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Irlanda (isola)

L'Irlanda è un'isola situata nell'oceano Atlantico settentrionale. È delimitata a sud-est dal canale di San Giorgio, a est dal mare d'Irlanda e a nord-est dal canale del Nord. Politicamente è divisa tra la Repubblica d'Irlanda , con capitale Dublino, e il Regno Unito . Anticamente divisa in 32 contee, dopo l'indipendenza l'Éire ebbe la sovranità su 26 di esse, lasciando al Regno Unito 6 contee della provincia dell'Ulster; le 26 contee irlandesi divennero 29 nel 1994 per scissione di due di esse in cinque nuove contee, mentre le sei contee dell'Irlanda del Nord non esistono più, essendo dal 1972 la divisione amministrativa di quella regione articolata in distretti.

Trinity College (Dublino)


Il Trinity College di Dublino è un prestigioso istituto d'istruzione a livello mondiale, tra i più antichi d'Irlanda. L'istituzione, il cui nome ufficiale per esteso è College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin, nasce ufficialmente nel 1592 con la fondazione ad opera di Elisabetta I. Il Trinity College si dichiara un ente separato dall'Università di Dublino ma, essendone l'unico organismo, le due istituzioni vengono considerate come un corpus unicum. Il college si trova al centro di Dublino, in College Green, di fronte ad una filiale della Bank of Ireland, un tempo palazzo del Parlamento irlandese. L'università si estende su un'area di 220.000 m², includendo il complesso principale del college e il Trinity Technology and Enterprise Campus. La biblioteca al suo interno comprende circa duecentomila testi ed un'importante collezione di antichi manoscritti, fra cui il famoso Libro di Kells. Inizialmente fu un college riservato ai protestanti, ma i Cattolici furono ammessi a partire dal 1793; le donne invece soltanto a partire dal 1904. Tra gli ex studenti del Trinity College ci sono Samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, Edmund Burke e Oliver Goldsmith; le statue degli ultimi due si trovano all'esterno dell'ingresso.

Galleria nazionale d'Irlanda


La Galleria nazionale d'Irlanda ospita la collezione d'arte irlandese ed europea. Fondata nel 1854, aprì le porte al pubblico dieci anni più tardi. Si trova nel cuore di Dublino e conserva numerosi dipinti di scuola irlandese, italiana , nonché opere di grandi maestri olandesi. L'ingresso è gratuito. L'attuale direttore è Rainbird Sean.

Hugh Lane Gallery


The Hugh Lane Gallery, officially Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane and originally the Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, is an art gallery operated by Dublin City Council and its subsidiary the Hugh Lane Gallery Trust. It is located in Charlemont House on Parnell Square, Dublin, Ireland. The gallery was founded by Sir Hugh Lane on Harcourt Street on 20 January 1908, and is the first known public gallery of modern art in the world. There is no admission fee and the gallery is completely wheelchair-accessible. The gallery was closed for reconstruction in 2004, and reopened in May 2006, with a new extension by Gilroy McMahon Architects.The museum has a permanent collection and hosts exhibitions, mostly by contemporary Irish artists. It has a dedicated Sean Scully room. Francis Bacon's studio was reconstructed in the gallery in 2001 after being dismantled and moved from London starting in 1998.The Hugh Lane is notable for its collection of French art, including works such as The Umbrellas by Auguste Renoir ; Portrait of Eva Gonzalès by Édouard Manet , Jour d’Été by Berthe Morisot and View of Louveciennes by Camille Pissarro.In 1992, the painting In The Omnibus by Honoré Daumier was stolen from the gallery, and recovered in 2014.

Larne Museum and Arts Centre

Birr (Irlanda)

Larne Museum and Arts Centre is a local museum based in Larne, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Built in 1905, this historic building opened its doors to the public in 1906 as the Carnegie Free Library, following financial assistance from the American millionaire and philanthropist Mr Andrew Carnegie. The library was built at a cost of £2500 and was officially opened on 2 April 1906 by Colonel J M McCalmont, M.P. The library eventually moved to larger premises on Pound Street in July 1980 at a cost of £205,000. Larne Historical Centre first opened in the Reading Room of the Carnegie Public Library in 1972 following a campaign by local people for a museum which led to a grant of £300 from Larne Borough Council. In 1976 the Centre moved to the ground floor of the McGarel Town Hall before returning to the old Carnegie Library building in June 1983. In 2005, to commemorate its centenary year, the building was restored and renovated, retaining many of its original features. The building is also now home to Larne Drama Circle and Larne Art Club. The Main Gallery hosts permanent displays reflecting the agricultural, industrial, military and maritime history of the area. Larne is a principal gateway into Northern Ireland and the strong maritime links of this east Antrim coastal community are portrayed through a variety of exhibits relating to the first roll-on, roll-off ferries, the Royal Navy and the MV Princess Victoria disaster. Larne’s rural hinterland, which includes two of the nine Glens of Antrim, is well represented in the museum’s folk life display. The War and Conflict section hosts objects from the Home Rule Crisis, Larne Gun Running and the First and Second World Wars. Visitors can access accounts and memories of local people through oral history listening posts and can browse through photographs in a digital community archive. The ‘John Clifford Gallery’ plays host to a variety of temporary exhibitions throughout the year. There are also a series of family events at the centre.The temporary exhibitions gallery has been named after John Clifford, the first curator of the museum. John was a local actor, poet and musician. He left Larne in 1937 to take up a civil service post in London where he became a professional actor. He returned to live in Larne in 1967 soon taking on the role of librarian in Carnegie Library. Due to his love of local history, John became a founding member and Chairman of Larne & District Folklore Society which formed in 1968. The society helped in the campaign for a local museum which led to John becoming the first curator of Larne Historical Centre. The museum is managed by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, and forms part of the Mid-Antrim Heritage Partnership alongside similar local museums in Ballymena, Carrickfergus and Newtownabbey.