

グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 国の標語:Dieu et mon droit(フランス語:神と我が権利) 国歌:God Save the Queen(英語)神よ女王を護り賜え グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(グレートブリテンおよびきたアイルランドれんごうおうこく、英: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: UK)は、ヨーロッパ大陸の北西岸に位置し、グレートブリテン島・アイルランド島北東部・その他多くの島々から成る立憲君主制国家。首都はロンドン。日本語における通称の一例としてイギリス、英国(えいこく)がある(→#国名)。 イングランド、ウェールズ、スコットランド、北アイルランドという歴史的経緯に基づく4つの「カントリー(国)」が、同君連合型の単一の主権国家を形成している。しかし、政治制度上は単一国家の代表的なモデルであり、連邦国家ではない。 国際連合安全保障理事会常任理事国の一国(五大国)であり、G7・G20に参加する。GDPは世界10位以内に位置する巨大な市場を持ち、ヨーロッパにおける四つの大国「ビッグ4」の一国である。ウィーン体制が成立した1815年以来、世界で最も影響力のある国家を指す列強の一つに数えられる。また、民主主義、立憲君主制など近代国家の基本的な諸制度が発祥した国でもある。 イギリスの擬人化としてはジョン・ブル、ブリタニアが知られる。



ロイヤル・コレクション(英: The Royal Collection )またはイギリス王室コレクションはイギリス王室が所有する美術品コレクション。イギリス王室の私的財産で、王室の一部局である英国王立所蔵品協会の管理となっている。英国王立所蔵品協会(The Royal Collection Department)はロイヤル・コレクションの分類、保存、洗浄、修復や、書物、絵画、彫刻などの展示に対して責任があるが、建築物については管轄外となっている。399人のスタッフがおり、2009年度には2,642万ポンド以上の収益があった。 ロイヤル・コレクションには7,000点以上の絵画、40,000点以上の水彩画、ドローイング、150,000点以上の版画のほか、歴史的な価値がある写真、タペストリー、調度品、陶磁器、書物など、様々な美術品の一大コレクションとなっている。一般大衆に公開され、王族は住んでいないハンプトン・コート宮殿や、王族の邸宅ではあるが一般公開されているウィンザー城など、複数の場所に分散して収蔵されている。ロンドンのバッキンガム宮殿にあるクイーンズ・ギャラリー(en:Queen's Gallery)や、エディンバラのホリールード宮殿にあるエディンバラ・クイーンズ・ギャラリー(en:Queen's Gallery, Edinburgh)にも、ロイヤル・コレクションの美術品が数ヶ月間展示されることがある。ロイヤル・コレクションの金銭的価値は総額3,600億ポンドといわれている。

Victoria Gallery & Museum


The Victoria Gallery & Museum is an art gallery and museum run by the University of Liverpool in Liverpool, Merseyside, England.VG&M is located in the "redbrick" 1892 Victoria Building. The building was designed by the Victorian architect Alfred Waterhouse and is Grade II listed. After restoration of the building at a cost of £8.6 million, the museum opened on 28 May 2008. It houses the University of Liverpool's art and museum collections, donated to and created by the university. The museum is open to the public from Tuesday to Saturday each week and admission is free. On the ground floor is the Waterhouse Café and a shop. On the first floor is the art collection which comprises paintings, sculptures and ceramics. Artists represented include Joseph Wright of Derby, J. M. W. Turner, Jacob Epstein, Lucian Freud, Elizabeth Frink and John James Audubon. A series of special exhibitions is organised. Also on this floor is the Leggate Lecture Theatre in which educational talks are given.

Museum of Croydon


The Museum of Croydon is a museum located within the Croydon Clocktower arts facility in Central Croydon, England. It showcases historical and cultural artefacts relating to the London Borough of Croydon and its people. The museum is owned and run by Croydon Council. It is located on the upper ground floor of Croydon Clocktower, but also incorporates the Riesco Gallery, on the lower ground floor, which displays Roman and Anglo-Saxon collections and a collection of Chinese ceramics. The museum originally opened under the name Lifetimes in 1995; and re-opened under its present name, following a major redevelopment and redesign, in 2006. Admission is free, and many of the displays are hands-on and interactive.

Kirkcaldy Galleries


Kirkcaldy Galleries is the main museum, library and exhibition space in Kirkcaldy in Fife, Scotland. The land for the town's museum and art gallery was donated by John Nairn on the former site of Balsusney House, the home of John Maxton. This was opened in 1925, with the first chairman of trustees local cloth-manufacturer businessman John Blyth, the maternal grandfather of politician Michael Portillo. The art gallery holds the largest collection of paintings by William McTaggart and Scottish Colourist Samuel Peploe aside from the National Galleries of Scotland. The museum contains many significant works by the Glasgow Boys. Situated on the ground floor, is the museum's award-winning permanent exhibition covering the town's industrial heritage. The museum also has a cafe which displays examples of Wemyss Ware pottery, made in the town from around the 1890s to 1930s.In 2012 Fife Council undertook a £2.5m refurbishment of the building, which reopened in June 2013. It now contains a museum, library, children's library, PC suite, cafe, gift shop, meeting rooms, museum, local family and history rooms and gallery spaces. The Galleries opening was attended by local author Val McDermid, Wolf from Gladiators, MP and former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and artist Jack Vettriano. In 2015, Kirkcaldy Galleries became the first institution in Fife to display work by American photographer Diane Arbus.

National Army Museum


The National Army Museum is the British Army's central museum. It is located in the Chelsea district of central London, adjacent to the Royal Hospital Chelsea, the home of the "Chelsea Pensioners". The museum is a non-departmental public body. It is usually open to the public from 10:00am to 5:30pm, except on 25–26 December and 1 January. Admission is free. Having reopened in March 2017 following a major £23.75 million re-development project including £11.5m from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the museum houses five galleries that cover British military history from the English Civil War up to modern day.This remit for the overall history of British land forces contrasts with those of other military museums in the United Kingdom concentrating on the history of individual corps and regiments of the British Army. It also differs from the subject matter of the Imperial War Museum, another national museum in London, which has a wider remit of theme but a narrower remit of time .

Leicester Museum & Art Gallery


The Leicester Museum & Art Gallery is a museum on New Walk in Leicester, England, not far from the city centre. It opened in 1849 as one of the first public museums in the United Kingdom. New Walk contains displays of science, history and art, both international and local. The original building was designed by Joseph Hansom, designer of the hansom cab. It has been expanded several times, most recently in 2011.

Edinburgh College of Art


Edinburgh College of Art is one of eleven Schools in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Edinburgh. Tracing its history back to 1760, it provides higher education in art and design, architecture, history of art, and music disciplines for over two thousand students, and is at the forefront of research and research-led teaching in the creative arts, humanities, and creative technologies. ECA comprises five subject areas: School of Art, Reid School of Music, School of Design, School of History of Art, and Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture . ECA is mainly located in the Old Town of Edinburgh, overlooking the Grassmarket; the Lauriston Place campus is located in the University of Edinburgh's Central Area Campus, not far from George Square. The college was founded in 1760, and gained its present name and site in 1907. Formerly associated with Heriot-Watt University, its degrees have been issued by the University of Edinburgh since 2004. The College formally merged with the University on 1 August 2011, combining with the School of Arts, Culture and Environment and continues to exist with the name Edinburgh College of Art as an enlarged school in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Shipley Art Gallery


The Shipley Art Gallery is an art gallery in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, England, located at the south end of Prince Consort Road. It has a Designated Collection of national importance.



大英図書館(だいえいとしょかん、英: British Library、略称: BL)は、イギリスの国立図書館である。英国図書館とも訳される。世界最大級の約1億7000万点もの資料を所蔵する、世界で最も重要な研究図書館であり、世界的な図書館の一つである。ロンドンのセント・パンクラスに本館、ウェスト・ヨークシャーのボストン・スパに分館が置かれている。古今東西の幅広い言語の書籍を収集しているほか、雑誌、新聞、パンフレット、録音、特許、データベース、地図、切手、版画、絵画、その他多くの資料を保存している。その2500万冊以上の網羅的なコレクションを数で上回るのは、今やアメリカ合衆国首都ワシントンD.C.のアメリカ議会図書館のみである。このコレクションに含まれる作品には、紀元前1600年頃の時代にまで遡るものもある。大英博物館図書館といくつかの他の国立図書館との合併により1973年に設立された大英図書館は、デジタル・文化・メディア・スポーツ省に従属し、法定納本制度の下で、イギリスおよびアイルランドで出版された全ての図書を1部ずつ受け取り、イギリスの全国書誌を作成する。