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100 лучших музеев

Музей современного искусства «Пти-Пале»



Музей современного искусства «Пти-Пале» — женевский Музей современного искусства, созданный в 1968 году усилиями мецената и собирателя Оскара Геза.

Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes



The Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes Musée des beaux-arts de Rennes) is a municipal museum of fine arts in the French city of Rennes, the capital of Brittany. Its collections range from ancient Egypt antiquities to the Modern art period and make the museum one of the most important in France outside Paris, notably for its paintings and drawings holdings.

Moorfields Eye Hospital



Moorfields Eye Hospital is a specialist NHS eye hospital in St Luke's in London, England run by Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Together with the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, which is adjacent to the hospital, it is the oldest and largest centre for ophthalmic treatment, teaching and research in Europe.

Medway Maritime Hospital

Gillingham, Kent


Medway Maritime Hospital is a general hospital in Gillingham, England within the NHS South East Coast. It is run by Medway NHS Foundation Trust. It is Kent's largest and busiest hospital, dealing with around 400,000 patients annually. It was founded as the Royal Naval Hospital in 1902 for the Naval personnel at the Chatham Dockyard. The hospital was where the Piano Man was taken after being found wandering in a soaking wet suit and tie.

Maggie's Centres



Maggie's centres are a network of drop-in centres across the United Kingdom and Hong Kong, which aim to help anyone who has been affected by cancer. They are not intended as a replacement for conventional cancer therapy, but as a caring environment that can provide support, information and practical advice. They are located near, but are detached from, existing NHS hospitals. The Scottish registered charity which promotes, builds and runs the centres is formally named the Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Trust, but refers to itself simply as Maggie's. It was founded by and named after the late Maggie Keswick Jencks, who died of cancer in 1995. Like her husband, architectural writer and critic Charles Jencks, she believed in the ability of buildings to uplift people. The buildings that house the centres have been designed by leading architects, including Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid and Richard Rogers.Patrons of the charity include Frank Gehry, Jon Snow, Kirsty Wark, and Sarah Brown, wife of former British prime minister Gordon Brown. The charity's chief executive officer is Laura Lee, who was Maggie's cancer nurse. The President of the charity is Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Maggie's Centres



Maggie's centres are a network of drop-in centres across the United Kingdom and Hong Kong, which aim to help anyone who has been affected by cancer. They are not intended as a replacement for conventional cancer therapy, but as a caring environment that can provide support, information and practical advice. They are located near, but are detached from, existing NHS hospitals. The Scottish registered charity which promotes, builds and runs the centres is formally named the Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Trust, but refers to itself simply as Maggie's. It was founded by and named after the late Maggie Keswick Jencks, who died of cancer in 1995. Like her husband, architectural writer and critic Charles Jencks, she believed in the ability of buildings to uplift people. The buildings that house the centres have been designed by leading architects, including Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid and Richard Rogers.Patrons of the charity include Frank Gehry, Jon Snow, Kirsty Wark, and Sarah Brown, wife of former British prime minister Gordon Brown. The charity's chief executive officer is Laura Lee, who was Maggie's cancer nurse. The President of the charity is Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Maggie's Centres



Maggie's centres are a network of drop-in centres across the United Kingdom and Hong Kong, which aim to help anyone who has been affected by cancer. They are not intended as a replacement for conventional cancer therapy, but as a caring environment that can provide support, information and practical advice. They are located near, but are detached from, existing NHS hospitals. The Scottish registered charity which promotes, builds and runs the centres is formally named the Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Trust, but refers to itself simply as Maggie's. It was founded by and named after the late Maggie Keswick Jencks, who died of cancer in 1995. Like her husband, architectural writer and critic Charles Jencks, she believed in the ability of buildings to uplift people. The buildings that house the centres have been designed by leading architects, including Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid and Richard Rogers.Patrons of the charity include Frank Gehry, Jon Snow, Kirsty Wark, and Sarah Brown, wife of former British prime minister Gordon Brown. The charity's chief executive officer is Laura Lee, who was Maggie's cancer nurse. The President of the charity is Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Maggie's Centres



Maggie's centres are a network of drop-in centres across the United Kingdom and Hong Kong, which aim to help anyone who has been affected by cancer. They are not intended as a replacement for conventional cancer therapy, but as a caring environment that can provide support, information and practical advice. They are located near, but are detached from, existing NHS hospitals. The Scottish registered charity which promotes, builds and runs the centres is formally named the Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Trust, but refers to itself simply as Maggie's. It was founded by and named after the late Maggie Keswick Jencks, who died of cancer in 1995. Like her husband, architectural writer and critic Charles Jencks, she believed in the ability of buildings to uplift people. The buildings that house the centres have been designed by leading architects, including Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid and Richard Rogers.Patrons of the charity include Frank Gehry, Jon Snow, Kirsty Wark, and Sarah Brown, wife of former British prime minister Gordon Brown. The charity's chief executive officer is Laura Lee, who was Maggie's cancer nurse. The President of the charity is Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Музей общественного транспорта (Лондон)



Музей общественного транспорта — расположенный в лондонском районе Ковент-Гарден музей, посвящённый истории городского транспорта столицы Великобритании. Открыт в 1980 году, в 2005 году был временно закрыт в связи с реконструкцией, заново открыт в 2007 году. С общественностью работает куратор музея Оливер Грин, он активно пополняет коллекцию музея различными экспонатами, которые выходят из использования на городских маршрутах.

Камден (боро Лондона)



Лондонский боро Ка́мден — один из 32 лондонских боро, расположен в центре внутреннего Лондона к северу от Вестминстера и Сити. Занимает площадь в 21 км² и тянется от Хай-Холборна до парка Хэмпстед-хит. Историческим центром является район Камден-Таун, носящий имя 1-го графа Кемдена.

Сан-Джорджо-Маджоре (остров)



Сан-Джо́рджо-Маджо́ре — один из самых известных островов Венецианской лагуны, на севере Италии. Площадь — 0,099 км².

Библиотека Хантингтона

Сан-Марино (Калифорния)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

Библиотека, художественное собрание и ботанические сады Хантингтона — научный и образовательный центр на базе виллы миллионера Генри Хантингтона в Сан-Марино, одном из пригородов Лос-Анджелеса. В первой четверти XX века железнодорожный магнат Генри Хантингтон собрал крупнейшее частное собрание британских портретов XVIII века. Обустройством имения Сан-Марино и его наполнением произведениями искусства заведовала супруга промышленника, Арабелла Хантингтон . Среди шедевров коллекции — «Голубой мальчик» Т. Гейнсборо, «Розовая девочка» Т. Лоуренса, одна из мадонн Рогира ван дер Вейдена. Другим направлением собирательской деятельности Хантингтонов было коллекционирование редких книг и автографов великих людей. Наибольший интерес представляют: Эллесмерская рукопись «Кентерберийских рассказов»; Библия Гутенберга; первое издание «Гамлета» ; письма и личные бумаги Дж. Вашингтона, Т. Джефферсона, Б. Франклина, А. Линкольна; рукопись культовой книги «Жизнь в лесу»; полное издание «Птиц Америки».В 2006 году собрание пополнилось библиотекой научной литературы компании «Бернди». При центре Хантингтона работает научное издательство и два исследовательских центра . Территория виллы общей площадью 120 акров занята ботаническим садом, где высажены редкие растения. Отдельные части сада оформлены в китайском, японском, корейском стилях; имеется тематический парк, посвящённый творчеству У. Шекспира. Участок, непосредственно примыкающий к вилле, распланирован по проекту Беатрикс Фарранд — одного из выдающихся ландшафтоустроителей XX века. После смерти супругов их вилла была открыта для всеобщего посещения в качестве музея. На тот момент стоимость коллекции оценивалась в $50 млн. . Вилла часто фигурирует в голливудских фильмах как шикарная загородная резиденция. Здесь снимались такие ленты, как «Непристойное предложение», «Певец на свадьбе», «Ангелы Чарли», «Невыносимая жестокость», «Мемуары гейши».

Hatchlands Park



Hatchlands Park is a red-brick country house with surrounding gardens in East Clandon, Surrey, England, covering 170 hectares . It is located near Guildford along the A246 between East Clandon and West Horsley. Hatchlands Park has been a Grade I listed property since 1967. The gardens were Grade II listed in 2007.

Центр Гетти


Соединённые Штаты Америки

Центр Гетти — музейный комплекс в Лос-Анджелесе, штат Калифорния, США, созданный трастовым фондом Пола Гетти. Помимо Музея Гетти на его территории размещены Исследовательский институт Гетти , Институт сохранения предметов искусства Гетти , Фонд Гетти и Гетти Траст . Центр открылся для посетителей 16 декабря 1997 года. Построен на вершине холма, с подножием которого связан тремя фуникулёрами. Известен архитектурой своих зданий, садами с экспозицией скульптур и видами на расположенный внизу Лос-Анджелес. Центр Гетти спроектировал американский архитектор Ричард Мейер. В проект заложены дополнительные меры безопасности, связанные с землетрясениями и пожарами.

David Owsley Museum of Art

Muncie, Indiana

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The David Owsley Museum of Art is a university art museum located in the Fine Arts building on the campus of Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, the United States of America. The museum's name was changed on October 6, 2011 from the Ball State Museum of Art to the David Owsley Museum of Art in honor of David T. Owsley, grandson of Frank C. Ball , to recognize his donation of over 2,300 works of art and planned gift of $5 million. Since departments within the Fine Arts Building relocated to other areas on Ball State's campus, the museum has expanded its galleries, beginning in early-mid-2012 and ending in 2013.The museum is home to approximately 11,000 works of art . It is one of only four Indiana art museums with an encyclopedic, world art collection.

Cyfarthfa Castle



Cyfarthfa Castle is a castellated mansion that was the home of the Crawshay family, ironmasters of Cyfarthfa Ironworks in Park, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales. The house commanded a view of the valley and the works, which ‘at night, offer a truly magnificent scene, resembling the fabled Pandemonium, but on which the eye may gaze with pleasure’. Cyfarthfa loosely translates from the Welsh for place of barking. The reason is hunting dogs were regularly heard in this area of the town, hunting polecats and weasels among others. Despite appearing to be a fortified building, it is a house built in the style of a large mansion with a large kitchen, bake house and dairy, billiard room, library, and a range of reception rooms. In addition, there is a brew house, icehouse and extensive storage cellars that used to contain over 15,000 individual bottles of wines and spirits such as Sherry, Champagne, Whiskey, Brandy, Madeira Wine, and over 7,500 bottles of port. Adjoining the building were also stable blocks and coach houses. The castle stands in 158-acre of parkland, now called Cyfarthfa Park and maintained by Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council.