

アメリカ合衆国 United States of America 国の標語:E pluribus unum(1776年 - 現在)(ラテン語:多数からひとつへ)In God We Trust(1956年 - 現在)(英語:我ら神を信ずる) 国歌:The Star-Spangled Banner(英語)星条旗 アメリカ合衆国(アメリカがっしゅうこく、英: United States of America, USA)、通称アメリカは、50の州および連邦区などからなる連邦共和制国家。日本語では音訳の「亜米利加」から一文字を取って、米国(べいこく)または米(べい)英語圏では合衆国を意味するUnited StatesまたはU.S.とも略称される。 首都コロンビア特別区(ワシントンD.C.)とアメリカ本土の48州はカナダとメキシコの間の北アメリカ中央に位置する。 アラスカ州は北アメリカ北西部の角に位置し、東ではカナダと、西ではベーリング海峡を挟んでロシアと国境を接している。ハワイ州は中部太平洋における島嶼群である。 同国は、太平洋とカリブに5つの有人の海外領土および9つの無人の海外領土を有する。985万km2の総面積は世界第3位または第4位、3億2,700万人の人口は世界第3位である。同国は世界で最も民族的に多様かつ多文化な国のひとつである。 同国は先進国かつ世界最大級の国民経済を有する。同国経済は、豊富な天然資源と高度な労働者の生産性により支えられている。同国経済は脱工業化社会だとされている一方、世界最大の製造国のうちのひとつであり続けている。同国は2018年で世界の軍事支出の36%を占め、世界最高位の経済・軍事大国であり、多大な影響を及ぼす政治・文化的勢力であり、科学研究・技術革新におけるリーダー的存在とされている。



ペンシルベニア大学考古学人類学博物館(The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, The Penn Museum)は、アメリカ合衆国ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィアに位置する、ペンシルベニア大学の博物館

William Benton Museum of Art

Mansfield, Connecticut

The William Benton Museum of Art is a public fine arts museum located on the University of Connecticut's main campus in Storrs, Connecticut, US. The Benton houses a permanent collection of over 6,500 artistic works and hosts special exhibitions, concerts, campus art walks, and other events. The museum is named in honor of the prominent U.S. senator and university trustee William Benton. The Benton has a cafe and a gift store. Admission to the museum is free for all.Constructed in 1920 and used for twenty years as University's main dining hall, the Benton opened officially as an art museum in 1967. The museum building is designed in the Collegiate Gothic style and is one of the core campus buildings in the University of Connecticut Historic District-Connecticut Agricultural School, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.The Benton's collection originated with former Connecticut Agricultural College president Charles Lewis Beach, who began the college's art collection, bequeathed his personal collection of American art to the college in 1933, and left a trust fund for the college to continue acquiring art. Developed over the ensuing decades, the museum's permanent collection includes works by Childe Hassam, Henry Ward Ranger, Emil Carlson, Charles Harold Davis, Ernest Lawson, Ellen Emmet Rand, Guy Wiggins, Mary Cassatt, Thomas Hart Benton, Fairfield Porter, George Bellows, Gustav Klimt, Rembrandt Peale, Georges Braque, Edward Burne-Jones, Reginald Marsh, Käthe-Kollwitz, Arthur Bowen Davies, Maurice Prendergast and Kiki Smith. The collection is strongest in modern and American art, but some works date to the Renaissance, and exhibits are highly diverse.

Allen County Museum

ライマ (オハイオ州)

The Allen County Museum is located in the city of Lima, the county seat of Allen County, Ohio, United States. Occupying a half city block, the museum campus includes the main museum building, a log house, the MacDonell House , a Shay Locomotive display, the Children's Discovery Center, genealogy and local history library, railroad archives, and the Children's Garden. The museum is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. According to recent reports of the American Alliance of Museums Accreditation Department, less than 800 museums, out of more than 11,000 in the United States, are accredited. Standards for accreditation apply across the board to both small and large institutions.

Arkansas Arts Center

リトルロック (アーカンソー州)

The Arkansas Arts Center is on the corner of 9th and Commerce streets in MacArthur Park, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. The Arkansas Arts Center was founded in 1960, but the idea began in 1914 when the Fine Arts Club of Arkansas formed. The group included supporters and volunteers who contributed to the realization of the Museum of Fine Arts in 1937 in Little Rock's MacArthur Park. The center features a permanent collection of art along with occasional special exhibitions. Other parts of the center include a research library and rooms for several art education classes for a variety of age groups. The center also includes the restaurant Canvas and a gift shop. Many of the facilities such as the main atrium and the lecture hall can be rented for special events. The museum is a member of the North American Reciprocal Museums program. In 2011 it was named as one of the top 10 attractions in the state of Arkansas by Arkansas.com.

Barbara Piasecka Johnson

プリンストン (ニュージャージー州)

Barbara "Basia" Piasecka Johnson was a Polish humanitarian, philanthropist, art connoisseur and collector.

Belle Grove Plantation (Iberville Parish, Louisiana)

White Castle, Louisiana

Belle Grove, also known as Belle Grove Plantation, was a plantation and elaborate Greek Revival and Italianate-style plantation mansion near White Castle in Iberville Parish, Louisiana. Completed in 1857, it was one of the largest mansions ever built in the South, surpassing that of the neighboring Nottoway. Nottoway is often cited as the largest antebellum plantation house remaining in the South. The masonry structure stood 62 feet high and measured 122 feet wide by 119 feet deep, with seventy-five rooms spread over four floors.


グリーンビル (サウスカロライナ州)

ボブ・ジョーンズ大学(ボブ・ジョーンズだいがく、Bob Jones University、BJU)は、アメリカ合衆国サウスカロライナ州グリーンビルにある私立大学。1927年バプティスト派の伝道師ボブ・ジョーンズ・シニアにより創立され、彼の子孫が代々学長職に就いている。 キリスト教根本主義を学是とする大学として知られている。1975年まで黒人の入学を制限し、2000年まで異人種間の男女交際を学則で禁じていた。かつてアメリカ合衆国大統領選挙では大統領候補にとってボブ・ジョーンズ大学で講演することは、キリスト教右派の票田を獲得するための踏み絵のようなものと認識されていた。

Cincinnati Public Schools


Cincinnati Public Schools is the U.S. state of Ohio's third-largest public school district, by enrollment, after Columbus City Schools and Cleveland Metropolitan School District. Cincinnati Public Schools is the largest Ohio school district rated as 'effective'. Founded in 1829 as the Common Schools of Cincinnati, it is governed by the Cincinnati Board of Education.

Clermont State Historic Site

Clermont, New York

The Clermont State Historic Site, also known as the Clermont estate, the Clermont Manor or just Clermont, is a New York State Historic Site in southwestern Columbia County, New York, United States. It protects the former estate of the Livingston family, seven generations of whom lived on the site over more than two centuries.