
Stockholm Municipality / スウェーデン



Stockholm Municipality / スウェーデン


Thiel Galley

Stockholm Municipality / スウェーデン

The Thiel Gallery is an art museum in the Djurgården park area of Stockholm, Sweden. Represented are the members of the Artists Association from the early 1900s as well as one of the world's largest collections of works by Edvard Munch.


Stockholm Municipality / スウェーデン

ストックホルム近代美術館は、スウェーデンの首都ストックホルムにある美術館である。 1958年、20世紀美術のための美術館として開館。 1998年にはスペイン人建築家ラファエル・モネオによって新築された。しかしその後、建物に欠陥が見つかり、2002年に一旦閉館された。2004年に再びオープンした。

Hallwyl Museum

Stockholm Municipality / スウェーデン

Hallwyl Museum is a Swedish national museum housed in the historical Hallwyl House in central Stockholm located on 4, Hamngatan facing Berzelii Park. The house once belonged to the Count and Countess von Hallwyl, but was donated to the Swedish state in 1920 to eventually become a museum. In 1938, the museum was officially opened.


Stockholm Municipality / スウェーデン

Storkyrkan , also called Stockholms domkyrka , is the oldest church in Stockholm. Storkyrkan lies in the centre of Stockholm in Gamla stan, between Stockholm Palace and Stortorget, the old main square of Stockholm. It was inaugurated in 1306 but construction of the church probably started in the 13th century. Inside, Storkyrkan still maintains much of its late medieval appearance in the form of a hall church with a vaulted ceiling supported by brick pillars. The exterior of the church is however uniformly Baroque in appearance, the result of extensive changes made in the 18th century. During the Middle Ages, it was dedicated to Saint Nicholas, but after the Reformation in Sweden – in which the church played an important role as the place where Mass was celebrated in Swedish for the first time – it has been a Lutheran church, not formally dedicated to any saint. It currently serves as the seat of the Bishop of Stockholm within the Church of Sweden since the creation of the Diocese of Stockholm in 1942. Storkyrkan was for a long time the only parish church of Stockholm, and from an early date it was connected with the Swedish royal family. It has been the scene of historical events on numerous occasions, and was used as a coronation church for centuries. More recently, the wedding between Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling took place in the church in 2010. Military victories as well as national tragedies have been commemorated in Storkyrkan, and it is still used for funerals of public figures such as the writers Astrid Lindgren and Sara Danius. The church contains several important works of art as well as elaborate furnishings, among these a late medieval sculpture of Saint George and the Dragon and Vädersolstavlan, a painting which shows one of the earliest images of Stockholm.

王立公園 (スウェーデン)

Stockholm Municipality / スウェーデン

王立公園(おうりつこうえん、英語: The King's Garden)またはクングストレードゴーデン(スウェーデン語: Kungsträdgården, 英語: The King's Tree Garden)は、スウェーデンのストックホルムの中心部にある公園。 クングストレードゴーデンには、クングストレーゴーデン、クングストレッドゴーデン、クングストラッドゴーデン、クングストラッドゴーダンなどの表記ゆれがある。


Stockholm Municipality / スウェーデン

The Royal Armoury is a museum in the Royal Palace in Stockholm, Sweden. It contains many artifacts of Swedish military history and Swedish royalty. It is the oldest museum in Sweden, established in 1628 by King Gustavus Adolphus when he decided that his clothes from his campaign in Poland should be preserved for posterity.A drinking horn made from a horn of the last aurochs bull and taken by the Swedish army as war booty from Jaktorów, Poland, during the Swedish invasion of Poland is part of the collection of the museum.


Stockholm Municipality / スウェーデン

スウェーデン国立歴史博物館(-こくりつれきしはくぶつかん)は、スウェーデンのストックホルムにある、石器時代から16世紀にかけてのスウェーデンの文化史と美術品を展示紹介する博物館である。 スウェーデン語ではHistoriska museet、またはより正式にはStatens historiska museumとして知られる。英語表記はSwedish Museum of National Antiquities。