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Peoria (Illinois) / Stati Uniti d'America

Peoria è una city degli Stati Uniti d'America, capoluogo dell'omonima contea nello Stato dell'Illinois. Peoria fu resa famosa dal celebre discorso di Abraham Lincoln il 16 ottobre 1854. Il suo intervento, in risposta al comizio del rivale politico democratico Stephen A. Douglas, partiva da una critica serrata alla legge schiavista Kansas-Nebraska e fu il primo vero ed accorato intervento a difesa dei diritti degli afroamericani.

Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences

Peoria (Illinois) / Stati Uniti d'America

The Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences was a public museum of science and culture located in Peoria, Illinois. It opened in 1965, and contained a planetarium that opened in 1963. The 36-foot planetarium was set as the sun in the largest to scale mock solar system as recognized the Guinness Book of Records in 1992. It was closed in September 2012, shortly before the Peoria Riverfront Museum, of which Lakeview Museum's organizations were participants, opened in downtown Peoria.