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100 лучших музеев

Villa di Poggio a Caiano



The Medici Villa of Poggio a Caiano, also called Ambra, is one of the most famous Medici villas and is located in Poggio a Caiano . Today it is state owned and it houses two museums: one of the historic apartments and the Museum of Still Life . The villa is perhaps the best example of architecture commissioned by Lorenzo il Magnifico, in this case to Giuliano da Sangallo towards 1480. It is no coincidence that this is a private building, where there are elements that later modeled for the future developments of the type of villas: internal and external penetration through filters such as loggias, symmetrical distribution of environments around a central salon , dominant position in the landscape, conscious recovery of classical architectural elements .

Vestry House Museum



Vestry House Museum is a history museum in Walthamstow, focusing on the heritage of the local area. The collection includes various artifacts dating from the Victorian Era to the 20th Century including numerous archived documents and photographs.Vestry House was originally built as a workhouse and was later used as a police station and also as private housing . The building became a museum in 1931.On permanent display in the museum is the Bremer Car, the first British motor car with an internal combustion engine, which was built by Frederick Bremer in a workshop at the back of his family home in Connaught Road, Walthamstow. The car first ran in 1892 and was donated to the museum by Bremer in 1933.

University of Sussex



The University of Sussex is a public research university located in Falmer, Sussex, England. Its campus is surrounded by the South Downs National Park and it is a short distance away from central Brighton. The University received its Royal Charter in August 1961, the first of the plate glass university generation, and was a founding member of the 1994 Group of research-intensive universities. More than a third of its students are enrolled in postgraduate programs and approximately a third of staff are from outside the United Kingdom. Sussex has a diverse community of nearly 20,000 students, with around one in three being foreign students, and over 1000 academics, representing over 140 different nationalities. The annual income of the institution for 2016–17 was £286.1 million with an expenditure of £270.4 million.Sussex counts 5 Nobel Prize winners, 15 Fellows of the Royal Society, 10 Fellows of the British Academy, 24 fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences and a winner of the Crafoord Prize among its faculty. By 2011, many of its faculty members had also received the Royal Society of Literature Prize, the Order of the British Empire and the Bancroft Prize. Alumni include heads of states, diplomats, politicians, eminent scientists and activists.

Эссекский университет



Эссекский университет или университет Эссекс — английский университет, основанный в 1963 году. Расположен в графстве Эссекс близ города Колчестера.

Университет Данди



Университет Данди — британский университет в Шотландии, г. Данди. Включает девять школ: общественных наук; наук и инженерии; медицины; гуманитарную; искусства и дизайна; и др.

Newark Public Library

Ньюарк (Нью-Джерси)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Newark Public Library is a public library system in Newark, New Jersey. The library offers numerous programs and events to its diverse population. With eight different locations, the Newark Public Library serves as a Statewide Reference Center. The Newark Public Library is the public library system for the city of Newark, Essex County, New Jersey, United States. Currently, the library boasts an enormous collection of both art and literature, art and history exhibits, a variety of programs for all ages, and much more.

Jesmond Dene House



Jesmond Dene, a public park in the east end of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, occupies the narrow steep-sided valley of a small river known as the Ouseburn, flowing south to join the River Tyne: in north-east England, such valleys are commonly known as denes: the name 'Jesmond' meaning 'mouth of the Ouseburn'.Lord Armstrong and his wife, of the now-demolished Jesmond Dean house nearby, first laid out the park during the 1860s. The design is intended to reflect a rural setting, with woodland, crags, waterfalls and pools. Lord Armstrong gave the park to the people of Newcastle, and it is now owned by Newcastle City Council. The current Jesmond Dene House adjoining the dene was the mansion of Armstrong's business partner Andrew Noble. It is now a luxury hotel.The iron-constructed Armstrong Bridge spans the south end of the Dene and hosts Jesmond Food Market every first and third Saturday of the month. The building of a replacement road and tunnel, the Cradlewell By-pass, was the subject of a road protest camp around 1993, due to the destruction of many 200-year-old trees. Jesmond Dene contains a free-entry petting zoo known as "Pets' Corner", which has been a popular family attraction since the 1960s.Jesmond Dene is home to Newcastle's oldest religious building, St Mary's Chapel. The chapel, now in ruins, was once a site of much significance, attracting a great number of pilgrims.The park is supported by a group called 'Friends of Jesmond Dene' which provides funds for small projects to improve the park. There is also a group of Volunteer Rangers which carries out physical work tidying the paths, picking up litter, cutting back shrubs and other maintenance tasks. The dawn chorus of Jesmond Dene has been professionally recorded and has been used in various workplace and hospital rehabilitation facilities.In 2011, the field area and pets corner were redeveloped. The redevelopment included a new road and a bridge over the Ouseburn river.In 2012, during excessively wet weather, a landslide occurred on the east side of the Dene, near the Old Mill. The landslide covered several footpaths running along the hillside. The paths are currently still closed as the cost of re-opening them would be excessive. In July 2014, the Old Mill in the Dene was vandalised with graffiti tags, which has since been removed.On 1 April 2019, control and upkeep of Jesmond Dene, along with other Newcastle parks, was passed from Newcastle City Council to a newly created charitable trust, Urban Green Newcastle.

Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle upon Tyne



The Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle upon Tyne is a historical library in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, and the largest independent library outside London. The library is still available for both lending and as a free reference library.

Congregational Memorial Hall

Сити (Лондон)


The Congregational Memorial Hall in Farringdon Street, London was built to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Great Ejection of Black Bartholomew's Day, resulting from the 1662 Act of Uniformity which restored the Anglican church. The two thousand puritan ministers who refused to take the oath of conformity thereby established non-conformism. The architect of the hall was John Tarring. The hall was built upon the site of the Fleet Prison in Farringdon Street. It opened in 1875 and served as a meeting place and home for the Congregational Library. Other progressive organisations met there including the Labour Party which was founded at a meeting there on 27 February 1900 initially under the name of the Labour Representation Committee. The hall was demolished in 1968 and Caroone House was built on the site — an office which was used by British Telecom for its international business and telephone tapping.In 1978 the Congregational Memorial Hall Trust was established to handle income from Caroone House and then from the capital raised from its sale. The income is used to maintain the Congregational Library and give grants to the three bodies represented on the trust, the United Reformed Church, the Congregational Federation and the Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches.

Terra Foundation for American Art


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Terra Foundation for American Art is a privately operated nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of American art exhibitions, projects, academic research, and publications worldwide. Its goal is to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the cultural and artistic heritage of the United States through the acquisition, study, and display of works of American art. The Foundation is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

Темпио Малатестиано



Темпио Малатестиано — кафедральный собор Римини, выстроенный в середине XV века по новаторскому проекту Альберти как усыпальница владетельного рода Малатеста, откуда и название . Одна из ключевых построек кватроченто, обозначившая бескомпромиссный разрыв со средневековой зодческой традицией и возрождение многих приёмов античной архитектуры.

St Andrews Museum



The St Andrews Museum is a museum focusing on the history of the town of St Andrews in St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

Speed Art Museum


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Speed Art Museum, originally known as the J.B. Speed Memorial Museum, now colloquially referred to as the Speed by locals, is the oldest, largest, and foremost museum of art in Kentucky. It is located in Louisville, Kentucky on Third Street next to the University of Louisville Belknap campus and receives around 180,000 visits annually.The museum offers visitors a variety of "art experiences" outside its collection and international exhibitions, including the Speed Concert Series, the Art Sparks Interactive Family Gallery, and the popular late-night event, After Hours at the Speed.The Speed houses ancient, classical, and modern art from around the world. The focus of the collection is Western art, from antiquity to the present day. Holdings of paintings from the Netherlands, French and Italian works, and contemporary art are particularly strong, with sculpture prominent throughout.

Iglesia de Santo Tomé, Toledo



The Iglesia de Santo Tomé is a church located in the historical center of the city of Toledo , and was founded after the reconquest of this city by King Alfonso VI of León. It appears quoted in the 12th century, as constructed on the site of an old mosque of the 11th century. This mosque, together with other mosques in the city, were used as Christian churches without major changes, since in the taking of the city there was no destruction of buildings. However, at the beginning of the 14th century, being in a ruinous state the church was totally rebuilt in charge of Gonzalo Ruiz de Toledo, Lord of Orgaz, and the old minaret of the mosque was transformed into a bell tower in Mudéjar style. Its fame is mainly due to the fact that it contains the painting The Burial of the Count of Orgaz by El Greco, which can be seen by accessing the back of church.

Санто-Спирито (Флоренция)



Базилика Са́нто-Спи́рито — католическая церковь во Флоренции , находится на одноимённой площади в квартале Олтрарно. Построенная в XV веке по проекту Филиппо Брунеллески, она считается одним из чистейших образцов архитектуры раннего ренессанса во Флоренции.

Сен-Сюльпис (церковь)



Церковь Святого Сульпиция находится на площади Сен-Сюльпис в 6-м округе Парижа , между Люксембургским садом и бульваром Сен-Жермен. Во времена правления Людовика XIV это была самая большая после собора Нотр-Дам приходская церковь Парижа. Она представляет собой внушительное здание длиной 120 метров, шириной 57 метров и высотой 30 метров до центральной точки свода. Названа в честь святого Сульпиция Благочестивого, епископа города Бурж времён Меровингов . 20 мая 1915 года церковь Сен-Сюльпис была объявлена историческим памятником Франции. Проект оформления полуциркульной площади Сен-Сюльпис c одинаковыми фасадами выходящих на площадь зданий разработал в 1754 году итальянский архитектор, автор проекта церкви Джованни Сервандони, но проект не был реализован. В 1807 году по распоряжению Наполеона Бонапарта в центре площади установили Фонтан Мира. В 1843 году архитектор Луи Висконти разработал проект ныне существующего фонтана, который стали называть «Четыре епископа» . В полукруглых нишах этого сооружения установлены скульптуры четырех епископов, служивших церкви при Людовике XIV. Каждая статуя обращена к определенной стороне света: к северу — епископ Мо Жак-Бенинь Боссюэ, к востоку — архиепископ Камбре Франсуа Фенелон, к западу — епископ Нима Эспри Флешье, к югу — епископ Клермона Жан-Батист Масийон. Фонтан также называют по-французски «La Fontaine des quatre points cardinaux», что означает «Фонтан четырех основных направлений», поскольку скульптуры обращены лицом на север, юг, восток и запад. Это название является каламбуром, потому что «points cardinaux» можно понимать как «Point Cardinaux», что означает «не кардиналы», поскольку все четыре епископа, несмотря на свою известность, никогда не были возведены в кардиналы.

Церковь святого Роха (Париж)



Церковь святого Роха — римско-католическая церковь в Париже, посвящённая святому Роху , защитнику от чумы. Построена между 1653 и 1740 годами . Расположена по адресу 284 Rue Saint-Honoré, в I-м округе Парижа. Станция метро: Пирамида.

Ruskin Library



The Ruskin Library is a library of the University of Lancaster which houses the Whitehouse Collection of material relating to the English poet, author and artist John Ruskin and his circle. This collection was formed by John Howard Whitehouse, Liberal Member of Parliament.