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Stati Uniti d'America

Gli Stati Uniti d'America sono una repubblica federale dell'America settentrionale composta da cinquanta Stati e un distretto federale. I quarantotto stati contigui e il distretto di Washington D.C. occupano la fascia centrale dell'America settentrionale tra il Canada e il Messico e sono bagnati dall'oceano Atlantico a est e dall'oceano Pacifico a ovest. Con 9850476 km² in totale e circa 330 milioni di abitanti gli Stati Uniti sono il terzo paese del mondo sia per superficie sia per popolazione. La geografia e il clima degli Stati Uniti sono estremamente vari, con deserti, pianure, foreste e montagne che sono anche sede di una grande varietà di fauna selvatica. È una delle nazioni più multietniche e multiculturali al mondo, prodotto di larga scala dell'immigrazione da molti Paesi. Storicamente i paleoamericani migrarono dall'Asia verso quelli che sono gli Stati Uniti circa 12 000 anni fa. La colonizzazione europea cominciò intorno al 1600 e venne per lo più dall'Inghilterra. Gli Stati Uniti d'America ebbero origine dalle tredici colonie britanniche situate lungo la costa atlantica. Le controversie tra la Gran Bretagna e le colonie sfociarono in un conflitto: il 4 luglio 1776 i delegati delle tredici colonie redassero ed approvarono all'unanimità la dichiarazione di indipendenza, che diede ufficialmente vita ad un nuovo Stato federale. La guerra di indipendenza americana, conclusasi con il riconoscimento dell'indipendenza degli Stati Uniti dal Regno di Gran Bretagna, è stata la prima guerra per l'indipendenza da una potenza coloniale europea. La Costituzione fu adottata il 17 settembre 1787 e da allora è stata emendata ventisette volte. I primi dieci emendamenti, collettivamente denominati «Dichiarazione dei diritti» , furono ratificati nel 1791 e garantiscono diritti civili e libertà fondamentali. Gli Stati Uniti intrapresero una vigorosa espansione per tutto il XIX secolo, spinti dalla controversa dottrina del destino manifesto. L'acquisizione di nuovi territori e l'ammissione di nuovi stati membri causarono anche numerose guerre con i popoli nativi. La guerra civile americana si concluse con l'abolizione della schiavitù negli Stati Uniti. Alla fine del XIX secolo gli Stati Uniti si estesero fino all'oceano Pacifico. La guerra ispano-americana e la prima guerra mondiale hanno confermato lo stato del paese come potenza militare globale. Gli Stati Uniti sono usciti dalla seconda guerra mondiale come una superpotenza globale, il primo paese dotato di armi nucleari e quale uno dei cinque membri permanenti del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. Dopo una grave crisi politica e sociale negli anni sessanta e settanta come conseguenza anche della sconfitta nella guerra del Vietnam, che sembrava minare il predominio mondiale statunitense, l'inattesa fine della guerra fredda e la dissoluzione dell'Unione Sovietica negli anni novanta hanno invece riconfermato il ruolo dominante degli Stati Uniti che sono rimasti l'unica superpotenza militare e politica mondiale. Gli Stati Uniti sono un Paese sviluppato, con una stima nel 2017 del prodotto interno lordo di 19,39 migliaia di miliardi di dollari . Il PIL pro capite degli Stati Uniti è stato il sesto più alto del mondo dal 2010, anche se la disparità di reddito del continente americano è stata anche classificata la più alta all'interno dell'OCSE e i paesi dalla Banca Mondiale. L'economia è alimentata da un'abbondanza di risorse naturali, numerose infrastrutture ed elevata produttività. Il paese rappresenta il 39% della spesa militare mondiale, essendo la prima potenza economica e militare, una forza politica guida nel mondo e al primo posto nel settore della ricerca scientifica e dell'innovazione tecnologica, ma anche uno stato sociale ridotto rispetto a molti altri paesi del mondo occidentale.

Tuscaloosa Museum of Art


The Tuscaloosa Museum of Art, previously the Westervelt-Warner Museum of American Art, was an art museum in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The museum permanently closed in 2018. It was founded by Tuscaloosa businessman Jack Warner.The Westervelt-Warner Museum of American Art was the result of 40 years of collecting American art by Jack Warner, CEO of Gulf States Paper, later the Westervelt Company. He founded the museum in 2003 after exhibiting portions of the collection in the headquarters building of the Westervelt Company.The Westervelt-Warner collection contains more than 500 works from 1775 onwards. Artists represented include John Singer Sargent and Childe Hassam as well as several artists of importance to American Art, including Albert Bierstadt, Rembrandt Peale, Edward Hicks, Thomas Moran, Edward Hopper, Robert Henri, Edward Potthast, and Charles Bird King. Other artists' works include James McNeill Whistler, Andrew Wyeth, Mary Cassatt, and James Peale.In 2011, the Westervelt-Warner Museum became the Tuscaloosa Museum of Art.

Honolulu Museum of Art


L'Honolulu Museum of Art è uno dei maggiori musei d'arte degli Stati Uniti, fondato nel 1922 e inaugurato nel 1927. Da allora le sue collezioni si sono arricchite fino a comprendere circa 50.000 oggetti di arte mondiale, con le punte di diamante nell'arte asiatica, europea e locale.

New Orleans Museum of Art

New Orleans

Il New Orleans Museum of Art è la più antica galleria d'arte della città di New Orleans. È situato nel City Park, poco distante dall'intersezione tra la Carrollton Avenue e la Esplanade Avenue e vicino al capolinea della linea del tram “Canal Street – City Park”. Fu costruito nel 1911 inizialmente come Delgado Museum of Art.

Butler Institute of American Art

Youngstown (Ohio)

The Butler Institute of American Art, located on Wick Avenue in Youngstown, Ohio, United States, was the first museum dedicated exclusively to American art. Established by local industrialist and philanthropist Joseph G. Butler, Jr., the museum has been operating pro bono since 1919. Dedicated in 1919, the original structure is a McKim, Mead and White architectural masterpiece listed on the National Register of Historic Places .Among the most celebrated works in the Butler's permanent collection is Winslow Homer's Snap the Whip, a famed tribute to the era of the one-room schoolhouse. Winslow; however, painted two versions of Snap the Whip, with the other version residing in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The two paintings differ, with the Butler's version of Snap the Whip having mountains in the background, while the Metropolitan's does not. In 2007, the museum acquired the Norman Rockwell painting Lincoln the Railsplitter for $1.6 million. The previous owner of the 84.5 by 44.5 inch painting was businessman and former presidential candidate Ross Perot. Other aspects of the nation's past are captured in a unique collection of paintings featuring southwestern Native Americans, which were once part of Joseph Butler's personal collection. Additional highlights include an iconic depiction of George Washington's wedding, William Gropper's celebrated Youngstown Strike, an interpretation of the area's violent 1937 Little Steel Strike, and Albert Bierstadt's The Oregon Trail, 1869. Meanwhile, the gallery of modern art features a striking, life-sized painting by Alfred Leslie titled, Americans: Youngstown, Ohio, which depicts personalities connected with the Butler as they appeared in the 1970s. The museum also holds a significant collection of works by the Abstract Expressionist painter Robert Motherwell. In recent years, the Butler has expanded significantly. A 19,000-square-foot south wing, the Beecher Center, was constructed in conjunction with Youngstown State University in 2000 with a focus of uniting technology and art. Two years later, the 3,400-square-foot Andrews Pavilion, featuring a sculpture atrium, gift shop, and café, was added to the rear of the facility. In 2006, the Butler purchased the neighboring First Christian Church facility and converted it into an education and performing arts center. In October 2007, the museum had its first auction in fifteen years. Pieces of art were donated from around the country and up to 125 art enthusiasts and museum supporters gathered to view and buy the pieces of art. All of the money raised from the auction went to the hiring of scholars to produce an updated catalog of all the pieces of art in the museum and its cost of publication.

Arkell Museum


The Arkell Museum is a museum in Canajoharie, New York that has an extensive collection of American paintings, primarily from 1860–1940, as well as historical exhibits about the history of the Mohawk River Valley and of the Beech-Nut babyfood company. The Canajoharie Library was founded in 1924, and a gallery was added in 1927. The museum was originally built to house copies of European masterpieces and original 19th-century American paintings collected by Bartlett Arkell, then the town's leading industrialist. Susan Finch has written of the museum, "The institution has evolved into more than just an art gallery with a library attached, but an art gallery with a small town attached. The roster of American painters exhibited here is astounding and completely out of scale with what you would expect from a Thruway exit between Albany and Utica."Arkell acquired and donated some of the finest American paintings he came across. He incorporated several elements from different art museums that he visited in Europe and the United States into this museum. These were the European paintings Galleries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Prince George Gallery at the Walker Art Museum in Liverpool, England and the gallery that housed The Night Watch at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Many of the paintings on display reflect Arkell's personal taste. Growing up in Canajoharie, landscapes of rural New York State and the Mohawk River are what Arkell found intriguing as well as familiar as they can be seen hanging on the museum walls The permanent collection includes twenty-one paintings by Winslow Homer, works by all members of The Eight, and paintings by leading American Impressionists such as Childe Hassam. George Inness and Ralph Blakelock are also well represented by several works in this impressive collection. American paintings from the 20th century include realist and regionalist works by Paul Sample, Ogden Pleissner and Thomas Hart Benton. This decorative arts collection derived from Arkell's desire to acquire objects of good taste such as furniture, sculpture, glass and pottery to place in the museum and library.

Dixon Gallery and Gardens


The Dixon Gallery and Gardens is an art museum within 17 acres of gardens, established in 1976, and located at 4339 Park Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, United States. The museum focuses on French and American impressionism and features works by Monet, Degas, and Renoir, Pierre Bonnard, Mary Cassatt, Marc Chagall, Honoré Daumier, Henri Fantin-Latour, Paul Gauguin, Henri Matisse, Berthe Morisot, Edvard Munch, Auguste Rodin, and Alfred Sisley, as well as an extensive collection of works by French Impressionist artist Jean-Louis Forain. The museum also houses the Stout Collection of 18th-century German porcelain. With nearly 600 pieces of tableware and figures, it is one of the finest such collections in the United States. The Dixon also features a comprehensive schedule of original and traveling exhibitions of fine art and horticulture. The museum sits within four principal outdoor sculpture gardens with Greco-Roman sculpture. Its site was acquired by the Dixons in 1939, and landscaped in the English Garden style with open vistas adjacent to smaller, intimate formal spaces. The major areas within the gardens are the Cutting Garden, Formal Garden, South Lawn, and Woodland Gardens.

Grand Rapids Art Museum

Grand Rapids (Michigan)

The Grand Rapids Art Museum is an art museum located in Grand Rapids, Michigan with collections ranging from Renaissance to Modern Art and special collections on 19th and 20th-century European and American art. Its holdings include notable modern art works such as Richard Diebenkorn’s 1963 Ingleside. The museum has in its collection 5,000 works of art, including over 3,500 prints, drawings and photographs.

Joslyn Art Museum


The Joslyn Art Museum is the principal fine arts museum in the state of Nebraska, United States of America. Located in Omaha, it was opened in 1931 at the initiative of Sarah H. Joslyn in memory of her husband, businessman George A. Joslyn. It is the only museum in the state with a comprehensive permanent collection, and although it includes works from Paolo Veronese, El Greco, Titian, among others, its greatest strengths are the outstanding art collections of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries of American and European artists such as Pierre-Auguste Renoir and William-Adolphe Bouguereau.

National Museum of Women in the Arts


The National Museum of Women in the Arts , located in Washington, D.C., is "the only major museum in the world solely dedicated" to celebrating women's achievements in the visual, performing, and literary arts. NMWA was incorporated in 1981 by Wallace and Wilhelmina Holladay. Since opening its doors in 1987, the museum has acquired a collection of more than 4,500 paintings, sculptures, works on paper, and decorative art. Highlights of the collection include works by Mary Cassatt, Frida Kahlo, and Élisabeth Louise Vigée-Le Brun. The museum occupies the old Masonic Temple, a building listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.