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Базилика Санта-Мария-ин-Арачели — церковь Девы Марии, находящаяся на вершине Капитолийского холма в Риме. В силу своего центрального местоположения всегда играла исключительную роль в жизни средневекового Рима. Название «Арачели» может быть переведено как «алтарь небес», или «жертвенник небесный».

Santa Maria delle Grazie, Varallo



The Church of Our Lady of the Graces is a Gothic-style, Roman Catholic temple in Varallo Sesia, province of Vercelli, region of Piedmont, Italy. The church was built, together with the adjacent Franciscan convent, by padre Bernardo Caimi between 1486 and 1493. At this time, the construction of the Sacro Monte was also beginning. In December 1931, Pope Pius XI gave the church the title of Minor Basilica.

Santa Maria delle Carceri, Prato



Santa Maria delle Carceri is a basilica church, designed by Giuliano da Sangallo, and built in Prato, Tuscany, Italy. It is among the earliest examples of a Greek cross plan for a complete church in Renaissance architecture.

Santa Maria della Fava



Santa Maria della Fava, also originally known as Santa Maria della Consolazione, is an ancient Roman Catholic church in the sestiere of Castello in Venice, Italy. The suffix of della Fava attributed to the church, bridge and piazza has a number of attributed derivations. One explanation is that this area in Venice was used for the commerce of beans or the home of pastry shops for bean cake. A more colorful legend, perhaps for consumption of tourists, is that a man smuggling salt and beans was apprehended at the site, but when he kneeled before a local icon of the Madonna painted on a wall of Ca' Dolce, the salt from his bag disappeared, and thus he escaped imprisonment. The church then was built to house the miraculous icon. Finally, the church may have been endowed by the Fava family from Ferrara. The original church at the site was completed by 1500. While by 1662, it was under the jurisdiction of the Procuratoria of St Mark, it later was under the order of Saint Phillip Neri. The reconstructed, but unfinished, church we see today was designed by Antonio Gaspari in 1711, while the apse and presbytery were completed by Giorgio Massari. The interior of the church has a famous altarpiece of Saint Anne, Young Mary, and Saint Gioacchino, by Tiepolo. It also houses a Virgin with St Phillip Neri by Piazzetta. A series of statues of Saints and Evangelists were carved by Giuseppe Bernardi. Flanking the altar, which was designed by Massari are two angels by Giovanni Maria Morlaiter.

Santa Cristina al Tiverone Altarpiece



Santa Cristina al Tiverone Altarpiece is a painting by the Italian Renaissance painter Lorenzo Lotto, executed around 1504–1506. It is still housed in its original location, the parish church of Santa Cristina in Quinto di Treviso, a frazione of Treviso, northern Italy. Measuring 90x179 cm and 177x162 cm , it is signed "Laurentius / Lotus / P.[inxit]" at the base of the throne. It was perhaps commissioned around 1505 by bishop Bernardo de' Rossi, in whose court Lotto worked at the time. It was released on 14 May 1507, just before the artists' move to Recanati.

Santa Barbara Historical Museum

Санта-Барбара (Калифорния)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Santa Barbara Historical Museum is located in Santa Barbara, California, U.S.. It features relics from Chumash, Spanish, Mexican, Yankee, and Chinese cultures, including artifacts, photographs, furnishings and textiles, dating as far back as the 15th century.The Museum is located at 136 East De la Guerra in the heart of historic downtown Santa Barbara. The facility was built in 1965 by the Santa Barbara Historical Society.




Сант-Андре́а-де́лле-Фра́тте — титулярная базилика в Риме, посвященная Св. Андрею. Церковь в infra hortes была построена ещё в 1192 году, позднее несколько раз перестроена. До 1585 года она являлась национальной церковью шотландцев, затем папа Сикст V передал её ордену минимов. В 1653 году над церковью работал Франческо Борромини , после его смерти работу продолжил Маттиа де Росси. Внутри находятся оригиналы двух ангелов , работы Бернини для моста Святого Ангела: ангел с надписью INRI и ангел с терновым венком. В приходе церкви жил в 1520-е годы голландский художник Паулюс Бор. В церкви похоронены художница Ангелика Кауфман и скульптор Рудольф Шадов, а также русский портретист О. А. Кипренский.

Sant'Andrea a San Donnino



Sant'Andrea a San Donnino is a Roman Catholic parish church in the San Donnino neighborhood of the town limits of Campi Bisenzio, located on the Via Pistoiese just west of Florence, in the region of Tuscany, Italy. Adjacent to the church is a small art Museum.

Sant'Alessandro della Croce, Bergamo



Sant'Alessandro della Croce is a Baroque style, Roman Catholic church located on Via Pignolo in Bergamo, region of Lombardy, Italy.




Церковь Сан-Трова́зо — католическая церковь в Венеции, располагается в районе Дорсодуро у одноимённой площади . Церковь построена в стиле Возрождения и датируется XVI веком. Рядом с ней находится знаменитая верфь Сан-Тровазо. Церковь посвящена раннехристианским мученикам Гервасию и Протасию, а венецианский диалект сократил имена этих святых до «Сан-Тровазо».




Сан-Себастьяно-фуори-ле-Мура — «Базилика Святого Себастьяна за городскими стенами», расположенная над катакомбами св. Себастьяна. Мощи Св. Себастьяна хранятся с древних времён в этом храме, часть мощей — в Соборе Святого Петра. Большая базилика, посвящённая апостолам Петру и Павлу , была построена в 340 году за городскими воротами на месте небольшого сооружения , в котором ранние христиане почитали апостолов. В XIII веке здание было перестроено, в 1612 году приобрело сегодняшний барочный фасад. С 30 декабря 1960 года Сан-Себастьяно-фуори-ле-Мура является титулярной церковью. Была одной из семи паломнических церквей Рима до 2000 года, однако паломники по-прежнему её посещают.

San Salvador, Venice



The Chiesa di San Salvatore is a church in Venice, northern Italy. Known in Venetian as San Salvador, is located on the Campo San Salvador, along the Merceria, the main shopping street of Venice. The church was first consecrated in 1177 by Pope Alexander III shortly after his reconciliation with Emperor Frederick Barbarossa at nearby San Marco. The present church, however, was begun in around 1508 by Giorgio Spavento and continued after his death the following year by Tullio Lombardo, Vincenzo Scamozzi and possibly Jacopo Sansovino. They built a large hall church, formed from three Greek crosses placed end to end. Each has a dome with a lantern to let light into the cavernous interior. The facade was added in 1663 by Giuseppe Sardi. Adjoining the church is the former monastery, now the offices of the telephone company, which still contain Sansovino's magnificent cloisters. San Salvador is the parish church of a parish in the Vicariate of San Marco-Castello. Other churches in the parish are San Bartolomeo and San Zulian. San Salvador is a small, but still-active religious, cultural and social centre.Below the left column on the facade there is a cannonball embedded in the base of the column. It derived from a bombardment in 1849 by Austrian forces in the port of Marghera, of the independent republic which had been proclaimed by Daniele Manin.

San Pietro Martire, Murano



San Pietro Martire is a Roman catholic parish church in Murano, near Venice, northern Italy.




Сан-Пьетро-ин-Монторио — титулярная церковь в городе Риме на склоне холма Яникул.

San Paolo Converso



San Paolo Converso is a former Roman Catholic church in Milan, region of Lombardy, Italy. Built in 1546-1580 for the convent of the Order of the Angeliche, it has a nave with barrel vault with a wall dividing the church reserved to the nuns to that for the common faithful, like in San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore. The Baroque façade was designed in 1613 by Giovan Battista Crespi. The interior houses canvasses from the Cremonese masters Giulio, Antonio and Vincenzo Campi. The hall of the nuns had once a Pentecost by Simone Peterzano, now in the nearby church of Sant'Eufemia. The church is now privately owned.

San Michele in Bosco



San Michele in Bosco is a religious complex in Bologna, central Italy, including the church with the same name and the annexed Olivetan monastery. The buildings of the monastery were acquired in 1955 by the municipality of Bologna, to house an orthopedic center named the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute .