

スペイン王国 Reino de España 国の標語:Plus Ultra(ラテン語:更なる前進) 国歌:Marcha Real(スペイン語)国王行進曲 スペイン王国(スペインおうこく、(西: Reino de España)、スペイン国(スペインこく、(西: Estado español)またはスペインは、南ヨーロッパのイベリア半島に位置し、同半島の大部分を占める議会君主制国家。首都はマドリード。 西にポルトガル、南にイギリス領ジブラルタル、北東にフランス、アンドラと国境を接し、アフリカ大陸にある飛地のセウタ、メリリャではモロッコと陸上国境を接する。本土以外に、西地中海のバレアレス諸島や、大西洋のカナリア諸島、北アフリカのセウタとメリリャ、アルボラン海のアルボラン島を持っている。

Iglesia de Santo Tomé, Toledo


The Iglesia de Santo Tomé is a church located in the historical center of the city of Toledo , and was founded after the reconquest of this city by King Alfonso VI of León. It appears quoted in the 12th century, as constructed on the site of an old mosque of the 11th century. This mosque, together with other mosques in the city, were used as Christian churches without major changes, since in the taking of the city there was no destruction of buildings. However, at the beginning of the 14th century, being in a ruinous state the church was totally rebuilt in charge of Gonzalo Ruiz de Toledo, Lord of Orgaz, and the old minaret of the mosque was transformed into a bell tower in Mudéjar style. Its fame is mainly due to the fact that it contains the painting The Burial of the Count of Orgaz by El Greco, which can be seen by accessing the back of church.

Santo Domingo el Antiguo Altarpiece


The Santo Domingo el Antiguo Altarpiece is a 1577-1579 altarpiece by El Greco, painted for the Monastery of Santo Domingo el Antiguo in Toledo, Spain. The artist had just arrived in Spain and this was his first major commission there, gained thanks to Diego de Castilla, who he had met in Rome. The total commission was for nine canvases, seven for the high altar and two for side altars. The high altarpiece was made up of an upper main canvas , a lower main canvas , four flanking panels of saints and a small painting on the tympanum between the two main paintings . Of these, only the original panels of St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist remain in situ, along with the painting for the right-hand side altarpiece, Resurrection. Assumption is now in the Art Institute of Chicago and Holy Trinity in the Prado Museum. The rest are replaced in the church by copies.

Miraflores Charterhouse


Miraflores Charterhouse is an Isabelline style charterhouse, or Carthusian monastery of the Order of the Carthusians, built on a hill about three kilometres from the center of the Spanish city of Burgos, autonomous community of Castile and León. Its origin dates back to 1442, when King John II of Castile donated a hunting lodge outside Burgos, which had been erected by his father Henry III of Castile "the Mourner" in 1401, to the Order of the Carthusians for its conversion into a monastery, thus fulfilling his father's wishes, as stated in his will. A fire in 1452 caused the destruction of the pavilion, and construction of a new building began in 1454. It is this building, which was placed under the patronage of Saint Mary of the Annunciation, which exists today. The construction was commissioned to Juan de Colonia, and was continued after his death by his son, Simón de Colonia, who completed the structure in 1484 at the behest of Queen Isabella I of Castile, surviving daughter of kings John II of Castile and Isabella of Portugal, whose impressive buried are housed in the monastery. It is a late-Gothic jewel, and its highlights include the church, whose Isabelline style western facade is decorated with the coats-of-arms of its founders. The monastery consists of a single nave with stellar vault and side chapels, and is topped by a polygonal apse.

Diocesan museum

Helechosa de los Montes

A diocesan museum is a museum for an ecclesiastical diocese, a geographically-based division of the Christian Church. Austria: Evangelical Diocesan Museum, Burgenland in the Evangelical Prayer House in the Mönchhof Village Museum Diocesan Museum, Graz, Styria Gurk Treasury, Carinthia Evangelical Diocesan Museum, Fresach in Fresach, Carinthia Diocesan Museum, Linz, Upper Austria Evangelical Diocesan Museum, Styria in Murau Cathedral Museum Salzburg, Salzburg state Diocesan Museum, St. Pölten, Lower Austria Cathedral and Diocesan Museum, ViennaGermany: Augustiner Museum Freiburg, Diocesan Museum, for the Archbishopric of Freiburg Diocesan Museum, Bamberg Kolumba, Archepiscopal Diocesan Museum, Cologne Diocesan Museum, Eichstätt Domberg Museum, Freising Cathedral Museum, Fulda Cathedral Museum, Hildesheim Cathedral and Diocesan Museum, Mainz Diocesan Museum, Osnabrück Archepiscopal Diocesan Museum, and Cathedral Treasury, Paderborn Bishopric Museums, Regensburg Diocesan Museum, RottenburgItaly: Diocesan Museum, Brixen Diocesan Museum Spain: Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art, Álava Diocesan Museum, Albarracín Diocesan Museum, Alcalá de Henares Diocesan Museum, Barbastro Diocesan Museum, Barcelona Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art, Bilbao Cathedral [and Diocesan] Museum, Burgo de Osma Co-cathedral and Diocesan Museum, Cáceres Diocesan Museum, Calahorra Diocesan Museum, Ciudad Real Diocesan and Cathedral Museum, Ciudad Rodrigo Diocesan Museum, Córdoba Diocesan Museum, Cuenca Diocesan Museum, Ibiza Diocesan Museum, Huelva Diocesan Museum, Huesca Diocesan Museum, Jaca Cathedral [and Diocesan] Museum, Jaén Diocesan Museum, La Seu d'Urgell Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Diocesan and Cathedral Museum, León Diocesan and Comarcal Lleida Museum, Lleida Diocesan and Cathedral Museum, Lugo Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art, Moguer Cathedral and Diocesan Museum, Mondoñedo Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art, Orihuela Church Museum, Oviedo Diocesan Museum, Palencia Diocesan Museum, Palma de Mallorca Cathedral and Diocesan Museum, Pamplona Diocesan Museum, Salamanca Diocesan Museum, San Sebastián Regina Coeli Diocesan Museum, Santillana del Mar Cathedral Museum, Segorbe Diocesan Museum of Ancient Art, Sigüenza Diocesan and Regional Museum, Solsona Diocesan Museum, Tarragona [Diocesan] Museum of Sacred Art, Teruel Diocesan Museum, Tui, Spain Diocesan and Cathedral Museum, Valencia Diocesan and Cathedral Museum, Valladolid Episcopal Museum, Vic Diocesan Museum, Zamora Alma Mater Museum [Diocesan Museum], Zaragoza

Museum of Santa Cruz


The Museum of Santa Cruz is a 16th century building in the city of Toledo, Spain, which was originally an important hospital , eventually becoming a museum in the 19th century. The hospital was founded by Cardinal Mendoza at the end of the 15th century to centralize assistance to orphaned and abandoned children in the city. It has a remarkable Plateresque portal, work of Alonso de Covarrubias. The building has a Greek cross plan and four courtyards, two of which were completely completed. The first is of Covarrubias and gives access to the upper floor through a three-ladder staircase. The museum has two floors. The cruiser covers the two floors and is covered with ribbed vaults. In the north arm was located the chapel. The museum has sections of Archeology, Fine Arts and Decorative Arts. The Fine Arts funds are distributed on the first and second floor of the building, and those of archeology, in the Noble Cloister and in an underground floor. The Decorative Arts have a sample of Toledan folk handicrafts, which is also located on the floor of the basement.



ブルゴス大聖堂 (スペイン語: Catedral de Burgos)、またはサンタ・マリア・デ・ブルゴス大聖堂(スペイン語: Catedral de Santa María de Burgos)は、スペイン・カスティーリャ・イ・レオン州ブルゴス県ブルゴスにあるゴシック様式のカトリック教会の大聖堂。聖母マリアに捧げられた、巨大で独自性のある建築物として有名である。



セビリア大聖堂(Catedral de Sevilla)は、スペイン・アンダルシア州セビリア県セビリアにある大聖堂(カテドラル)。 スペイン有数の規模を持つ大聖堂であり、「世界3位の大きさの大聖堂」と紹介されることがある。 レコンキスタ以前はこの地には巨大なモスクが立っていたといわれている。 隣接するヒラルダの塔は、かつてモスクの尖塔(ミナレット)だった。モスクを破壊したあとに教会が建てられているが、建物自体にモスクの名残がいくつかみられる。例えば、免罪の門から入った場合は教会に入る前に中庭が存在するといったところである。 クリストファー・コロンブスの墓がある。



セビーリャ美術館(スペイン語: Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla)は、スペイン・アンダルシア州セビリア県セビリアにある美術館。建物は1612年竣工のメルセス会の修道院建築を流用している。 1835年に設立され、1841年に正式に竣工した。所蔵品は、中世から20世紀までの主にスペインの美術コレクションで、17世紀のいわゆるセビリア絵画の黄金時代の画家であるバルトロメ・エステバン・ムリーリョ、フランシスコ・デ・スルバラン、フランシスコ・エレーラ(エル・モソ)、フアン・デ・バルデス・レアルの作品を含んでいる。スルバランとムリーリョの収蔵数は特筆される。