

ベルギー王国 Koninkrijk België(オランダ語)Royaume de Belgique(フランス語)Königreich Belgien(ドイツ語) 国の標語:L'union fait la force(フランス語)Eendracht maakt macht(オランダ語)Einigkeit macht stark(ドイツ語)(日本語訳: 団結は力なり) 国歌:La Brabançonne(フランス語)De Brabançonne(オランダ語)Das Lied von Brabant(ドイツ語)ブラバントの歌 ベルギー王国(ベルギーおうこく、蘭: Koninkrijk België、仏: Royaume de Belgique、独: Königreich Belgien)、通称ベルギーは、西ヨーロッパに位置する連邦立憲君主制国家。隣国のオランダ、ルクセンブルクと合わせてベネルクスと呼ばれる。 首都ブリュッセル(ブリュッセル首都圏地域)は欧州連合(EU)の主要機関の多くが置かれているため「EUの首都」とも言われており、その通信・金融網はヨーロッパを越えて地球規模である。憲法上の首都は、19の基礎自治体からなるブリュッセル首都圏の自治体のひとつ、ブリュッセル市である。 19世紀にネーデルラント連合王国から独立した国家で、オランダ語の一種であるフラマン語が公用語の北部フランデレン地域と、フランス語が公用語の南部ワロン地域とにほぼ二分される(このほかにドイツ語が公用語のドイツ語共同体地域もある)。建国以来、単一国家であったが、オランダ語系住民とフランス語系住民の対立(言語戦争)が続いたため、1993年にフランデレン地域とワロン地域とブリュッセル首都圏の区分を主とする連邦制に移行した。ルワンダ虐殺の原因である差別感情を植え付け、ジェノサイドを引き起こした国でもある。

St. Rumbold's Cathedral


St. Rumbold's Cathedral is the Belgian metropolitan archiepiscopal cathedral in Mechelen, dedicated to Saint Rumbold, Christian missionary and martyr who had founded an abbey nearby. His remains are rumoured to be buried inside the cathedral. State-of-the-art examination of the relics honoured as Saint Rumbold's and kept in a shrine in the retro-choir, showed a life span of about 40 years and a death date between 580 and 655, while tradition had claimed 775 AD.

Museum of Ixelles


Ixelles ) is one of the nineteen municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region of Belgium. Ixelles is located in the suburbs towards the south of Brussels' city centre and is geographically bisected by the City of Brussels. It is also bordered by the municipalities of Auderghem, Etterbeek, Forest, Uccle, Saint-Gilles and Watermael-Boitsfort. It is generally considered an affluent area of the city and is particularly noted for its communities of European and Congolese immigrants. In common with all of Brussels' municipalities, it is legally bilingual .

聖母教会 (ブルッヘ)



St. James' Church, Antwerp


St. James' Church is a former Collegiate church in Antwerp, Belgium. The church is built on the site of a hostel for pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela. The present building is the work of the Waghemakere family and Rombout Keldermans, in Brabantine Gothic style. The church contains the grave of Peter Paul Rubens in the eastern chapel.

Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula


The Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula is a medieval Roman Catholic church in central Brussels, Belgium. It is consecrated to St. Michael and St. Gudula, the patron saints of the City of Brussels, and is considered to be one of the finest examples of Brabantine Gothic architecture. The church's construction began in the 11th century and was largely complete by the 16th, though its interior was frequently modified in the following centuries. The church was given cathedral status in 1962 and has since been the co-cathedral of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels, together with St. Rumbold's Cathedral in Mechelen. Since the mid-20th century, following the construction of the North–South connection, it has been located on the Parvis Sainte-Gudule/Sinter-Goedelevoorplein, east of Boulevard de l'Impératrice/Keizerinlaan. This site is served by Brussels Central Station.

Royal Library of Belgium


The Royal Library of Belgium is the national library of Belgium. The library has a history that goes back to the age of the Dukes of Burgundy. In the second half of the 20th century, a new building was constructed on the Mont des Arts in central Brussels, near the Central Station. The library owns several collections of historical importance, like the famous Fétis archives, and is the depository for all books ever published in Belgium or abroad by Belgian authors. There are four million bound volumes in the Royal Library, including a rare book collection numbering 45,000 works. The library has more than 700,000 engravings and drawings, 150,000 maps and plans, and more than 250,000 objects, from coins to scales to monetary weights. This coin collection holds one of the most valuable coins in the field of numismatics, a fifth-century Sicilian tetradrachm. The library also houses the Center for American Studies, a rich American Studies collection of 30,000 books in open stacks, as well as U.S. newspapers and databases.The Royal Library is open for reference only. Patrons must be at least eighteen years of age and must pay an annual membership fee.

ノートルダム大聖堂 (トゥルネー)



Musée Wiertz


No description found.

Collegiate Church of St. Bartholomew


The Collegiate Church of St. Bartholomew is an historical building in Liège, Belgium. Founded outside the city walls, it was built in coal sandstone, starting in the late 11th century and lasting until the late 12th century . It underwent, like most ancient religious buildings, modifications through the centuries. Nevertheless, the Meuse Romanesque—Ottonian architecture character of its architecture remained deeply rooted. The 18th century saw the addition of two more aisles, the opening of a neoclassical portal in the walls of the westwork, and the French Baroque redecoration of the interior. The interior of the western section has recently been restored back to the original style. The Collegiate Church of St. Bartholomew was one of the original seven collegiate churches of Liège, which also included the Churches of St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John, St. Denis, St. Martin, and the Holy Cross, and until the Liège Revolution of 1789 collectively comprised the "secondary clergy" in the First Estate of the Prince-bishopric of Liège. In 2006, the church emerged from heavy restoration work lasting seven years and involving 10,000 replaced stones and the restoration of the polychromy of the walls).