
イル=ド=フランス地域圏 / フランス

イル=ド=フランス地域圏(イル=ド=フランスちいきけん、仏: Île-de-France)は、フランスの首都パリを中心とした地域圏。海には面しておらずオー=ド=フランス地域圏、ブルゴーニュ=フランシュ=コンテ地域圏、サントル=ヴァル・ド・ロワール地域圏、ノルマンディー地域圏と接する。首府はパリ。パリ県、セーヌ=エ=マルヌ県、イヴリーヌ県、エソンヌ県、オー=ド=セーヌ県、セーヌ=サン=ドニ県、ヴァル=ド=マルヌ県、ヴァル=ドワーズ県で構成される。イル=ド=フランスはフランス語で「フランスの島」という意味を持つ。 フランス総人口約6600万人の約18%が集中している。 1961年にパリ地域圏として作られたものが1972年に「イル=ド=フランス」に改名された。しかしフランスの人々は2000年になっても未だに旧称で呼ぶことが多い。 経済的には世界で最も裕福な地域の一つであり、GDP は 2006年の統計で5千億ユーロ(7880億ドル相当)を超え、総人口では僅かにイル=ド=フランス地域圏より多いオランダ一国を上回っている。


イル=ド=フランス地域圏 / フランス

オテル・デ・ザンヴァリッド(仏: L'hôtel des Invalides)、通称アンヴァリッド(仏: Les Invalides)は、パリの歴史的建造物の一つ、旧・軍病院。廃兵院もしくは癈兵院とも書く。

Maison de Balzac

イル=ド=フランス地域圏 / フランス

The Maison de Balzac is a writer's house museum in the former residence of French novelist Honoré de Balzac . It is located in the 16th arrondissement at 47, rue Raynouard, Paris, France, and open daily except Mondays and holidays; admission to the house is free, but a fee is charged for its temporary exhibitions. The nearest métro and RER stations are Passy and Avenue du Président Kennedy. The modest house, with its courtyard and garden, is located within the residential district of Passy near the Bois de Boulogne. Having fled his creditors, Balzac rented its top floor from 1840-1847 under his housekeeper's name . It was acquired by the city of Paris in 1949, and is now one of the city's three literary museums, along with the Maison de Victor Hugo and the Musée de la Vie Romantique . It is the only one of Balzac's many residences still in existence. Balzac's five-room apartment was located on the top floor, at three levels, and as today opened into the garden. Here he edited La Comedie humaine and wrote some of his finest novels, including La Rabouilleuse, Une ténébreuse affaire, and La Cousine Bette. Although the writer's furniture was dispersed after his widow's death, the museum now contains Balzac's writing desk and chair, his turquoise-studded cane by Lecointe , and his tea kettle and a coffee pot given to him by Zulma Carraud in 1832. The museum also contains an 1842 daguerreotype of Balzac by Louis-Auguste Bisson, a drawing of Balzac by Paul Gavarni , a pastel portrait of Balzac's mother Laure Sallambier , an oil portrait of his father Bernard-François Balzac , and 19th-century prints by renowned artists including Paul Gavarni, Honoré Daumier, Grandville, and Henry Bonaventure Monnier. Since 1971 the house's ground floor has contained a library of the author's manuscripts, original and subsequent editions, illustrations, books annotated and signed by Balzac, books devoted to Balzac, and other books and magazines of the period. In 2012, Balzac's House was renovated in order to meet current standards and now has a more modern appearance. The house is also notable for underlying cavities which have been identified by pottery shards as former troglodyte dwellings dated to the time of the late Middle Ages. These excavations, however, are not open to the public. Balzac's House is one of the 14 City of Paris' Museums that have been incorporated since January 1, 2013 in the public institution Paris Musées.

Musée Bourdelle

イル=ド=フランス地域圏 / フランス

The Musée Bourdelle is an art museum located at 18, rue Antoine Bourdelle, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, France. It is open daily, except Mondays. The nearest Paris Métro stations are Falguière and Montparnasse – Bienvenüe. The museum preserves the studio of sculptor Antoine Bourdelle , and provides an example of Parisian ateliers from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was Bourdelle's active studio from 1885–1929. In 1922, Bourdelle began plans to turn his studio into a museum. In the early 1930s Gabriel Cognacq provided funds to purchase the studio and thus avoid dispersing the artist's remaining works. The museum was inaugurated in 1949, expanded in 1961 by architect Henri Gautruche, and again in 1992 by Christian de Portzamparc. A second Bourdelle garden-museum, in Égreville, was established by his heirs in the late 1960s. It hosts another 56 of his sculptures. Today the museum contains more than 500 works including marble, plaster, and bronze statues, paintings, pastels, fresco sketches, and Bourdelle's personal collection of works by artists including Eugène Carrière, Eugène Delacroix, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, and Auguste Rodin. It contains the original plaster casts of some of his finest works including 21 studies of Ludwig van Beethoven, as well as document archives and his copies of Greek and medieval works. Since June 2012, the museum's visitors follow a different path through the permanent collections: educational, chronological and attuned to the work, highlighting Bourdelle’s artistic evolution. Bourdelle Museum is one of the 14 City of Paris' Museums that have been incorporated since 1 January 2013 in the public institution Paris Musées.

Museum of the History of Medicine, Paris

イル=ド=フランス地域圏 / フランス

The Museum of the History of Medicine is a medical museum in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, France. It is located at 12 rue de l'École de Médecine, on the second floor of the historic École de Chirurgie . Since 1971 the headquarters of Paris Descartes University have been located in the former premises of the Medical School founded in 1803 and situated in the buildings of the Academy of Surgery. The Museum of the History of Medicine is housed on the second floor of the building, in a room built in 1905. Its collections, the oldest in Europe, were put together by the dean Lafaye in the 18th century, then a considerable collection of pieces covering the different branches of operating art until the end of the 19th century was added. One can also discover several rare medical and surgical bags as well as physiology tools.


イル=ド=フランス地域圏 / フランス

人類博物館(じんるいはくぶつかん、仏: Musée de l'Homme)はフランスの博物館であり、民族学者ポール・リヴェが1937年のパリ万国博覧会の際に設立した。1882年に設立されたトロカデロ民族誌博物館の後身であり、1878年のパリ万国博覧会でパリ16区に建設されたシャイヨ宮のパッシー側のほとんどの部分を占めている。 同博物館は、16世紀に珍品陳列室と王室キャビネットでつくられた歴史的蒐集物を引き継いでいる。これらの展示は19世紀を通じて充実し、さらに今日もなおつづいている。その目的はすべてのものを一か所にあつめることであり、人類なるものを定義することをねらいとしている。それは、進化におけるヒト(先史時代)、統一性と多様性におけるヒト(人類学)、文化的社会的表現におけるヒト(民俗誌)である。 同博物館は、さまざまな省庁当局の管轄下にある研究センターであり、フランス国立科学研究センター(CNRS)からのいくつかの統一グループである。この展示のうちのある部分は、ケ・ブランリ美術館に移される予定である。 1974年までは、同博物館は、サラ・バートマンの遺体をディスプレイしていた。

Musée national de la Marine

イル=ド=フランス地域圏 / フランス

The Musée national de la Marine is a maritime museum located in the Palais de Chaillot, Trocadéro, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. It has annexes at Brest, Port-Louis, Rochefort , Toulon and Saint-Tropez. The permanent collection originates in a collection that dates back to Louis XV of France.

Musée Nissim de Camondo

イル=ド=フランス地域圏 / フランス

The Musée Nissim de Camondo is an elegant house museum of French decorative arts located in the Hôtel Camondo, 63, rue de Monceau, at the edge of the Parc Monceau, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, France. The nearest Paris Métro stops are Villiers or Monceau on Line 2.