Procure museus e pinturas


Romênia ou Roménia ) é uma república unitária semipresidencialista localizada no centro-sudeste da Europa, no norte da península dos Bálcãs e na costa ocidental do mar Negro. O país faz fronteira com Hungria, Sérvia, Ucrânia, Moldávia e Bulgária, abrangendo um território de 238 391 quilômetros quadrados, com um clima predominantemente temperado-continental. Com 20,1 milhões de habitantes, é o sétimo membro mais populoso da União Europeia . Sua capital e maior cidade, Bucareste, é a sexta maior cidade da UE. Cerca de 90% da população identifica-se como praticantes da Ortodoxia Oriental e são falantes nativos do romeno, uma língua românica. Com uma rica história cultural, a Romênia tem sido o lar de artistas, músicos e inventores influentes e apresenta uma variedade de atrações turísticas, como o "Castelo do Drácula". A Romênia surge no interior dos territórios da antiga Dácia, uma província do Império Romano, assim como dos principados da Moldávia e Valáquia, formados em uma união pessoal em 1859. A nação conquistou a independência do Império Otomano em 1877 e, no final da Primeira Guerra Mundial, Transilvânia, Bucovina e Bessarábia uniram-se como o soberano Reino da Romênia. No final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, os territórios que hoje correspondem aproximadamente à Moldávia foram ocupados pela União Soviética e o país tornou-se uma república socialista e membro do Pacto de Varsóvia. Após a Revolução Romena de 1989, a nação começou uma transição para a democracia e a economia de mercado capitalista. Desde então, os padrões de vida da população têm tido uma grande melhoria, e, atualmente, a Romênia é um país de renda média-alta com um Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano muito elevado. É membro da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte desde 2004 e faz parte da União Europeia desde 2007. Após um rápido crescimento econômico na década de 2000, o país tem uma economia predominantemente baseada em serviços e é um produtor e exportador de máquinas e de energia elétrica, com empresas como a Automobile Dacia.

National Museum of Art of Romania


The National Museum of Art of Romania is located in the Royal Palace in Revolution Square, central Bucharest. It features collections of medieval and modern Romanian art, as well as the international collection assembled by the Romanian royal family. The exhibition "Shadows and Light" ran from 15 July to 2 October 2005. With four centuries of French art, it was the largest exhibition of French painting in Central and Eastern Europe since 1945. 77 works were exhibited, including masterpieces by painters such as Poussin, Chardin, Ingres, David, Delacroix, Corot, Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso, and Braque.

Brukenthal National Museum


The Brukenthal National Museum is a museum in Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania, established in the late 18th century by Samuel von Brukenthal in his city palace. Baron Brukenthal, governor of the Grand Principality of Transylvania has established his first collections around 1790. The collections were officially opened to the public in 1817, making the museum the oldest institution of its kind on the territory of modern-day Romania. Today, in its extended form, it is a complex comprising six museums, which, without being separate administrative entities, are situated in different locations around the city and have their own distinct cultural programmes.

Muzeul de Artă din Cluj-Napoca


The Museum of Cluj-Napoca or National Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca, is an art museum housed in an important eighteenth-century Baroque building, the Cluj-Napoca Bánffy Palace, designed by German architect Johann Eberhard Blaumann. The museum possesses a very valuable collection of Romanian and European art: paintings, graphics and decorative art ranging from the Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth.

Zambaccian Museum


The Zambaccian Museum in Bucharest, Romania is a museum in the former home of Krikor Zambaccian , a businessman and art collector. The museum was founded in the Dorobanți neighbourhood in 1947, closed by the Ceauşescu regime in 1977, and re-opened in 1992. It is now a branch of The National Museum of Art of Romania. Its collection includes works by Romanian artists—including a masterful portrait of Zambaccian himself by Corneliu Baba—and works by several French impressionists. It is located not far from Piaţa Dorobanţilor on a street now renamed after Zambaccian. At the time the museum was founded, the act of donation stated that it must be housed in Zambaccian's former home. However, after the 1977 Bucharest earthquake , the Romanian government created the Museum of Art Collections, consolidating many of the city's smaller museums . The Zambaccian collection still resided at the Museum of Art Collections at the time of the Romanian Revolution of 1989; it was returned to its historic location in 1992. Artists in the collection include Romanians Ion Andreescu, Corneliu Baba, Apcar Baltazar, Henri Catargi, Alexandru Ciucurencu, Horia Damian, Nicolae Dărăscu, Lucian Grigorescu, Nicolae Grigorescu, Iosif Iser, Ştefan Luchian, Samuel Mutzner, Alexandru Padina, Theodor Pallady, Gheorghe Petrașcu, Vasile Popescu, Camil Ressu, and Nicolae Tonitza, and French artists Pierre Bonnard, Paul Cézanne—the museum has the only Cézanne in Romania—, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Eugène Delacroix, André Derain, Raoul Dufy, Albert Marquet, Henri Matisse, Camille Pissarro, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Maurice Utrillo, as well as pieces by two other artists who worked in France, the Spaniard Pablo Picasso and the Englishman Alfred Sisley. The courtyard features a large sculpture by Romanian sculptor Oscar Han; other sculptors with works in the collection are Constantin Brâncuși, Cornel Medrea, Miliţa Pătraşcu, Dimitrie Paciurea, and Frederic Storck; Storck's own former home, also in the north end of Bucharest, is also now a museum.

National Military Museum, Romania


The National Military Museum , located at 125-127 Mircea Vulcănescu St., Bucharest, Romania, was established on 18 December 1923 by King Ferdinand I. It has been at its present site since 1988, in a building finished in 1898.