

ハンガリー Magyarország 国の標語:なし 国歌:Himnusz(ハンガリー語)賛称 ハンガリー(ハンガリー語: Magyarország)は、中央ヨーロッパの共和制国家。西にオーストリア、スロベニア、北にスロバキア、東にウクライナ、ルーマニア、南にセルビア、南西にクロアチアに囲まれた内陸国。首都はブダペストである。 国土の大部分はなだらかな丘陵で、ドナウ川などに潤される東部・南部の平野部には肥沃な農地が広がる。首都のブダペストにはロンドン、イスタンブールに次いで世界で3番目に地下鉄が開通した。

Christian Museum (Hungary)

Esztergom District

The Christian Museum is the largest ecclesiastical collection in Hungary; it conserves European and Hungarian works of art from the period between the 13th and 19th centuries. The permanent exhibition of the Christian Museum is situated on the second floor of the Primate's Palace in Esztergom-Víziváros, on the bank of the Danube river. The extensive collections of Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, German and Austrian paintings make this museum the third most important picture gallery in Hungary. Many works of art come from the territory of present-day Slovakia in which area part of the archdiocese of Esztergom lay at the time of the formation of the collection . Besides late medieval and Renaissance works of art — including the Calvary Altarpiece by Thomas of Coloswar, the Lord's Coffin from Garamszentbenedek, and the Passion scenes by Master MS — the baroque and modern collections, the collection of the decorative arts, and the collection of prints and drawings are significant.



ハンガリー国立博物館(ハンガリーこくりつはくぶつかん、洪: Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum)とは、ハンガリーの国立博物館である。建物はブダペスト8区に所在し、現在の建物は1837年から1847年にかけて建築家のポラック・ミハーリによって作られた。



ヘルマン・オットー博物館(ヘルマン・オットーはくぶつかん、ハンガリー語: Herman Ottó Múzeum)は、ハンガリーの都市ミシュコルツにある博物館。考古学者ヘルマン・オットーの名にちなんでいる。

Castle of Sümeg

Sümeg District

Castle of Sümeg is a castle by the town of Sümeg, Veszprém county, Hungary.Built in the mid or late 13th century by Béla IV of Hungary, Sümeg Castle is situated atop a mountain called "Castle Hill", 20 miles north of Lake Balaton. During its existence, it has been expanded several times. In the 15th century, it was fortified, and the second of two towers was built. It has been under siege several times, and has experienced two fires. Today, it is the main tourist attraction for visitors to Sümeg.


Eger District


Eger Castle

Eger District

The Eger Castle is a castle in Eger, Hungary. Historically, it is known for repelling the Turkish attack in 1552 during the Siege of Eger.

Vác Cathedral

Vác District

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and St Michael the Archangel , commonly known as Vác Cathedral, is a religious building in the Catholic Church that serves as the cathedral of the Diocese of Vác, is located in the city of Vác in Hungary.The diocese was founded in 1004 under Stephen I. The present church is the fifth structure on this site. The first cathedral was built in 1074, the same site of the present, but was destroyed in the fourteenth century, during the invasions of the Mongols. During the Ottoman occupation of Hungary the last remnants of the wall collapsed. Some of the residues are still visible today. Only after the departure of the Turks was possible to build a new church. Construction work began in 1761. Already in 1772 the cathedral was consecrated. The work continued until its completion in 1777. In 1944 during World War II a Soviet bomb hit the dome without actually detonating so a cool church parishioners remember what considered a "miracle".