

イタリア共和国 Repubblica Italiana 国の標語:なし 国歌:Il Canto degli Italiani(イタリア語)イタリア人達の唱歌 イタリア共和国(イタリアきょうわこく, IPA: [iˈtaːlja] , イタリア語: Repubblica Italiana)、通称イタリアは、南ヨーロッパに位置する共和制国家。首都はローマ。 総面積は30万1,338km2で、イタリアではロ・スティヴァレ(lo Stivale)と称されるブーツ状の国土をしており、国土の大部分は温帯に属する。地中海性気候が農業と歴史に大きな影響を与えている。

サンタ・マリア・デッレ・グラツィエ教会 (ミラノ)


サンタ・マリア・デッレ・グラツィエ教会(イタリア語: Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie)は、イタリア・ミラノにあるカトリック教会の聖堂である。レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの最後の晩餐は、敷地内の修道院にある食堂の壁画であり、ユネスコの世界遺産(レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの『最後の晩餐』があるサンタ・マリア・デッレ・グラツィエ教会とドメニコ会修道院)に登録されている。

Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence


Santa Maria del Carmine is a church of the Carmelite Order, in the Oltrarno district of Florence, in Tuscany, Italy. It is famous as the location of the Brancacci Chapel housing outstanding Renaissance frescoes by Masaccio and Masolino da Panicale, later finished by Filippino Lippi.

Ognissanti, Florence


The chiesa di San Salvatore di Ognissanti or more simply chiesa di Ognissanti , is a Franciscan church located on the piazza of the same name in central Florence, region of Tuscany, Italy. Founded by the lay order of the Umiliati, the church was dedicated to all the saints and martyrs, known and unknown.

Sant'Ignazio, Rome


The Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola at Campus Martius is a Roman Catholic titular church, of deaconry rank, dedicated to Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, located in Rome, Italy. Built in Baroque style between 1626 and 1650, the church functioned originally as the chapel of the adjacent Roman College, that moved in 1584 to a new larger building and was renamed the Pontifical Gregorian University.

Santa Maria del Popolo


The Parish Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo is a titular church and a minor basilica in Rome run by the Augustinian order. It stands on the north side of Piazza del Popolo, one of the most famous squares in the city. The church is hemmed in between the Pincian Hill and Porta del Popolo, one of the gates in the Aurelian Wall as well as the starting point of Via Flaminia, the most important route from the north. Its location made the basilica the first church for the majority of travellers entering the city. The church contains works by several famous artists, such as Raphael, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Caravaggio, Alessandro Algardi, Pinturicchio, Andrea Bregno, Guillaume de Marcillat and Donato Bramante.



サン・マルコ寺院 は、福音記者マルコにささげられた、イタリアのヴェネト州の州都ヴェネツィアで最も有名な大聖堂である。 ビザンティン建築を代表する記念建築物であるとされるが、その当時、コンスタンティノポリスで500年以上も前に流行した形式を採用している。サン・マルコ広場 に面して建ち、ドージェ(総督)の館であるドゥカーレ宮殿 に隣接し繋がっている。建物内は、黄金に煌く壁や天井と、祭壇には2,000個もの眩い宝石が埋め込まれた黄金の衝立がある。 1807年からはヴェネツィア大司教座が置かれているため、本来現在は「サン・マルコ大聖堂」と呼ばれるのが適切である。しかし長らく「司教座聖堂(大聖堂)ではなかった」点が特徴の一つでもあり、現在も歴史上の呼称に合わせた「寺院(ないしは聖堂)」の呼び名が一般的である。

Spoleto Cathedral


Spoleto Cathedral is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Spoleto-Norcia created in 1821, previously that of the diocese of Spoleto, and the principal church of the Umbrian city of Spoleto, in Italy. It is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The church is essentially an example of Romanesque architecture, with a nave and two side-aisles crossed by a transept, although subsequently modified. It was built from the second half of the twelfth century after the city had been devastated by Frederick Barbarossa's troops, over an area where there had previously stood an earlier cathedral, dedicated to Saint Primianus and destroyed by the emperor. A notable external porch and the belfry were added in the fifteenth and sixteenth century respectively. The façade is divided into three bands. The lower one has a fine architraved door with sculpted door-posts. Two pulpits are provided on each side of the porch. The upper bands are separated by rose windows and ogival arches. The most striking feature of the upper façade is the Byzantine-hieratic mosaic portraying Christ giving a Benediction, signed by one Solsternus . He signed his work with the inscription "Doctor Solsternus, hac summus in arte modernus" , calling himself an outstanding modern artist. Nothing else is known about him. He was certainly ahead of his contemporaries, because it would take half a century before the mosaics in Roman churches would surpass his style. The part of the belfry contemporary with the church reuses Roman and early medieval elements. . The interior was significantly modified in the 17th–18th centuries, though it has kept the original Cosmatesque floor of the central nave remains. Another survival is the frescoed apse with four Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Mary, begun in 1467 by Filippo Lippi and completed two years later by his pupils Fra' Diamante and Piermatteo Lauro de' Manfredi da Amelia. Lippi is buried in the south arm of the transept. Also noteworthy are the altar cross by Alberto Sozio, dated 1187, a Byzantine icon donated to the city by Barbarossa as a sign of peace and the frescoes by Pinturicchio in the Chapel of the Bishop of Eroli. Other frescoes from the 16th century are in the next chapel. The church also contains a polychrome wood statue of the Madonna and a choir with painted altar and tabernacle, in the Chapel of the Relics, under which lies the crypt of the former cathedral of San Primiano.



サン・ジョルジョ・マッジョーレ は、イタリア北東部ヴェネツィアの潟にある島の一つである。行政的にはヴェネツィアの一部となっている。 島のほとんどはサン・ジョルジョ・マッジョーレ教会となっているが、ACTVの水上バスが停まるため自由に上陸できる。 サン・マルコ広場から近く、島からはサン・マルコ運河 を隔ててドゥカーレ宮殿や鐘楼を眺めることができる。