Darmstadt / Germany
Darmstadt ) is a city in the state of Hesse in Germany, located in the southern part of the Rhine-Main-Area . Darmstadt had a population of around 157,437 at the end of 2016. The Darmstadt Larger Urban Zone has 430,993 inhabitants.Darmstadt holds the official title "City of Science" as it is a major centre of scientific institutions, universities, and high-technology companies. The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites and the European Space Operations Centre are located in Darmstadt, as well as GSI Centre for Heavy Ion Research, where several chemical elements such as bohrium , meitnerium , hassium , darmstadtium , roentgenium , and copernicium were discovered. The existence of the following elements were also confirmed at GSI Centre for Heavy Ion Research: nihonium , flerovium , moscovium , livermorium , and tennessine . The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research is an international accelerator facility under construction. Darmstadt is also the seat of the world's oldest pharmaceutical company, Merck, which is the city's largest employer. Darmstadt was formerly the capital of a sovereign country, the Grand Duchy of Hesse and its successor, the People's State of Hesse, a federal state of Germany. As the capital of an increasingly prosperous duchy, the city gained some international prominence and remains one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. In the 20th century, industry , as well as large science and electronics sectors became increasingly important, and are still a major part of the city's economy. It is also home to the football club SV Darmstadt 98. Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia, the wife of Nicholas II of Russia, was born in this city.