

ハンガリー Magyarország 国の標語:なし 国歌:Himnusz(ハンガリー語)賛称 ハンガリー(ハンガリー語: Magyarország)は、中央ヨーロッパの共和制国家。西にオーストリア、スロベニア、北にスロバキア、東にウクライナ、ルーマニア、南にセルビア、南西にクロアチアに囲まれた内陸国。首都はブダペストである。 国土の大部分はなだらかな丘陵で、ドナウ川などに潤される東部・南部の平野部には肥沃な農地が広がる。首都のブダペストにはロンドン、イスタンブールに次いで世界で3番目に地下鉄が開通した。


Kaposvár District

リップル・ローナイ・ヨージェフ(József Rippl-Rónai、1861年5月23日- 1927年11月25日)は、ハンガリーの画家。ナビ派に属し、同国における代表的なモダン芸術家の一人である。

Roman Catholic Diocese of Szombathely

Szombathely District

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Szombathely is a Latin rite suffragan diocese in the Ecclesiastical province of the Metropolitan Veszprém in Hungary. Its cathedral episcopal see is Sarlósboldogasszony székesegyházi, dedicated to the Visitation of Our Lady, in the city of Szombathely.

Szombathely Cathedral

Szombathely District

The Our Lady of the Visitation Cathedral also called Szombathely Cathedral or Cathedral of the Visitation of Our Lady is the name given to a religious building affiliated with the Catholic Church in the city of Szombathely in Hungary, it is the principal church of the Diocese of Szombathely. With the establishment of a diocese in 1777 the construction of a cathedral became necessary. A Baroque building in classical style began in 1791 and was completed in 1797. However, the interior work continued until 1814. The Cathedral of the Visitation is located in the ancient forum of the Roman city of Savaria. Melchior Hefele architect was responsible for the plans.

Zirc Abbey

Zirc District

Zirc Abbey, formerly also Zircz Abbey, also known as Zircensis or Boccon, is a Cistercian abbey, situated in Zirc in the Diocese of Veszprém, Hungary.

Szentgotthárd Abbey

Szentgotthárd District

Szentgotthárd Abbey is a former Cistercian monastery in Szentgotthárd in Vas County in southwest Hungary, about 3 km from the Austrian border and 18 km from the Slovenian border.


Sopron District

ショプロン(ハンガリー語: Sopron, ドイツ語: Ödenburg, ラテン語: Scarbantia)は、ハンガリーのジェール・モション・ショプロン県にある町。ハンガリーの北西端に位置し、オーストリア領ブルゲンラント州に接している。ドイツ語名はエーデンブルク。ハンガリー王国時代はショプロン県の県都。町の東に中欧で2番目に大きいステップ湖であるノイジードル湖が位置する。

Móra Ferenc Múzeum

Szeged District

The Móra Ferenc Museum is a museum in Szeged, Hungary. The museum stands at the intersection of the bank of the river Tisza and the city's Downtown Bridge. In addition to its seasonal exhibitions, archaeological, ethnographic, historical, and scientific research is conducted at the museum. The museum was founded in 1883, and the neoclassical building was opened in 1896. The institute was renamed in the honor of its former Director, Móra Ferenc in 1950.The work of renowned artists Victor Vasarely and Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka have been displayed in the Móra Ferenc Museum, and in 2012, an exhibition featuring the works of Mihály Munkácsy became the museum's then most successful seasonal exhibition. This record was exceeded in 2014 by an exhibition titled “Pharaohs’ Egypt” which attracted more than 114,000 visitors by year’s end.



Veresegyház is a town in Pest county, Hungary.