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Лондон / Великобритания

Ло́ндон — столица и крупнейший город Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Административно образует регион Англии Большой Лондон, разделённый на 33 самоуправляемых территории. Население составляет 8 908 081 чел. — это третий по величине город Европы. Образует агломерацию Большой Лондон и более обширный метрополитенский район, являющиеся по численности населения в ЕС второй городской и первой региональной агломерациями, соответственно. Расположен на юго-востоке острова Великобритания, на равнине в устье Темзы, вблизи Северного моря. Главный политический, экономический и культурный центр Соединённого Королевства. Лондон относится к глобальным городам высшего ранга и ведущим мировым финансовым центрам. Экономика его составляет пятую часть экономики страны. По объёму ВРП Лондон занимает 5-е — 6-е места среди региональных агломераций мира. Лондон является одним из привлекательнейших городов для инвестиций, и в его юрисдикции зарегистрировано наибольшее число международных торговых компаний и лиц со сверхкрупным чистым капиталом среди всех городов мира. Основан римлянами вскоре после их вторжения на Британские острова в 43 году н. э. Приблизительно с 100 года н. э. — столица римской Британии, с XI—XII столетий — Англии, с 1707 года — Великобритании, с XVI по XX век — Британской империи. С 1825 по 1925 год Лондон был крупнейшим городом мира. Исторический центр города, образованный районами Вестминстер и Сити, сложился в викторианскую эпоху. Среди немногих построек, уцелевших здесь после пожара 1666 года, — средневековая цитадель Тауэр.

Хаммерсмит и Фулем

Лондон / Великобритания

Лондонский боро Хаммерсмит и Фулем — один из 32 лондонских боро, находится во внутреннем Лондоне.

Brentford Library

Лондон / Великобритания

Brentford Library is a Grade II listed building at Boston Manor Road, Brentford, London.It was built in 1903 by Joseph Dorey and Co; for the then Brentford District Council. The benefactor was Andrew Carnegie and the architect was Nowell Parr. The foundation stone was laid by the Countess of Jersey, who lived not far away at Osterley Park.The building is constructed from yellow stock brick laid in English bond and dressed with terracotta. The roof uses Welsh slate. It was designated a listed building on 2 October 1990.On the floor of the entrance hall is a mosaic displaying the coat of arms of Middlesex . Also in the entrance hall, on the staircase leading up, is a marble memorial by Nowell Parr dedicated to the local men who died in the Second Boer War.It closed in November 2016 due to plaster falling from the roof in the children's area. Structural engineering surveys show that all three ceilings need repair, and as of end December 2016, Hounslow Council hope to re-open it "very early in the New Year". It partially reopened in January 2017, and in full in April.

Lewisham Southwark College

Лондон / Великобритания

Lewisham College is a further education college in Lewisham and Deptford, south-east London. It was established in 1990, having previously been known as SELTEC since the early 1970s, which had campuses at Lewisham Way, Deptford and was run by the Inner London Education Authority. Lewisham College and Southwark College merged in 2012, having previously existed as separate institutions. Between 2013 and 2014 the college was branded as LeSoCo, before this was dropped. It was then known as Lewisham Southwark College between 2014 and 2018, becoming part of Newcastle College Group in 2017.In October 2018 it was announced by Newcastle College Group that Lewisham Southwark College would return to being branded as two institutions: Lewisham College and Southwark College.

Moorfields Eye Hospital

Лондон / Великобритания

Moorfields Eye Hospital is a specialist NHS eye hospital in St Luke's in London, England run by Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Together with the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, which is adjacent to the hospital, it is the oldest and largest centre for ophthalmic treatment, teaching and research in Europe.

County Hall, Kingston upon Thames

Лондон / Великобритания

County Hall is the main government building for Surrey County Council in England. It was opened 13 November 1893, and is located in Kingston upon Thames. County Hall is a landmark in Kingston and contains a clock tower entrance, sculptures, plaques of Surrey MPs and Lord Sheriffs, and the council chamber. It is located on Penrhyn Road, named in honour of the first chairman of the county council. It is a Grade II listed building.

Foundling Museum

Лондон / Великобритания

The Foundling Museum in Brunswick Square, London tells the story of the Foundling Hospital, Britain's first home for children at risk of abandonment. The museum houses the nationally important Foundling Hospital Collection as well as the Gerald Coke Handel Collection, an internationally important collection of material relating to Handel and his contemporaries. After a major building refurbishment the museum opened to the public in June 2004. The museum explores the history of the Foundling Hospital, which continues today as the children's charity Coram. Artists such as William Hogarth and the composer George Frideric Handel are central to the Hospital story and today the museum celebrates the ways in which creative people have helped improve children's lives for over 275 years. It is a member of The London Museums of Health & Medicine group.

Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives

Лондон / Великобритания

Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives is a facility provided by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to enable members of the public to consult books and records in their collection. It is located at Bancroft Road Library. The facility is located in a building which was formerly the Mile End Old Town Vestry Hall built in 1862. The building was converted into a library in 1902 with money from Andrew Carnegie.

Guy's Campus

Лондон / Великобритания

Guy's Campus is a campus of King's College London adjacent to Guy's Hospital and situated close to London Bridge and the Shard, on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. It is home to the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine and the Dental Institute.The campus is named for Thomas Guy, the founder and benefactor of Guy's Hospital established in 1726 in the London Borough of Southwark. Buildings include Guy's Chapel, the Henriette Raphael building, the Hodgkin building and Shepherd's House. The Students' Union centre at Guy's is situated in Boland House. Guy's Campus is located opposite the Old Operating Theatre Museum, which was part of old St Thomas Hospital in Southwark. The nearest Underground stations are London Bridge and Borough.

Horniman Museum

Лондон / Великобритания

The Horniman Museum and Gardens is a museum in Forest Hill, London, England. Commissioned in 1898, it opened in 1901 and was designed by Charles Harrison Townsend in the Arts and Crafts style. It has displays of anthropology, natural history and musical instruments, and is known for its large collection of taxidermied animals. It is a non-departmental public body of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and is constituted as a company and registered charity under English law.