

グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 国の標語:Dieu et mon droit(フランス語:神と我が権利) 国歌:God Save the Queen(英語)神よ女王を護り賜え グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(グレートブリテンおよびきたアイルランドれんごうおうこく、英: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: UK)は、ヨーロッパ大陸の北西岸に位置し、グレートブリテン島・アイルランド島北東部・その他多くの島々から成る立憲君主制国家。首都はロンドン。日本語における通称の一例としてイギリス、英国(えいこく)がある(→#国名)。 イングランド、ウェールズ、スコットランド、北アイルランドという歴史的経緯に基づく4つの「カントリー(国)」が、同君連合型の単一の主権国家を形成している。しかし、政治制度上は単一国家の代表的なモデルであり、連邦国家ではない。 国際連合安全保障理事会常任理事国の一国(五大国)であり、G7・G20に参加する。GDPは世界10位以内に位置する巨大な市場を持ち、ヨーロッパにおける四つの大国「ビッグ4」の一国である。ウィーン体制が成立した1815年以来、世界で最も影響力のある国家を指す列強の一つに数えられる。また、民主主義、立憲君主制など近代国家の基本的な諸制度が発祥した国でもある。 イギリスの擬人化としてはジョン・ブル、ブリタニアが知られる。

Examination Schools


The Examination Schools of the University of Oxford are located at 75–81 High Street, Oxford, England. The building was designed by Sir Thomas Jackson , who also designed the cricket pavilion in the University Parks. The designs for the building were prepared in 1876 and it was completed in 1882, in Clipsham stone. The Examination Schools building is Grade II listed.During the First World War, the Examination Schools together with Somerville College and other Oxford buildings were requisitioned by the War Office to create the 3rd Southern General Hospital, a facility for the Royal Army Medical Corps to treat military casualties. The headquarters of the hospital were at the Examination Schools.The main purpose of the Schools is for the organisation and administration of the university examinations. Many of the final and other examinations for the University's students take place in the building, especially during Trinity Term. There is access to the building from both the High Street and Merton Street. Traditionally there have been parties in the street by students who have finished their exams, although the University tries to take measures to prevent this. At their height, traffic has been disrupted in the High Street. In Michaelmas Term, the Examination Schools are host to the university's Freshers' Fair. The building provides a major lecturing facility for the University and is also used as a meeting and conference venue outside term time. It is one of the largest buildings owned by the University. The Ruskin School of Drawing & Fine Art is located at 74 High Street to the east of the Examination Schools and University College is to the west.

The Hepworth Wakefield

ウェイクフィールド (イングランド)

The Hepworth Wakefield is an art museum in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England, which opened on 21 May 2011. The gallery is situated on the south side of the River Calder and takes its name from artist and sculptor Barbara Hepworth who was born and educated in the city.The gallery was designed by British architect David Chipperfield, who won an architectural design competition managed by RIBA Competitions and was built by Laing O'Rourke with funding from Wakefield Council, Arts Council England and the Heritage Lottery Fund. Yorkshire Forward, the Homes and Communities Agency, and the European Regional Development Fund have also supported the building of the gallery alongside a number of charitable trusts, corporations and private individuals. The Hepworth Wakefield is a registered charity under English law.The gallery cost £35 million to build. Five weeks after opening it had received 100,000 visitors. In May 2012 it celebrated its first birthday, having received over 500,000 visitors in the year. In October 2015, the gallery launched the £30,000 biennial Hepworth Prize for Sculpture as part of the celebrations marking its 5th anniversary.

Dick Institute


The Dick Institute is a museum in Kilmarnock, Scotland. It is an important cultural venue in the south-west of Scotland, featuring the largest museum and art gallery space in Ayrshire as well as the central library for East Ayrshire.



サイエンス・ミュージアムはイギリスのロンドンにある国立科学産業博物館に属する科学博物館。サウス・ケンジントンに位置し、ヴィクトリア&アルバート博物館の隣にある。ロンドンを訪れる観光客の主要な観光地でもある。 産業革命など技術と産業・社会の関わりをテーマとして展示。ジェームズ・ワットの蒸気機関の実物が動態保存され展示されている。

Hastings Museum and Art Gallery


Hastings Museum & Art Gallery is a museum and art gallery located in, Hastings, East Sussex, England. Established in 1892, it originally resided in the Brassey Institute , but moved to its current location in 1927. As of 2019 it had around 97,000 objects of local history, natural sciences, fine and decorative arts, and world cultures.The early local history gallery recounts the history of the area from prehistory to the Saxons. Local wildlife is displayed in dioramas of different local habitats, and there is a dinosaur gallery. Other galleries include local wildlife and a Native North American collection, featuring the Plains and Sub-Arctic areas and the life of Hastings-born conservationist Archibald Belaney, who adopted the name "Grey Owl".

Kedleston Hall

Amber Valley

Kedleston Hall is an English country house in Kedleston, Derbyshire, approximately four miles northwest of Derby, and is the seat of the Curzon family. Today it is a National Trust property. The Curzon family, whose name originates in Notre-Dame-de-Courson in Normandy, have been in Kedleston since at least 1297, and have lived in a succession of manor houses near to or on the site of the present Kedleston Hall. The present house was commissioned by Sir Nathaniel Curzon in 1759. The house was designed by the Palladian architects James Paine and Matthew Brettingham and was loosely based on an original plan by Andrea Palladio for the never-built Villa Mocenigo. At the time a relatively unknown architect, Robert Adam, was designing some garden temples to enhance the landscape of the park; Curzon was so impressed with his designs that Adam was quickly put in charge of the construction of the new mansion.

Pallant House Gallery


Pallant House Gallery is an art gallery in Chichester, West Sussex, England. It houses one of the best collections of 20th century British art in the world.

Royal Hospital Chelsea


The Royal Hospital Chelsea is a retirement home and nursing home for some 300 veterans of the British Army. Founded as an almshouse, the ancient sense of the word "hospital", it is a 66-acre site located on Royal Hospital Road in Chelsea. It is an independent charity and relies partly upon donations to cover day-to-day running costs to provide care and accommodation for veterans. Residents are known as Chelsea Pensioners. Any man or woman who is over the age of 65 and served as a regular soldier may apply to become a resident, if they have found themselves in a time of need and are "of good character". They must not, however, have any dependent spouse or family, and former Officers must have served at least 12 years in the ranks before receiving a commission. The gardens of the Royal Hospital are Grade II listed on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens.


