Innerpeffray Library
Gilmerton / Regno Unito
Innerpeffray Library was the first lending library in Scotland. It is located in the hamlet of Innerpeffray, by the River Earn in Perth and Kinross, 4 miles southeast of Crieff. The library building is Category A listed.
HRH Augusto Frederick ( 1773–1843 ) , Duca di Sussex
Barnett Samuel Marks
Tour virtuale 3D Acquistare
feldmaresciallo HRH Artù william patrick Alberto ( 1850–1942 ) , Duca di connaught e strathearn
Arthur Stockdale Cope
Giorgio , 4th Duca di Manchester
Louis William Desanges
onorevole spencer compton ( b . 1946 ) , 7th Marchese di northampton
Sergei Pavlenko
onorevole destro il conte Cadogan , DL , Presidente di la tavola del generale Scopi ( 1999–2004 )
Richard Stone
HRH Enrico Frederick ( 1745–1790 ) , 1st duca di cumberland e strathearn
Stephen Pearce
HM Re edoardo vii ( 1841–1910 ) , Protezione del Mestiere
Samuel Luke Fildes
onorevole destro Signore Corsia di Horsell ( 1925–2009 ) , PSGW , Presidente di la tavola del generale Scopi ( 1992–1995 )
David Hugh Cobley
Matthew William Peters
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