

ブラジル連邦共和国 República Federativa do Brasil 国の標語:Ordem e Progresso(ポルトガル語:秩序と進歩) 国歌:Hino Nacional Brasileiro(ポルトガル語)ブラジルの国歌 ブラジル連邦共和国(ブラジルれんぽうきょうわこく、ポルトガル語: República Federativa do Brasil)、通称ブラジルは、南アメリカに位置する連邦共和制国家。首都はブラジリア。 南米大陸で最大の面積を占め、ウルグアイ、アルゼンチン、パラグアイ、ボリビア、ペルー、コロンビア、ベネズエラ、ガイアナ、スリナム、フランス領ギアナ(つまりチリとエクアドル以外のすべての南米諸国)と国境を接している。また、大西洋上のフェルナンド・デ・ノローニャ諸島、トリンダージ島・マルティン・ヴァス島、サンペドロ・サンパウロ群島もブラジル領に属する。その国土面積は日本の22.5倍で、アメリカ合衆国よりは約110万km2小さいが、ロシアを除いたヨーロッパ全土より大きく、インド・パキスタン・バングラデシュの三国を合わせた面積の約2倍に相当する。 南アメリカ大陸最大の面積を擁する国家であると同時にラテンアメリカ最大の領土・人口を擁する国家で、面積は世界第5位である。南北アメリカ大陸で唯一のポルトガル語圏の国であり、同時に世界最大のポルトガル語使用人口を擁する国でもある。公用語はポルトガル語ではあるがスペイン語も比較的通じる。ラテンアメリカ最大の経済規模であり、同時に世界で7番目の経済規模でもある。 ブラジルは北部は赤道直下で、全体的に海流等の影響もあり気候は大変温暖であり、中南米最多の人口と経済規模である。



サンパウロ美術館 は、ブラジルのサンパウロにある、南半球屈指の美術館である。 サンパウロ美術館は、中世から現代に至る各時代の西洋美術の名品を数多く収蔵している。 アメリカ合衆国およびヨーロッパの美術館以外で、これほど質が高くまとまった西洋美術のコレクションを持つ美術館は他になく、そのために「奇跡の美術館」と称されている。 1947年に設立されたこの美術館は、正式名称をMuseu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand(サンパウロ・アシス・シャトーブリアン美術館)という。アシス・シャトーブリアン (1891-1968)はブラジルの新聞王と呼ばれた実業家で、彼の美術コレクションは第二次世界大戦前後のごく短い期間に集中的に形成された。ヨーロッパでは、戦前の不況や戦後の混乱の時代に美術品を手放すコレクターが多かったため、短期間に一流の作品を多く集めることができたといわれている。収蔵作品は、中世からルネサンス、バロック、ロココ、印象派、現代まで、地域的にはイタリア、フランス、オランダ、フランドル、スペイン、イギリスなど、各時代各地域の美術史が一通りたどれるような質・量のものが集められている。現在の建物は1969年に完成したもので、4本の柱によって支えられる高床式建築である。展示室は柱や仕切り壁のない広大な空間で、作品は壁に掛けるのではなく、強化ガラスに入れて展示されている。

Museu do Ipiranga


The Museu Paulista of the University of São Paulo is a Brazilian history museum located near where Emperor Pedro I proclaimed the Brazilian independence on the banks of Ipiranga brook in the Southeast region of the city of São Paulo, then the "Caminho do Mar," or road to the seashore. It contains a huge collection of furniture, documents and historically relevant artwork, especially relating to the Brazilian Empire era.The most famous work of art in the collection is the 1888 painting Independência ou Morte by Pedro Américo. A few months after the Brazilian Declaration of Independence, people started to suggest a monument on the site where the declaration took place, although they were not sure about what sort of memorial construction to build. In 1884, Italian architect Tommaso Gaudenzio Bezzi, who was hired to develop the project, chose to build an eclectic-styled construction similar to the French Palace of Versailles with impressive and perfectly manicured gardens and fountain. The museum closed in August 2013 for extensive restoration and modernisation; it is due to re-open in 2022.

Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo


The Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo a museum dedicated to the collection and display of sacred art of Brazil. It is located in the Luz neighborhood of São Paulo in the left wing of the Luz Monastery, a religious institution founded in 1774 by Frei Galvão. The monastery is the only colonial building of the eighteenth century in São Paulo to preserve its original building elements, materials and structure. The monastery was listed as an architectural monument of national importance in 1943 by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage and subsequently by the State of São Paulo Council for the Defense of the Historical, Archaeological, Artistic and Touristic Heritage .The museum was founded in 1970 and is maintained jointly by the State Government of São Paulo and the Archdiocese of São Paulo. The collection includes Brazilian and foreign works sacred works dating from the sixteenth century, and includes works by noted artists such as Aleijadinho, Agostinho da Piedade, Agostinho de Jesus, Valentim da Fonseca e Silva, Manoel da Costa Ataíde, José Ferraz de Almeida Júnior, and Benedito Calixto.

Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo


The Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo of the state of São Paulo") is one of the most important art museums in Brazil.

Museu Nacional de Belas Artes

Região Geográfica Imediata do Rio de Janeiro

The Museu Nacional de Belas Artes is a national art museum located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The museum, officially established in 1937 by the initiative of education minister Gustavo Capanema, was inaugurated in 1938 by President Getúlio Vargas. The museum collection, on the other hand, takes its rise in the transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil in the early 19th century, when King John VI brought along with him part of the Portuguese Royal Collection. This art collection stayed in Brazil after the King's return to Europe and became the core collection of the National School of Fine Arts. When the museum was created in 1937, it became the heir not only the National School collection, but also of its headquarters, a 1908 eclectic style building projected by Spanish architect Adolfo Morales de los Ríos.The Museu Nacional de Belas Artes is one of the most important cultural institutions of the country, as well as the most important museum of Brazilian art, particularly rich in 19th-century paintings and sculptures. The collection includes more than 20,000 pieces, among paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints, of Brazilian and international artists, ranging from High Middle Ages to contemporary art. It also includes smaller assemblages of decorative arts, folk and African art. The museum library has a collection of about 19,000 titles. The building was listed as Brazilian national heritage in 1973.

Ricardo Brennand Institute

Região Geográfica Intermediária do Recife

The Ricardo Brennand Institute is a cultural institution located in the city of Recife, Brazil. It is a not-for-profit private organization, inaugurated in 2002 by the Brazilian collector and businessman Ricardo Brennand. It comprises a museum, an art gallery, a library and a large park.The Institute holds a permanent collection of historic and artistic objects of diversified provenience, ranging from Early Middle Ages to 20th century, with strong emphasis in objects, documents and artwork related to Colonial and Dutch Brazil, including the world's largest assemblage of paintings by Frans Post.The Institute also houses one of the largest collections of armory in the world, with 3,000 pieces, the majority of which were produced in Europe and Asia between the 14th and 19th centuries. The library has over 62 thousand volumes, ranging from 16th to 20th century, including a collection of brasiliana and other rare items.


Região Geográfica Imediata de João Pessoa


Mariano Procópio Museum


The Mariano Procópio Museum is a museum of art, history and the natural sciences located in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Founded in 1915 by Alfredo Ferreira Lage, it was the first museum ever built in Minas Gerais, and the third museum ever built in Brazil. The museum contains approximately 45,000 specimens. The museum consists of two buildings: The Villa Ferreira Lage, constructed between 1856 and 1861, and an annex built in 1922 specifically for the museum. Much of the collection and a large section of the gardens are currently closed for restoration.Along with its art and armoury collections, the museum serves as an important collection of items of ecological interest, complete with large gardens and diverse examples of Brazilian flora.

Oscar Niemeyer Museum

Região Geográfica Intermediária de Curitiba

The Oscar Niemeyer Museum is located in the city of Curitiba, in the state of Paraná, in Brazil. It was inaugurated in 2002 with the name Novo Museu or New Museum. With the conclusion of remodeling and the construction of a new annex, it was reinaugurated on July 8, 2003, with the current denomination to honor its famous architect who completed this project at 95 years of age. It is also known as Museu do Olho or Niemeyer's Eye , due to the design of the building.The museum focuses on the visual arts, architecture and design. For its magnificence, beauty and for the importance of the collection, it represents a cultural institution of international significance. The complex of two buildings, installed in an area of 35 thousand square meters , it is a true example of architecture allied with art. The first building was designed by Oscar Niemeyer in 1967, faithful to the style of the time, and conceived as an educational institute, which was opened in 1978.The museum features many of Niemeyer's signature elements: bold geometric forms, sculptural curved volumes placed prominently to contrast with rectangular volumes, sinuous ramps for pedestrians, large areas of white painted concrete, and areas with vivid murals or paintings. Though rooted in modern architecture since his involvement in the international style, Niemeyer's designs have much in common with postmodern architecture as well and this is as contemporary a building as the artwork it displays.