

フランス共和国 République française 国の標語:Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité(フランス語: 自由、平等、友愛) 国歌:La Marseillaise(フランス語)ラ・マルセイエーズ この表のデータは本土のみで、海外県・属領を含まない。 フランス共和国(フランスきょうわこく、仏: République française)、通称フランス(仏: France)は、西ヨーロッパの領土ならびに複数の海外地域および領土からなる共和制国家。首都はパリ。 フランス・メトロポリテーヌ(本土)は地中海からイギリス海峡および北海へ、ライン川から大西洋へと広がる。

Musée Fesch


The musée Fesch is the central museum of fine arts in Ajaccio on Corsica. Located within the gated Palais Fesch, it is in the town's Borgu d'Ajaccio quarter. It was established by Napoleon I's uncle, cardinal Joseph Fesch , in Fesch's birthplace.

Chaalis Abbey


Chaalis Abbey was a French Cistercian abbey north of Paris, at Fontaine-Chaalis, near Ermenonville, now in Oise.

パンテオン (パリ)


パンテオン(仏: Panthéon)はフランスのパリの5区、聖ジュヌヴィエーヴの丘に位置し、幅110メートル、奥行き84メートルのギリシア十字の平面に大ドームとコリント式の円柱を持つ新古典主義建築の建築作品である。18世紀後半に、サント=ジュヌヴィエーヴ教会として建設され、後にフランスの偉人たちを祀る霊廟となった。パンテオンはギリシア語で、日本語では万神殿と訳される。

Sens Cathedral


Sens Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in Sens in Burgundy, eastern France. The cathedral, dedicated to Saint Stephen, is the seat of the Archbishop of Sens. Sens was the first Cathedral to be built in the Gothic architectural style . The choir was begun between 1135 and 1140. The sanctuary was consecrated in 1164, but work continued until 1176. It is a national monument of France. The structure was finally completed in the 16th century. The architecture of its choir influenced, through the architect William of Sens, that of the choir of Canterbury Cathedral.

Aix Cathedral


Aix Cathedral in Aix-en-Provence in southern France is a Roman Catholic church and the seat of the Archbishop of Aix-en-Provence and Arles. The cathedral is built on the site of the 1st-century Roman forum of Aix. Built and re-built from the 12th until the 19th century, it includes Romanesque, Gothic and Neo-Gothic elements, as well as Roman columns and parts of the baptistery from a 6th-century Christian church. It is a national monument of France.

Chapels of Versailles


The present chapel of the Palace of Versailles is the fifth in the history of the palace. These chapels evolved with the expansion of the château and formed the focal point of the daily life of the court during the Ancien Régime .