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Fort Worth / Stati Uniti d'America

Fort Worth è un comune degli Stati Uniti d'America che si trova tra le contee di Denton, Parker, Tarrant , e Wise, nello Stato del Texas. La popolazione era di 874.168 persone secondo i dati del 2017, il che la rende la quinta città più popolosa dello stato e la tredicesima città più popolosa della nazione. Si tratta della seconda città più grande della Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

Amon Carter Museum of American Art

Fort Worth / Stati Uniti d'America

The Amon Carter Museum of American Art is located in Fort Worth, Texas, in the city's cultural district. The museum's permanent collection features paintings, photography, sculpture, and works on paper by leading artists working in the United States and its North American territories in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The greatest concentration of works falls into the period from the 1820s through the 1940s. Photographs, prints, and other works on paper produced up to the present day are also an area of strength in the museum's holdings. The collection is particularly focused on portrayals of the Old West by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell, artworks depicting nineteenth-century exploration and settlement of the North American continent, and masterworks that are emblematic of major turning points in American art history. The "full spectrum" of American photography is documented by 45,000 exhibition-quality prints, dating from the earliest years of the medium to the present. A rotating selection of works from the permanent collection is on view year-round during regular museum hours, and several thousand of these works can be studied online using the Collection tab on the ACMAA's official website. Museum admission for all exhibits, including special exhibits, is free. The Amon Carter Museum of American Art opened in 1961 as the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art. The museum's original collection of more than 300 works of art by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell was assembled by Fort Worth newspaper publisher and philanthropist Amon G. Carter, Sr. . Carter spent the last ten years of his life laying the legal, financial, and philosophical groundwork for the museum's creation.

Kimbell Art Museum

Fort Worth / Stati Uniti d'America

Il Kimbell Art Museum di Fort Worth , nell'area metropolitana di Dallas, è la sede di uno dei più importanti musei d'arte americani. La sede si trova in un complesso architettonico di grande effetto progettato nel 1971 da Louis Kahn, con una serie di grandi gallerie coperte da volte cicloidi, dove cade una copiosa luce naturale. Tra le collezioni spiccano quelle di ceramiche e gioielli maya, bronzi orientali, ma soprattutto la collezione di pittura, che vanta numerosi maestri europei, tra i quali Duccio di Buoninsegna, Caravaggio, Carracci, Rembrandt, Rubens, Tintoretto, El Greco, Tiepolo, François Boucher, Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Thomas Gainsborough, Monet, Cézanne, Mondrian, Picasso, ecc.

Sid Richardson Museum

Fort Worth / Stati Uniti d'America

The Sid Richardson Museum is located in historic Sundance Square in Fort Worth, Texas, and features permanent and special exhibitions of paintings by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell, as well as some additional late 19th-century works about the American West. The works, reflecting both the art and reality of the American West, are the legacy of the late oilman and philanthropist, Sid Williams Richardson, and were acquired by him from 1942 until his death in 1959. The collection also includes works by Oscar E. Berninghaus, Charles F. Browne, Edwin W. Deming, William Gilbert Gaul, Peter Hurd, Frank Tenney Johnson, William R. Leigh, Peter Moran and Charles Schreyvogel.Opened in 1982, the museum is housed in a replica of an 1895 building in an area of restored turn of-the-century buildings in downtown Fort Worth. The site was chosen by the Sid Richardson Foundation trustees both for its convenience to downtown visitors and workers and for the historic atmosphere of the area. The Museum offers tours and a variety of educational programs and events for adults, children and families including lectures, movies, hands on studio activities, and camps. Tours are available to visitors, school and community groups. Admission is free. In 2006 the Sid Richardson Museum reopened in its new building which features expanded exhibition, educational and retail space and facilities.