Procure museus e pinturas

Besançon / França

Besançon, Besanção ou Vesanção é uma comuna francesa situada no departamento do Doubs e na região de Borgonha-Franco-Condado.

Museum of Fine Arts and Archeology of Besançon

Besançon / França

The musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie in the French city of Besançon is the oldest public museum in France. It was set up in 1694, nearly a century before the Louvre became a public museum.

Église de la Madeleine (Besançon)

Besançon / França

The église Sainte-Madeleine is a neoclassical 18th century hall church in the Battant district of Besançon, France, dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene. Antoine-Pierre II de Grammont, the archbishop of Besançon, had it built from 1746 to 1766 to plans by the architect Nicolas Nicole.