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Scarborough (Regno Unito) / Regno Unito

Scarborough è una città e località turistica inglese della contea del North Yorkshire. La città, che conta circa 50.000 abitanti, è la principale località turistica della costa dello Yorkshire. Oltre ad essere una meta del turismo locale , è un'ambita residenza invernale. Rilevanza economica riveste la pesca, ma è anche sede di attività industriali, di società del settore terziario e di attività creative. La città moderna si trova sulle alture rocciose che sovrastano le due baie North Bay e South Bay, tra i 30 e i 70 metri sul livello del mare. La città vecchia si affaccia sul porto, protetta da un promontorio roccioso. La spiaggia South Bay è quella turisticamente più frequentata e sulla strada che la costeggia si affacciano locali caratteristici, sale giochi e shopping center. La North Bay è per tradizione la zona tranquilla della città. Vi ha sede il Peasholm Park, in cui per tutta l'estate va in scena una battaglia navale, con modelli di navi di grande scala e fuochi artificiali. Dal parco parte la North Bay Railway, una ferrovia in miniatura che conduce all'Acquario Marino di Scalby Mills. Al di sopra delle due baie si stagliano le rovine del castello, risalente al XII secolo.

Scarborough Art Gallery

Scarborough (Regno Unito) / Regno Unito

Scarborough Art Gallery is an art gallery in the English town of Scarborough. It is housed in a Grade II* Italianate villa in Scarborough’s Crescent, designed by Richard Hey Sharp . The gallery is administered by the Scarborough Museums Trust and is open to the public. Its permanent collection has been developed over the past seventy years through gifts, bequests and purchases.

Whitby Museum

Scarborough (Regno Unito) / Regno Unito

Whitby Museum is an independent museum in Whitby, North Yorkshire, England, run by Whitby Literary and Philosophical Society, a learned society and registered charity, established in 1823. It is located in a building opened in 1931 in Pannett Park, Whitby, which also contains the Society's Library and Archive. The museum contains a wide range of material relating to the history of Whitby, and has specialist collections relating to: Jurassic fossils, in particular ammonites and marine reptiles Whitby jet Captain James Cook and HM Bark Endeavour Whitby's whaling industry.The museum also contains a Hand of Glory, the dried and pickled hand of a hanged man, said to have magical powers.

Scarborough Town Hall

Scarborough (Regno Unito) / Regno Unito

Scarborough Town Hall, originally St Nicholas House, is a red brick Jacobean Revival mansion in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England, currently used as a municipal building for the Borough of Scarborough and an events venue. It was built in the 19th century as a home for John Woodall, a prominent local businessman, and then converted and extended for municipal use in 1903. Situated overlooking the South Bay, it is a grade II listed building.

Captain Cook Memorial Museum

Scarborough (Regno Unito) / Regno Unito

Captain Cook Memorial Museum is a history museum in Whitby, North Yorkshire, England. The museum building, Walker's House, belonged to Captain John Walker, to whom James Cook was apprenticed in 1746. Having lodged there as an apprentice, Cook returned to visit in the winter of 1771–72 after his first voyage.