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Aschaffenburg / Germania

Aschaffenburg è una città extracircondariale della Baviera, Germania. È situata sulla riva destra del Meno presso la confluenza con lo stretto fiume Aschaff, ai piedi dello Spessart. La città è chiamata "la Nizza bavarese" per il suo clima mite. È pure nota come Tor zum Spessart . Anche se Aschaffenburg appartiene alla Baviera, gli abitanti sono fieri delle loro origini, e non si sentono Bavaresi. La città fece parte lungamente dell'arcivescovato di Magonza.

St. Peter und Alexander (Aschaffenburg)

Aschaffenburg / Germania

The Kollegiatsstift St. Peter und Alexander is a Catholic church located in Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Germany. It is the town's oldest church, established in the 10th century, dedicated to Saint Peter and Saint Alexander. The main building was built as a Roman basilica,while other phases were built in the early Gothic style. The current structure is a cruciform basilica, reflecting a variety of styles including a Romanesque nave from the 12th century and a 15th-century tower. The church is also notable for its Renaissance painting Beweinung Christi by Matthias Grünewald and the 10th-century Triumphkreuz. The Stiftskirche is open to the public and serves as a Roman Catholic parish church. A museum in the former chapter house exhibits church treasures and other historical artifacts. The associated collegiate church was classified historical monument of Bavaria. Situated on top of a hill, the church has good views of the city of Aschaffenburg. The architecture of the monastery reflects different periods, from pre-Romanesque to the seventeenth century, although most of the current buildings date back to the 12th and 13th centuries.

Staatsgalerie Aschaffenburg

Aschaffenburg / Germania

The Staatsgalerie Aschaffenburg is an art museum in Schloss Johannisburg in Aschaffenburg, Germany. With some 368 paintings, it is the largest of the galleries outside Munich making up the Bavarian State Painting Collections. The origin and main part of the museum is the collection of Friedrich Karl Joseph von Erthal, Elector of Mainz, who lived in Johannisburg from 1792 until his death in 1802. The focus lies on German and Netherlandic paintings, mainly genre paintings.