Поиск музеев

100 лучших музеев

Hamilton Low Parks Museum

Гамильтон (Шотландия)


The Low Parks Museum is located in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland and traces the local history of South Lanarkshire through numerous exhibits on provincial industries and events of local historical importance.

High Museum of Art


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The High Museum of Art , located in Atlanta, is a leading art museum in the Southeastern United States. Located on Peachtree Street in Midtown, the city's arts district, the High is a division of the Woodruff Arts Center. In 2010 it had 509,000 visitors, 95th among world art museums.

Eden Court Theatre



Eden Court Theatre is a large theatre, cinema and arts venue situated in Inverness, Scotland close to the banks of the River Ness. The theatre has recently undergone a complete refurbishment and major extension, adding a second theatre, two dedicated cinema screens, two performance/dance studios, improved dressing room and green room facilities and additional office space. The theatre's restaurant and bar facilities have also been totally overhauled and improved.

Галерея искусства Коркоран


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Corcoran Gallery of Art was an art museum in Washington, D.C., United States, that is now the location of the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design, a part of the George Washington University.

Национальный музей Кардиффа



Национальный музей в Кардиффе — музей и художественная галерея в Кардиффе, Уэльс, Великобритания, являющийся частью Национального музея Уэльса. Вход в музей бесплатный, а сам музей содержится на средства Ассамблеи Уэльса. Национальный музей Уэльса был основан в 1907 году, унаследовав коллекции музея Кардиффа, расположенного в здании Кардиффской центральной библиотеки. Строительство нового здания музея в Кардиффе началось в 1912 году в Катайс-парке, но из-за Первой мировой войны так и не было открыто для посетителей вплоть до 1927 года. Архитекторами выступили Арнольд Данбар Смит и Сесил Брюер, однако современный вид здания значительно изменён. В музее находятся коллекции по археологии, ботанике, изобразительному и прикладному искусствам, геологии и зоологии.

Addison Gallery of American Art

Андовер (Массачусетс)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Addison Gallery of American Art, as a department of Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, is an academic museum dedicated to collecting American art. The museum's purpose is to acquire, preserve, interpret, and exhibit works of art for the education and enjoyment of local, regional, national and international audiences, including the students, faculty, and community of Phillips Academy, and other students, teachers, scholars and the general public.

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart



The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart is an art museum in Stuttgart, Germany, it opened in 1843. In 1984, the opening of the Neue Staatsgalerie designed by James Stirling transformed the once provincial gallery into one of Europe's leading museums.

Worthing Museum and Art Gallery



Worthing Museum and Art Gallery is in the centre of Worthing near the grade II* listed St Paul's. The building, which celebrated its centenary in 2008, was originally designed to house the town's library as well as the museum, the library section being funded by Andrew Carnegie. It is the largest museum in West Sussex.

Museum of Freemasonry



Museum of Freemasonry , based at Freemasons’ Hall, London, is a fully accredited museum since 2014, with a designated outstanding collection of national importance since 2007 and registered charitable trust since 1996. The facility encompasses a museum, library, and archive. The collections are composed of masonic ceremonial objects, jewellery, regalia, ceramics, glassware, silverware, clocks, furniture, books, prints and manuscripts relating to English freemasonry and its interactions with overseas lodges and orders. It also retains artefacts relating to other associated fraternal orders and friendly societies such as the Oddfellows, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Sons of the Phoenix and Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. The Museum is open to the public Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm. Admission is free.

Minneapolis Institute of Art


Соединённые Штаты Америки

Home to more than 90,000 works of art representing 5,000 years of world history, the Minneapolis Institute of Art is an arts museum located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. Its permanent collection includes world-famous works that embody the highest levels of artistic achievement, spanning about 20,000 years and representing the world’s diverse cultures across six continents. The museum has seven curatorial areas: Arts of Africa & the Americas; Contemporary Art; Decorative Arts, Textiles & Sculpture; Asian Art; Paintings; Photography and New Media; and Prints and Drawings. Mia is one of the largest arts educators in Minnesota. More than a half-million people visit the museum each year, and a hundred thousand more are reached through the museum’s Art Adventure program for elementary schoolchildren. The museum’s free general admission policy, public programs, classes for children and adults, and award-winning interactive media programs have helped to broaden and deepen this museum’s roots in the communities it serves.

Hispanic Society of America


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Hispanic Society of America is a museum and reference library for the study of the arts and cultures of Spain and Portugal and their former colonies in Latin America, the Philippines and Portuguese India. Founded in 1904 by Archer M. Huntington, the institution remains at its original location in a 1908 Beaux Arts building on Audubon Terrace in the lower Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City in the United States. A second building, on the north side of the terrace, was added in 1930. Exterior sculpture in front of that building includes work by Anna Hyatt Huntington and nine major reliefs by the Swiss-American sculptor Berthold Nebel, a commission that took ten years to complete. The Hispanic Society complex was designated a National Historic Landmark in 2012. In 2017, the museum began a major renovation and is closed to the public until the work is completed. Much of the collection is on loan to other institutions during this period.

Museum of Gloucester



The Museum of Gloucester in Brunswick Road is the main museum in the City of Gloucester. It has recently been extensively renovated following a large National Heritage Lottery Fund grant and it reopened on Gloucester Day, 3 September 2011.In March 2016, The Museum rebranded itself and used to be called Gloucester City Museum & Art Gallery.The Gloucester Life is a smaller museum in Westgate Street, dealing with the social history of Gloucestershire.

Royal Free Hospital



The Royal Free Hospital is a major teaching hospital in the Hampstead area of the London Borough of Camden. The hospital is part of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, which also runs services at Barnet Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital and a number of other sites. The trust is a founder member of the UCLPartners academic health science centre.

Музей Нортона Саймона

Пасадина (Калифорния)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

Музей Нортона Саймона — художественный музей в Пасадине, одном из пригородов Лос-Анджелеса. Музей, основанный в 1969 году, изначально именовался Художественный институт Пасадины и Художественный музей Пасадины. В музее представлена коллекция живописи и скульптуры американского промышленника и филантропа Нортона Саймона .

Музей Польди-Пеццоли



Музе́й По́льди-Пеццо́ли — музей в Милане, основанный Джаном Джакомо Польди-Пеццоли в середине XIX века как частная коллекция. Открыт для публики с 1881 года. В музее хранится большая коллекция оружия, доспехов, живописи XIV—XIX веков, итальянской классицистической скульптуры, мебели эпохи Возрождения, персидских ковров и фламандских гобеленов, венецианского стекла и античной керамики. Особый интерес представляют произведения художников северной Италии и старонидерландских мастеров.




Музей Карнавале́ — городской музей истории Парижа, расположенный в двух зданиях — старинном особняке Карнавале и соседнем Ле-Пелетье-де-Сен-Фаржо , возведённом в конце XVII века. Музей находится в 3-м округе французской столицы, в квартале Маре.




Собор Са́нти-Джова́нни-э-Па́оло — один из самых больших и известных соборов Венеции, находится на одноимённой площади рядом со скуолой Сан-Марко в районе Кастелло. Вторым, не менее распространённым названием собора, в соответствии со спецификой венецианского диалекта, является наименование Сан-Заниполо . Современное здание собора было построено в 1430 году и посвящено раннехристианским мученикам Иоанну и Павлу. В соборе находится очень большое количество произведений искусства. К тому же, здание является своеобразным пантеоном Венеции, так как в нём погребены 18 дожей Венецианской республики и множество других выдающихся личностей.

Палаццо Веккьо



Пала́ццо Ве́ккьо — здание во Флоренции, на площади Синьории, построенное в 1299—1314 годах по проекту Арнольфо ди Камбио; одно из наиболее известных строений города. В настоящее время служит ратушей.