
ハノーファー / ドイツ

ハノーファー(独: Hannover /haˈnoːfɐ/ 発音を聴く)は、ライネ川沿いにある北ドイツの主要都市のひとつ。ニーダーザクセン州の州都である。 人口515,948人(2004年)。地域の行政の中心地としても政治的力点の置かれた町である。日本語では、ドイツ語における一般的な発音に近いハノーファーまたはハノーファのほか、ハノーヴァー、ハノーバーと表記されることもある。

Landesmuseum Hannover

ハノーファー / ドイツ

The Landesmuseum Hannover, or Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover is the museum of Lower Saxony in Hanover, Germany. It is located opposite the New City Hall. The museum comprises the State Gallery , featuring paintings and sculptures from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, plus departments of archaeology, natural history and ethnology. The museum includes a vivarium with fish, amphibians, reptiles and arthropods.

Sprengel Museum

ハノーファー / ドイツ

Sprengel Museum is a museum of modern art in Hanover, Lower Saxony, holding one of the most significant collections of modern art in Germany. It is located in a building designed by Peter and Ursula Trint and Dieter Quast , adjacent to the Maschsee. The museum opened in 1979, and the building was extended in 1992. Bernhard Sprengel donated his extensive collection of modern art to the city of Hanover in 1969, as well as financially supporting the construction of the museum. The city of Hanover and the state of Lower Saxony agreed to jointly operate the museum. In addition to the works donated by Sprengel, the museum also houses 20th century artworks owned by Lower Saxony and Hanover.