

ノルウェー王国 Kongeriket Norge(ブークモール)Kongeriket Noreg(ニーノシュク) 国の標語:不明 国歌:Ja, vi elsker dette landet(ノルウェー語)そう, 我らはこの地を愛す 註1 : 6地区では、さらにサーメ語も公用語。 ノルウェー王国(ノルウェーおうこく、ノルウェー語: Kongeriket Norge/Noreg)、通称ノルウェーは、北ヨーロッパのスカンディナビア半島西岸に位置する立憲君主制国家。首都は半島南端部に存在するオスロ・フィヨルドの奥に形成された港湾都市のオスロ。東にスウェーデン、ロシア、フィンランドと国境を接している。 国土は南北に細長く、海岸線は北大西洋の複数の海域、すなわちスカゲラック海峡、北海、ノルウェー海およびバレンツ海に面している。海岸線には、多くのフィヨルドが発達する。このほか、ノルウェー本土から約1,000キロ離れた北大西洋上のヤンマイエン島は固有の領土の一部として領有され、スヴァールバル条約によりバレンツ海のスヴァールバル諸島を領有している。南大西洋にブーベ島を属領として持つ。 ノルディックモデルによる高負担高福祉の福祉国家として知られ、OECDの人生満足度(Life Satisfaction)ではスイスに次いで第2位となった(2014年)。

National Gallery (Norway)


The National Gallery is a gallery in Oslo, Norway. Since 2003 it is administratively a part of the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design. In 2017 admission cost 100 Norwegian kroner.

Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum


Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum is a Norwegian visual arts museum in Northern Norway. The Northern Norwegian Museum of Art is responsible for the entire northern region and in 2010 established a separate department for the nationwide program.

Norwegian Maritime Museum


The Norwegian Maritime Museum is located at Bygdøynesveien on the Bygdøy peninsula, on the western side of Oslo, Norway. The Norwegian Maritime Museum is situated near several other museums, including the Fram Museum; the Kon-Tiki Museum; the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History; and the Viking Ship Museum. The Norwegian Maritime Museum is operated in conjunction with Norwegian Folk Museum.



ムンク美術館(ムンクびじゅつかん、ノルウェー語: Munch-museet)は、画家エドヴァルド・ムンクの作品や生涯についての資料を展示する、ノルウェーのオスロにある美術館である。

Trondheim Art Museum


The Trondheim Art Museum is an art museum located in Trondheim in Sør-Trøndelag county, Norway. The museum shows temporary exhibitions of international and regional art in dialogue with works from the museum's collection. The museum possesses Norway's third largest public art collection with an emphasis on art since 1850. The permanent collection contains iconic works such as Harald Sohlberg's Natt , Georg Jacobsen's Haren , and Peder Balke's Nordkapp . The Trondheim Art Museum has two venues, TKM Bispegata situated near the Nidaros Cathedral and TKM Gråmølna at Nedre Elvehavn. The main building in Bispegata 7 b was built in 1930 according to plans by architect Peter Daniel Hofflund. The Trondheim Art Museum was established in 1997, as a means to maintain the museum collection. The building has two floors with rooms of varied sizes and light. The building was refurbished in 2012, when artificial lights were installed to provide more stable temperature and lighting. Much of the interior was restored to its original state from 1930.

Henie Onstad Kunstsenter

Høvik Verk

The Henie Onstad Kunstsenter is an art museum located at Høvikodden in Bærum municipality in Viken county, Norway. It is situated on a headland jutting into the Oslofjord, approximately 10 kilometres southwest of Oslo.