

ブラジル連邦共和国 República Federativa do Brasil 国の標語:Ordem e Progresso(ポルトガル語:秩序と進歩) 国歌:Hino Nacional Brasileiro(ポルトガル語)ブラジルの国歌 ブラジル連邦共和国(ブラジルれんぽうきょうわこく、ポルトガル語: República Federativa do Brasil)、通称ブラジルは、南アメリカに位置する連邦共和制国家。首都はブラジリア。 南米大陸で最大の面積を占め、ウルグアイ、アルゼンチン、パラグアイ、ボリビア、ペルー、コロンビア、ベネズエラ、ガイアナ、スリナム、フランス領ギアナ(つまりチリとエクアドル以外のすべての南米諸国)と国境を接している。また、大西洋上のフェルナンド・デ・ノローニャ諸島、トリンダージ島・マルティン・ヴァス島、サンペドロ・サンパウロ群島もブラジル領に属する。その国土面積は日本の22.5倍で、アメリカ合衆国よりは約110万km2小さいが、ロシアを除いたヨーロッパ全土より大きく、インド・パキスタン・バングラデシュの三国を合わせた面積の約2倍に相当する。 南アメリカ大陸最大の面積を擁する国家であると同時にラテンアメリカ最大の領土・人口を擁する国家で、面積は世界第5位である。南北アメリカ大陸で唯一のポルトガル語圏の国であり、同時に世界最大のポルトガル語使用人口を擁する国でもある。公用語はポルトガル語ではあるがスペイン語も比較的通じる。ラテンアメリカ最大の経済規模であり、同時に世界で7番目の経済規模でもある。 ブラジルは北部は赤道直下で、全体的に海流等の影響もあり気候は大変温暖であり、中南米最多の人口と経済規模である。

Banco Itaú

Lista de mesorregiões e microrregiões de Mato Grosso

Banco Itaú S.A. was a former Brazilian bank that merged with Unibanco on November 4, 2008, to form Banco Itaú Unibanco.


Conselheiro Lafaiete

コンゴーニャスないしコンゴーニャス・ド・カンポ(Congonhas do Campo)は、ブラジルのミナス・ジェライス州にある歴史的な町である。ミナス・ジェライス州の州都ベロ・オリゾンテ(Belo Horizonte)からは南に90 km のところにある。人口は約5万人である。



サンパウロ証券・商品・先物取引所(BM&F Bovespa)は、ブラジルのサンパウロ市にある、同国最大の証券取引所である。ブラジルはもとより、ラテンアメリカ最大の取引量を誇る。南北アメリカ大陸においての取引量もニューヨークのニューヨーク証券取引所・NASDAQ、トロントのトロント証券取引所に次ぐ第4位の地位を占める。世界での時価総額規模は、13位前後。 2008年5月8日、サンパウロ証券取引所とブラジル商品・先物取引所(BM&F)が合併したことによりサンパウロ証券・商品・先物取引所となった 。リオデジャネイロ市にあるリオデジャネイロ証券取引所(en、BVRJ)を含むすべてのブラジル国内の証券取引所と連結している。 Bovespaにおけるベンチマークは、50銘柄から構成されるIBOVESPAであり、2008年4月30日時点で450銘柄が取引をされている。 過去最高値は、2008年5月20日につけた73,516ポイント。その際の取引量は、米ドルで42億ドル、ブラジル・レアルでは、74億レアルであった 。

Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art

Região Geográfica Imediata de Porto Alegre

The Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art is an art museum in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. It is located in the centre of Porto Alegre. Its eclectic building, national heritage, is one of the most noteworthy historic buildings in Porto Alegre. Its design is usually attributed to Theodor Wiederspahn, a German-Brazilian architect, although important local historian and artist Fernando Corona ascribes it to Germano Gundlach.

Palácio dos Bandeirantes


Palácio dos Bandeirantes is a palace in São Paulo, Brazil. It is the seat of the São Paulo state government and the governor's official residence. The palace, located at the Morumbi district, also houses some secretaries and a wide historical and artistic exhibition open to the public.

Rio de Janeiro Cathedral

Região Geográfica Imediata do Rio de Janeiro

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Sebastian better known as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro or as the Cathedral of St. Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro , is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. The cathedral is the See of the Metropolitan Archbishops of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The church is dedicated to Saint Sebastian, the patron saint of Rio de Janeiro.

São Vicente, São Paulo

Região Geográfica Imediata de Santos

São Paulo Portuguese for Saint Paul) is a municipality in the Southeast Region of Brazil. The metropolis is an alpha global city and the most populous city in Brazil, the Americas, the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. Additionally, São Paulo is the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world. The municipality is also the world's 4th largest city proper by population. The city is the capital of the surrounding state of São Paulo, the most populous and wealthiest state in Brazil. It exerts strong international influences in commerce, finance, arts and entertainment. The name of the city honors the Apostle, Saint Paul of Tarsus. The city's metropolitan area, the Greater São Paulo, ranks as the most populous in Brazil and the 12th most populous on Earth. The process of conurbation between the metropolitan areas located around the Greater São Paulo created the São Paulo Macrometropolis, a megalopolis with more than 30 million inhabitants, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.Having the largest economy by GDP in Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere, the city is home to the São Paulo Stock Exchange. Paulista Avenue is the economic core of São Paulo. The city has the 11th largest GDP in the world, representing alone 10.7% of all Brazilian GDP and 36% of the production of goods and services in the state of São Paulo, being home to 63% of established multinationals in Brazil, and has been responsible for 28% of the national scientific production in 2005.The metropolis is also home to several of the tallest skyscrapers in Brazil, including the Mirante do Vale, Edifício Itália, Banespa, North Tower and many others. The city has cultural, economic and political influence both nationally and internationally. It is home to monuments, parks and museums such as the Latin American Memorial, the Ibirapuera Park, Museum of Ipiranga, São Paulo Museum of Art, and the Museum of the Portuguese Language. The city holds events like the São Paulo Jazz Festival, São Paulo Art Biennial, the Brazilian Grand Prix, São Paulo Fashion Week, the ATP Brasil Open, the Brasil Game Show and the Comic Con Experience. The São Paulo Gay Pride Parade rivals the New York City Pride March as the largest gay pride parade in the world.São Paulo is a cosmopolitan, melting pot city, home to the largest Arab, Italian, Japanese, and Portuguese diasporas, with examples including ethnic neighborhoods of Mercado, Bixiga, and Liberdade respectively. São Paulo is also home to the largest Jewish population in Brazil, with about 75,000 Jews. In 2016, inhabitants of the city were native to over 200 different countries. People from the city are known as paulistanos, while paulistas designates anyone from the state, including the paulistanos. The city's Latin motto, which it has shared with the battleship and the aircraft carrier named after it, is Non ducor, duco, which translates as "I am not led, I lead." The city, which is also colloquially known as Sampa or Terra da Garoa , is known for its unreliable weather, the size of its helicopter fleet, its architecture, gastronomy, severe traffic congestion and skyscrapers. São Paulo was one of the host cities of the 1950 and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Additionally, the city hosted the IV Pan American Games and the São Paulo Indy 300.