

イタリア共和国 Repubblica Italiana 国の標語:なし 国歌:Il Canto degli Italiani(イタリア語)イタリア人達の唱歌 イタリア共和国(イタリアきょうわこく, IPA: [iˈtaːlja] , イタリア語: Repubblica Italiana)、通称イタリアは、南ヨーロッパに位置する共和制国家。首都はローマ。 総面積は30万1,338km2で、イタリアではロ・スティヴァレ(lo Stivale)と称されるブーツ状の国土をしており、国土の大部分は温帯に属する。地中海性気候が農業と歴史に大きな影響を与えている。

Palazzo Abatellis


Palazzo Abatellis is a palace in Palermo, Sicily, southern Italy, located in the Kalsa quarter. It is home to the Galleria Regionale della Sicilia, the Gallery of Art for the Sicilian region.



カピトリーノ美術館 は、イタリアのローマにある美術館である。ローマの7つの丘の1つ、カピトリーノの丘に建つこの美術館は、一般市民に公開された美術館としては世界最古のものと言われている。

Palazzo Pretorio, Prato


The Palazzo Pretorio is a historical building in Prato, Tuscany, italy. It was the old city hall, standing in front of the current Palazzo Comunale. It now accommodates the Civic Museum of Prato, which was reopened on September 2013.

Ducal Palace, Urbino


The Ducal Palace is a Renaissance building in the Italian city of Urbino in the Marche. One of the most important monuments in Italy, it is listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998.

San Francesco della Vigna


San Francesco della Vigna is a Roman Catholic church in the Sestiere of Castello in Venice, northern Italy.

Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi


Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi is a Renaissance-style Roman Catholic church and a former convent located in Borgo Pinti in central Florence.

Camposanto Monumentale di Pisa


The Campo Santo, also known as Camposanto Monumentale or Camposanto Vecchio , is a historical edifice at the northern edge of the Cathedral Square in Pisa, Italy. "Campo Santo" can be literally translated as "holy field", because it is said to have been built around a shipload of sacred soil from Golgotha, brought back to Pisa from the Third Crusade by Ubaldo Lanfranchi, archbishop of Pisa in the 12th century. A legend claims that bodies buried in that ground will rot in just 24 hours. The burial ground lies over the ruins of the old baptistery of the church of Santa Reparata, the church that once stood where the cathedral now stands. The term "monumental" serves to differentiate it from the later-established urban cemetery in Pisa.



サンタンジェロ城(サンタンジェロじょう、伊: Castel Sant'Angelo)は、ローマのテヴェレ川右岸にある城塞である。日本語訳によっては、聖天使城、カステル・サンタンジェロとも呼ばれる。 正面にはサンタンジェロ橋(ponte Sant'Angelo)がある。 約700メートル離れたバチカンのサン・ピエトロ大聖堂とは城壁上の通路(Passetto di Borgo)で繋がっている。

Musei Civici di Padova


The Musei Civici di Padova or degli Eremitani is a complex of museums and historic sites, centered around the former convent of the Eremitani , and its famous Cappella degli Scrovegni with its Giotto fresco masterpieces. The complex is located on Piazza Eremitani, at the edge of the historic center of Padua, region of Veneto, Italy. The complex includes halls of archaeological objects and - in the nearby Palazzo Zuckermann - a museum of modern and medieval applied art.