
ケンブリッジ / イギリス

ケンブリッジ(Cambridge 発音例)は、イギリスのイングランド東部にあるケンブリッジシャーの州都である。ケンブリッジ大学の所在地であることから、大学都市として有名。現在では、シリコン・フェン(Silicon Fen)と呼ばれるイギリスにおけるハイテク産業の中心地の一つとなっている。人口は12万3867人(2011年国勢調査)で、このうち2万4488人が学生である。英語での発音は/'keɪm.bɹɪd͡ʒ/(ケインブリヂ)で、漢字では剣橋と表記される。

Selwyn College, Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

Selwyn College, Cambridge is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. The college was founded in 1882 by the Selwyn Memorial Committee in memory of George Augustus Selwyn , the first Bishop of New Zealand , and subsequently Bishop of Lichfield . It consists of three main courts built of stone and brick along with several secondary buildings, including adjacent townhouses and lodges serving as student hostels on Grange Road, West Road and Sidgwick Avenue. The college has some 60 Fellows and 110 non-academic staff. In 2019, Selwyn was ranked eighth on the Tompkins Table of Cambridge colleges in order of undergraduates' performances in examinations, but was first in 2008. The college was ranked 16th out of 30 in an assessment of college wealth conducted by the student newspaper Varsity in November 2006. Selwyn's sister college at the University of Oxford is Keble College.

Newnham College, Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

Newnham College is a women's constituent college of the University of Cambridge. The college was founded in 1871 by a group organising Lectures for Ladies, members of which included philosopher Henry Sidgwick and suffragist campaigner Millicent Garrett Fawcett. It was the second women's college to be founded at Cambridge, following Girton College.


ケンブリッジ / イギリス

ウォルフソン・カレッジはケンブリッジ大学を構成するカレッジの1つで、学生の大半は大学院生です。このカレッジは1965年に「ユニバーシティ・カレッジ 」として設立されましたが、 ウォルフソン財団の寄付により1973年にウォルフソン・カレッジとして再設立されました。 ウォルフソンは、ケンブリッジ市内中心部の南西、 大学図書館の近くにあります 。 ケンブリッジの中でも近代的なカレッジの1つであり、その他の古いカレッジが持っている伝統的な慣習がありません。 たとえば、カレッジの設立以来、 フォーマルホールのディナーでフェローのために確保されている「 ハイテーブル 」席はありません。学生とフェローは一緒に食事をします。通常では、そのような場合にアカデミックガウンを着用する慣習がありますが、ウォルフソンでは必須ではありません。 フェローもカレッジの学生も、すべての施設を利用できます。 70か国以上の学生を擁するウルフソンは、ケンブリッジで最も国際的な大学の1つであると主張しています。 男女の区別なく学生とフェローを受け入れた大学初のカレッジです

Museum of Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

The Museum of Cambridge, formerly known as the Cambridge & County Folk Museum, is a museum located in Castle Street in central Cambridge, England. It is housed in eight rooms in the former White Horse Inn, a public house that closed in 1934. The museum presents the lives of the people of Cambridge and its surrounding area, the county of Cambridgeshire from 1700 onwards. The collection includes objects covering applied art, coins, costumes, decorative art, fine art, hobbies, law and order, medals, medicine, music, social history, textiles and toys. The museum is supported by Cambridge City Council, the National Lottery, through the Heritage Lottery Fund, and two local organisations: the Cambridge 800 Committee, a registered charity founded in 2006, whose aims are "to help ensure the future of the Cambridge and County Folk Museum so that it can be enjoyed by future generations, especially children". the Friends of the Folk Museum, whose separate short term fund-raising provides specific items for the museum.The museum was shortlisted for the 2006 Gulbenkian Prize.

Cambridge University Library

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

Cambridge University Library is the main research library of the University of Cambridge in England. It is also the largest of 114 libraries within the University. The Library is a major scholarly resource for the members of the University of Cambridge and external researchers. It is often referred to within the University as the UL. Twenty-one affiliate libraries are associated with the University Library for the purpose of central governance and administration. Cambridge University Library is one of the six legal deposit libraries under UK law. The Library holds approximately 9 million items and, through legal deposit, purchase and donation it receives around 100,000 items every year. The University Library is unique among the legal deposit libraries in keeping a large proportion of its material on open access and in allowing some categories of reader to borrow from its collections. Its original location was the Old Schools near the Senate House until it outgrew the space there and a new library building was constructed in the 1930s. The library took over the site of a former military hospital on the western side of Cambridge city centre, now between Robinson College and the Memorial Court of Clare College. The current building, designed by Giles Gilbert Scott, opened in 1934. The current librarian, Dr Jessica Gardner, is only the second female librarian to hold this office.

Old Schools

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

The Old Schools are part of the University of Cambridge, in the centre of Cambridge, England. The Old Schools house the Cambridge University Offices, which form the main administration for the University.The building is Grade I listed. It is two storeys high with ashlar facing and a parapet above. Within the Old Schools are West Court and Cobble Court. The Old Schools building is located at the end of Trinity Lane and is surrounded by other historic University and College buildings. To the north is Gonville and Caius College. To the east is the University of Cambridge Senate House where degree ceremonies are held, on King's Parade. To the south, the scene is dominated by the large King's College Chapel. To the west are Trinity Hall and Clare College. The Old Schools Site covers the Old Schools, the Senate House, and Great St Mary's, the University Church.

Shire Hall, Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

Shire Hall is a municipal building at Castle Hill in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.


ケンブリッジ / イギリス

ダーウィン・カレッジ はチャールズ・ダーウィンを記念して1964年に設立されたイギリスのケンブリッジ大学を構成するカレッジの一つ。ケンブリッジ大学のカレッジの中では、大学院生のみで構成されているカレッジとして有名。

Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

The University of Cambridge Department of Engineering is the largest department at the University of Cambridge and one of the leading centres of engineering in the world. The department's aim is to address the world's most pressing challenges with science and technology. To achieve this aim, the department collaborates with other disciplines, institutions, companies and entrepreneurs and adopts an integrated approach to research and teaching.The main site is situated at Trumpington Street, to the south of the city centre of Cambridge. The department is the primary centre for engineering teaching and research activities in Cambridge. The department is currently headed by Professor Richard Prager.