affrancò molti dei suoi ex dominion. Infine, con la nuova legge sul Canada del 1982 il Regno Unito abdicò anche al potere formale di modifica della costituzione canadese garantitogli dallo Statuto del 1931. Il Canada è uno Stato membro del Commonwealth britannico del quale è uno dei sedici reami: di conseguenza, benché indipendente, ha come capo di Stato il sovrano del Regno Unito, al 2020 la regina Elisabetta II che, nelle questioni di Stato riguardanti il Canada, agisce con il titolo di Elisabetta II Regina del Canada. In rappresentanza del sovrano agisce localmente il governatore generale del Canada, il quale è capo di Stato de facto, avendo le prerogative di accreditare il corpo diplomatico, assegnare l'incarico di primo ministro e nominare i giudici della Corte suprema, convocare le elezioni generali federali e in talune occasioni rappresentare il Paese a livello internazionale. Dal 1959 esiste la prassi non ufficiale di nominare alternativamente un governatore generale anglofono e uno francofono per rispetto dei due maggiori gruppi linguistici del Paese. Il sistema politico è parlamentare e il primo ministro è in genere il leader del partito che vince le elezioni generali federali, che si tengono normalmente ogni 4 anni salvo consultazioni anticipate . Al 2019 il governatore generale in carica è l'ex astronauta francofona Julie Payette mentre il primo ministro è il leader liberale Justin Trudeau , in ufficio dal 4 novembre 2015. In Canada si parlano diverse lingue sia native che europee, ma quelle ufficiali sono il francese e l'inglese, che hanno status paritetico in tutti gli atti pubblici della federazione: su circa 35-37 milioni d'abitanti , quasi il 57% di essi è di madrelingua inglese e poco più del 21% francese; tuttavia molti canadesi sono bilingue e al 2011 l'85% della popolazione dichiarava padronanza dell'inglese e il 30,1% del francese. Dal 2006 la provincia del Québec, ufficialmente francofona, è riconosciuta come «nazione in seno a un Canada unito». Tra le lingue non ufficiali con più di 300 000 parlanti, figurano lo spagnolo, il tagalog, l'arabo, il tedesco e l'italiano, dovute a fenomeni migratori nel Paese. Il PIL nominale del Canada è il 12º al mondo: esso si basa prevalentemente sulle ingenti risorse naturali e sulle sue ben sviluppate reti commerciali, specialmente con gli Stati Uniti, con cui il Canada intrattiene complesse relazioni di lunga data. Il Canada è uno dei Paesi più avanzati del mondo con l'ottavo PIL pro-capite e il sesto maggior indice di sviluppo umano. Il Canada fa parte dell'ONU fin dalla sua prima assemblea generale del 1945 e, come media potenza, è membro di numerosi organismi internazionali militari, politici e commerciali quali il G7, il G20, la NATO, il NAFTA, l'OECD, il WTO, l'OAC, l'APEC. Il demotico di una persona originaria del Canada è canadese , invariato al femminile. In inglese è Canadian e in francese è canadien se maschile o canadienne se femminile .

Vancouver Art Gallery


The Vancouver Art Gallery is an art museum located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Situated in downtown Vancouver, the museum occupies a 15,300-square-metre-building adjacent to Robson Square, making it the largest art museum in Western Canada by building size. Designed by Francis Rattenbury, the building the museum presently occupies was originally opened as a provincial courthouse, before it was re-purposed for museum use in the early 1980s. The building was designated as the Former Vancouver Law Courts National Historic Site of Canada in 1980. The museum was opened to the public in 1931 in a building designed by architectural firm Sharp and Johnston. The museum expanded its first building once in 1950, before plans were undertaken to move the institution to the former provincial courthouse building. The museum was relocated to the provincial courthouse in 1983. Plans were undertaken by the museum in the late 2000s and 2010s to relocate the institution to a new facility in Larwill Park. The Vancouver Art Gallery's permanent collection serves as a repository of art for the Lower Mainland region, and has approximately 12,000 works by artists from Canada, and around the world. In addition to exhibiting works from its collection, the museum has also organized, and hosted a number of travelling arts exhibitions.

Agnes Etherington Art Centre

Kingston (Ontario)

The Agnes Etherington Art Centre is a research-intensive public art museum in Kingston, Ontario, Canada located in the heart of the historic campus of Queen's University. It presents artistic traditions of the past and innovations of the present through year-round programs of exhibitions and outreach activities staged across eight galleries, the Biéler Studio, and assorted public spaces including the period rooms of the historic Etherington House.The gallery has received a number of awards for its exhibitions from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Association of Art Galleries and others.

Canadian War Museum


The Canadian War Museum is a national museum on the country's military history in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The museum serves as both an educational facility on Canadian military history, in addition to serving as a place of remembrance. The 440,000 square metres museum building is situated south of the Ottawa River in LeBreton Flats. The museum houses a number of exhibitions and memorials, in addition to a theatre, curatorial and conservation spaces, storage space, and a cafeteria. The building also houses the Military History Research Centre, the museum's library and archives. The Canadian War Museum was formally established in 1942, although portions of the museum's collections originates from a military museum that operated from 1880 to 1896. The museum was operated by the Public Archives of Canada until 1967, when the National Museums of Canada Corporation was formed to manage several national institutions, including the war museum. In the same year, the war museum was relocated from its original building to the former Public Archives of Canada building. Management of the museum was later assumed by the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation in 1990. Plans to expand the museum during the mid-1990s resulted in the construction of a new building at LeBreton Flats. Designed by Moriyama & Teshima Architects and Griffiths Rankin Cook Architects, the new Canadian War Museum building was opened to the public in 2005. The museum's collection contains over 500,000 pieces of materials related to military history, including over 13,000 pieces of military art. In addition to its permanent exhibition, the museum has hosted and organized a number of travelling exhibitions relating to Canadian military history.

Art Gallery of Guelph


The Art Gallery of Guelph , formerly the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, is a public gallery and adjoining sculpture park in Guelph, on the corner of Gordon Street and College Avenue. The AGG has a permanent collection of over 9000 works which is a focus of research, publishing, educational programs, and touring exhibitions. The AGG is a non-profit charitable organization with three sponsors: the University of Guelph, the City of Guelph, and the Upper Grand District School Board. As the principal public art gallery serving Guelph and the surrounding region, the Art Gallery of Guelph was founded as a new cultural institution to benefit the broad community. MSAC was established in 1978 through a provincial act as a non-profit charitable organization. When the gallery formally opened as a public art gallery on November 7, 1980, the University of Guelph curator, Judith Nasby, was appointed director and curator of the MSAC. Architect Raymond Moriyama renovated the historic 1904 school building to create a public art gallery meeting international standards. In 1983, the Donald Forster Sculpture Park was established on the 2.5 acre site adjacent to the building. It is the largest outdoor collection at an institution in Canada and has since grown to include 39 works, with an overall objective of 50, representing artists from across Canada. In 2016, the Art Gallery of Guelph appointed new leadership: Shauna McCabe became the gallery's Director on August 1, 2016.The AGG is housed in a 31,000 square foot building comprising seven gallery spaces on two floors. There are three open-concept galleries on the main floor, including a central clerestory gallery. The second floor boasts three uniquely configured gallery spaces, as well as a lecture room, large-scale art storage, and an art studio. The AGG undertakes contemporary exhibition programming featuring international and national artists as well as the curation of exhibitions highlighting the work of emerging to established regional artists. The Art Gallery of Guelph collection includes a large assortment of Canadian art, an expansive Inuit art collection and many other unique pieces. In 1926, the Ontario Agricultural College purchased a painting by Tom Thomson called The Drive , which marked the start of the collection and is now one of the gallery's most celebrated works. Today the permanent collection of over 9000 works features First Nations, Inuit, Canadian and international art.

Château Ramezay


The Château Ramezay is a museum and historic building on Notre-Dame Street in Old Montreal, opposite Montreal City Hall in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Built in 1705 as the residence of then-governor of Montreal, Claude de Ramezay, the Château was the first building proclaimed as a historical monument in Quebec and is the province's oldest private history museum. It was designated a National Historic Sites of Canada in 1949.Over the years, the Château changed owners and functions several times, with Ramezay's descendants selling the manor to the fur-trading Compagnie des Indes.

New Brunswick Museum

Saint John (Canada)

The New Brunswick Museum, located in Saint John, New Brunswick, is Canada's oldest continuing museum. The New Brunswick Museum was incorporated as the "Provincial Museum" in 1929 and received its current name in 1930, but its history goes back much further. Its lineage can be traced back another 88 years to 1842 and to the work of Dr. Abraham Gesner.

Royal British Columbia Museum

Victoria (Canada)

Founded in 1886, the Royal British Columbia Museum consists of The Province of British Columbia's natural and human history museum as well as the British Columbia Provincial Archives. The museum is located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The "Royal" title was approved by Queen Elizabeth II and bestowed by HRH Prince Philip in 1987, to coincide with a Royal tour of that year. The museum merged with the British Columbia Provincial Archives in 2003. The Royal BC Museum includes three permanent galleries: Natural History, Becoming BC, and the First Peoples Gallery. The museum’s collections comprise approximately 7 million objects, including natural history specimens, artifacts, and archival records. The natural history collections have 750,000 records of specimens almost exclusively from BC and neighbouring states, provinces, or territories. The collections are divided into eight disciplines: Entomology, Botany, Palaeontology, Ichthyology, Invertebrate Zoology, Herpetology, Mammalogy, and Ornithology. The museum also hosts touring exhibitions. Previous exhibitions have included artifacts related to the RMS Titanic, Leonardo da Vinci, Egyptian artifacts, the Vikings, the British Columbia gold rushes and Genghis Khan. The Royal BC Museum partners with and houses the IMAX Victoria theater, which shows educational films as well as commercial entertainment.The museum is beside Victoria's Inner Harbour, between the Empress Hotel and the Legislature Buildings. The museum anchors the Royal BC Museum Cultural Precinct, a surrounding area with historical sites and monuments, including Thunderbird Park. The museum also operates traveling exhibitions which tour the province of BC, as well as international exhibits Guangzhou, China. On March 26, 2012, Jack Lohman was appointed CEO of the Royal BC Museum. Various groups assist with the development, success, and maintenance of the Royal BC Museum. These include volunteers, who number over 500 and outnumber the Royal BC Museum staff 4 to 1; the Royal BC Museum Foundation , a non-profit organization created in 1970 to support the Royal BC Museum financially and to assist its work by forming links within the community; Security Services, responsible for risk management, emergency response, security services, and business continuity expertise; and Property Management and Operations, who focus on sustainability, recycling, and environment control within the museum.

The Rooms

Saint John's (Canada)

The Rooms is a cultural facility in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The facility opened in 2005 and houses the Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Provincial Museum of Newfoundland and Labrador.The facility was constructed on a hill overlooking the port city, at a historic location once occupied by Fort Townshend. The building can be seen from almost any point in St. John's, and the facility has, since its construction, competed with its neighbour, the Basilica of St. John the Baptist, for the dominance of the St. John's skyline.

Tom Thomson

Meaford, Ontario

Thomas John Thomson, meglio conosciuto come Tom Thomson , è stato un pittore canadese. Durante la sua breve carriera produsse circa 400 schizzi a olio su piccoli pannelli di legno insieme a circa 50 più grandi opere su tela. Le sue opere consistono quasi interamente in paesaggi raffiguranti alberi, cieli, laghi e fiumi. I suoi dipinti sono costruiti su ampie pennellate e un'ampia applicazione pittorica utilizzata per catturare la bellezza e i colori dei paesaggi dell'Ontario. La morte accidentale di Thomson a 39 anni avvenne poco prima della fondazione del Gruppo dei Sette ed è recepita come una tragedia nel mondo dell'arte canadese.