

オーストリア共和国 Republik Österreich 国の標語:不明 国歌:Land der Berge, Land am Strome(ドイツ語)山岳の国、大河の国 オーストリア共和国(オーストリアきょうわこく、ドイツ語: Republik Österreich、バイエルン語: Republik Östareich)、通称オーストリアは、ヨーロッパに位置する連邦共和制国家。首都はウィーン。 ドイツの南方、中部ヨーロッパの内陸に位置し、西側はリヒテンシュタイン、スイスと、南はイタリアとスロベニア、東はハンガリーとスロバキア、北はドイツとチェコと隣接する。基本的には中欧とされるが、歴史的には西欧や東欧に分類されたこともある。

Universalmuseum Joanneum


The Universalmuseum Joanneum is a multidisciplinary museum with buildings in several locations in the province of Styria, Austria. It has galleries and collections in many subject areas including archaeology, geology, paleontology, mineralogy, botany, zoology, history, art and folk culture. It is the oldest museum in Austria as well as the largest universal museum in central Europe with over 4.5 million objects in 13 departments and 12 locations in the Styrian cities of Graz, Stainz, Trautenfels, and Wagna . To reflect this status and its growth over the last two centuries, as well as to present a more recognizable image internationally, the Landesmuseum Joanneum was officially renamed to Universalmuseum Joanneum on 10 September 2009.



アーダルベルト・シュティフター(Adalbert Stifter, 1805年10月23日 - 1868年1月28日)は、オーストリアの小説家、風景画家。三月革命、普墺戦争など政治的な激動の時代にあって、豊かな自然描写とともに調和的な人間像を追求する穏やかな作品を執筆した。主要な著作に『習作集』『石さまざま』『晩夏』『ヴィティコー』などがある。



メルク修道院は、オーストリアにあるベネディクト会派の修道院であり、世界的に有名な修道場である。 メルク修道院は、ニーダーエスターライヒ州メルクの街の上部、ドナウ川を見下ろす岩肌に建ち、ヴァッハウ渓谷に隣接している。

List of museums in Carinthia (state)


This list of museums in the state of Carinthia, Austria contains museums which are defined for this context as institutions that collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public viewing. Also included are non-profit art galleries and university art galleries.

Gurk Cathedral

Gurk, Carinthia

Gurk Cathedral is a Romanesque pillar basilica in Gurk, in the Austrian state of Carinthia. The former cathedral and current co-cathedral of the Catholic Diocese of Gurk was built from 1140 to 1200, it is one of the most important Romanesque buildings in Austria.With its consecration in 1174, the grave of Saint Hemma of Gurk was relocated there from former Gurk Abbey, a Benedictine nunnery she had founded in 1043 and which was dissolved by Archbishop Gebhard of Salzburg in 1070/72, in order to fund the newly established Gurk diocese and the construction of the cathedral. The cathedral chapter established in 1123 moved to Klagenfurt in 1787.

Holy Trinity Church, Salzburg


The Holy Trinity Church is a Roman Catholic church in Salzburg, Austria. It was designed by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach.

Court Church


The Hofkirche is a Gothic church located in the Altstadt section of Innsbruck, Austria. The church was built in 1553 by Emperor Ferdinand I as a memorial to his grandfather Emperor Maximilian I , whose cenotaph within boasts a remarkable collection of German Renaissance sculpture. The church also contains the tomb of Andreas Hofer, Tyrol's national hero.Although Maximilian's will had directed that he be buried in the castle chapel in Wiener Neustadt, it proved impractical to construct there the large memorial whose plans he had supervised in detail, and Ferdinand I as executor planned construction of a new church and monastery in Innsbruck for a suitable memorial. In the end, however, Maximilian's simple tomb remained in Wiener Neustadt and the Hofkirche serves as a cenotaph.


