

グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 国の標語:Dieu et mon droit(フランス語:神と我が権利) 国歌:God Save the Queen(英語)神よ女王を護り賜え グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(グレートブリテンおよびきたアイルランドれんごうおうこく、英: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: UK)は、ヨーロッパ大陸の北西岸に位置し、グレートブリテン島・アイルランド島北東部・その他多くの島々から成る立憲君主制国家。首都はロンドン。日本語における通称の一例としてイギリス、英国(えいこく)がある(→#国名)。 イングランド、ウェールズ、スコットランド、北アイルランドという歴史的経緯に基づく4つの「カントリー(国)」が、同君連合型の単一の主権国家を形成している。しかし、政治制度上は単一国家の代表的なモデルであり、連邦国家ではない。 国際連合安全保障理事会常任理事国の一国(五大国)であり、G7・G20に参加する。GDPは世界10位以内に位置する巨大な市場を持ち、ヨーロッパにおける四つの大国「ビッグ4」の一国である。ウィーン体制が成立した1815年以来、世界で最も影響力のある国家を指す列強の一つに数えられる。また、民主主義、立憲君主制など近代国家の基本的な諸制度が発祥した国でもある。 イギリスの擬人化としてはジョン・ブル、ブリタニアが知られる。

Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum


The Russell-Cotes Museum is an art gallery and museum in Bournemouth, England. A Grade II* listed building originally known as East Cliff Hall, it is located on the top of the East Cliff, next to the Royal Bath Hotel.



テート・ブリテン(Tate Britain)はイギリス・ロンドンのテムズ川畔、ミルバンク地区にある国立美術館。テート・モダンなどの美術館とともに、国立美術館ネットワーク「テート」の一部をなしている。



ロイヤル・アカデミー・オブ・アーツ(英語:Royal Academy of Arts, RA)は、イギリス・ロンドン中心部のピカデリーにある国立美術学校。美術館が併設されている。王立芸術院と訳される。 併設するロイヤル・アカデミー・スクール(Royal Academy Schools)はイギリス最古の美術学校である。現在は3年制の大学院レベルの教育を行っている。



テート(テイト)・モダン(英: Tate Modern 発音例)は、イギリス・ロンドンのテムズ川畔、サウス・バンク地区にある国立の近現代美術館。テート・ブリテンなどとともに、国立美術館ネットワーク「テート」("Tate")の一部をなしている。入場無料。

Paisley Museum and Art Galleries

ペイズリー (イギリス)

Paisley Museum and Art Galleries is currently closed for refurbishment and is due to reopen late 2022. It is a museum and public art gallery located in the town of Paisley and is run by Renfrewshire Council. It houses one of the largest municipal art collections in Scotland, including over 800 paintings.The Museum and Art Galleries were gifted to the town of Paisley by the industrialist Sir Peter Coats in 1871. The building, which also houses Paisley Library and the Coats Observatory , was designed by Glasgow architect John Honeyman of the firm of Honeyman and Keppie. The first curator of the Museum was the entomologist Morris Young who remained in post until his death in 1897 leaving the Museum a bequest of £500 to be invested and the returns used to pay for the upkeep of the entomological collections and all his books. The museum has been extended on several occasions since it opened. There are plans for a revamp of the Museum to transform it into an "international-class destination" based around the Paisley's heritage story.The art collection concentrates largely on works by late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century Scottish artists, such as the Glasgow School and the Scottish Colourists. In addition there is a contemporary collection which includes work by artists such as Steven Campbell and John Byrne, who was born in Paisley.The museum houses a collection of objects and documents covering the local history of Paisley and Renfrewshire, especially the importance of the textiles industry, tracing the history of the luxury shawl industry which developed in Paisley. The museum has recreated the work and a weaving using a traditional hand loom can be seen on site It also contains an archaeological collection which includes objects from Ancient Egypt and Babylon and an extensive natural history collection, the museum also houses the local biological records centre.One of the most important items in the Museum's collection is the Arbuthnott Missal which was presented to the Museum by another of the Coats family, Archibald. This missal is the only extant pre Reformation missal of the Scottish Use and in 2007 it was awarded a prestigious top award in the British Library's Hidden Treasures Brought to Life competition.The museum is currently closed to the public.

National Trust for Scotland

Alford, Lincolnshire

The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust for Scotland is a Scottish conservation organisation. It is the largest membership organisation in Scotland and describes itself as "the conservation charity that protects and promotes Scotland's natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy".The Trust owns and manages around 130 properties and 180,000 acres of land, including castles, ancient small dwellings, historic sites, gardens, and remote rural areas. It is similar in function to the National Trust, which covers England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and to other national trusts worldwide.

National Trust for Scotland


The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust for Scotland is a Scottish conservation organisation. It is the largest membership organisation in Scotland and describes itself as "the conservation charity that protects and promotes Scotland's natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy".The Trust owns and manages around 130 properties and 180,000 acres of land, including castles, ancient small dwellings, historic sites, gardens, and remote rural areas. It is similar in function to the National Trust, which covers England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and to other national trusts worldwide.

National Trust for Scotland


The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust for Scotland is a Scottish conservation organisation. It is the largest membership organisation in Scotland and describes itself as "the conservation charity that protects and promotes Scotland's natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy".The Trust owns and manages around 130 properties and 180,000 acres of land, including castles, ancient small dwellings, historic sites, gardens, and remote rural areas. It is similar in function to the National Trust, which covers England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and to other national trusts worldwide.

National Trust for Scotland


The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust for Scotland is a Scottish conservation organisation. It is the largest membership organisation in Scotland and describes itself as "the conservation charity that protects and promotes Scotland's natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy".The Trust owns and manages around 130 properties and 180,000 acres of land, including castles, ancient small dwellings, historic sites, gardens, and remote rural areas. It is similar in function to the National Trust, which covers England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and to other national trusts worldwide.