Guildhall Art Gallery
Città di Londra / Regno Unito
The Guildhall Art Gallery houses the art collection of the City of London, England. It is a stone building in a semi-Gothic style intended to be sympathetic to the historic Guildhall, which is adjacent and to which it is connected internally.
Breydon Acqua , Norfolk , Settembre 1990
Geoffrey Scowcroft Fletcher
Tour virtuale 3D Acquistare
Interno di st martin outwich , Londra
Daniel Pasmore I
Giovanni lawrence toole ( 1830–1906 ) , attore comico e teatrale Produttore
Sigismund Christian Hubert Goetze
Assessore william lawrence , Sceriffo ( 1849 )
Alfred Edward Emslie
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Arthur Segal
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Richard Paton
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Herman Herkomer
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dei brocca e le quattro bicchieri
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