Российская Федерация
国歌: Госуда́рственный гимн Росси́йской Федера́ции(ロシア語)ロシア連邦国歌
ロシア連邦(ロシアれんぽう、ロシア語: Российская Федерация:英語名 Russian Federation)、またはロシア(Россия)は、ユーラシア大陸北部に位置する連邦共和制国家。首都はモスクワ。
国立ロシア美術館(ロシア語: Государственный Русский музей、英語: State Russian Museum)は、ロシア、サンクトペテルブルクにある美術館。旧名は、アレクサンドル3世皇帝記念ロシア美術館(Русский Музей Императора Александра III)。ロシアの美術館中、最大のコレクションをもつ。また、ロシア美術館本館に使用されているミハイロフスキー宮殿は、19世紀初頭におけるロシア新古典主義建築の傑作である。
プーシキン美術館(プーシキンびじゅつかん、正式名称:国立A.S.プーシキン造形美術館、Государственный музей изобразительных искусств имени А. С. Пушкина, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts)は、ロシア、モスクワにある美術館。モスクワの救世主ハリストス大聖堂の北、ヴォルホンカ通りをはさんだ場所にあり、ヨーロッパ最大の美術館であり、収蔵品の数は約10万点でエルミタージュ美術館に次ぐ世界2位。
The Radishchev Museum in Saratov opened to the public on June 29, 1885. It is supposed to have been Russia's first major public art museum outside Moscow or St. Petersburg. It was founded by Alexey Bogolyubov and named after his grandfather, the 18th-century revolutionary writer Alexander Radishchev. The naming of the museum after the "first Russian revolutionary", Alexander Radishchev, was a direct challenge to the authorities: Bogolyubov had to endure a legal battle to get permission. It was the first art museum in Russia open to everybody. It was opened to the general public seven years earlier than the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and fifteen years earlier than the Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg.
It includes work by Camille Corot, Ivan Kramskoy, Vasily Polenov, Ilya Repin, Ivan Shishkin, Fyodor Vasilyev, Aleksandra Ekster, Pavel Kuznetsov, Aristarkh Lentulov, Robert Falk, Pyotr Konchalovsky, Martiros Saryan, Fyodor Rokotov and others. Early donors included Pavel Tretyakov and Pauline Viardot.
Central Naval Museum is a naval museum in St Petersburg, Russia. It is one of the first museums in Russia and one of the world’s largest naval museums, with a large collection of artefacts, models and paintings reflecting the development of Russian naval traditions and the history of the Russian Navy. The museum’s permanent display includes such relics as the Botik of Peter the Great, Catherine II’s marine throne, trophies captured in sea battles, and the personal belongings of prominent Russian and Soviet naval commanders. The collection includes paintings by Ivan Aivazovsky, Alexey Bogolyubov, Lev Lagorio and other marine artists, ship sculpture, navigational instruments, naval equipment and machinery from the 17th to 20th centuries and numerous models of ships. The main exposition consists of nineteen halls. There is a complex of six museum halls for exhibitions.
Vladimir Pavlovich Biryukov was a Soviet ethnographer, lexicographer, museum worker, archaeologist, historian, folklorist, and the author of over 30 books. He specifically studied the folklore of the Ural region of Siberia.
Taus Makhacheva is a Russian artist based in Moscow. She is the granddaughter of Rasul Gamzatov – Avar poet, author, journalist and political activist. Taus Makhacheva included in the list of the Best contemporary Russian artists , and also in the Russian Investment Art Rating 49ART.