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Torquay / Regno Unito

Torquay è una frazione costiera di Torbay, municipalità del Regno Unito nella contea inglese del Devon. Dista circa 30 km a sud di Exeter, capoluogo di contea, e circa 45 km est-nordest di Plymouth. Al censimento del 2011 contava 65 245 abitanti, terzo insediamento urbano più popoloso della contea.

Torre Abbey

Torquay / Regno Unito

Torre Abbey is a historic building and art gallery in Torquay, Devon, which lies in the South West of England. It was founded in 1196 as a monastery for Premonstratensian canons, and is now the best-preserved medieval monastery in Devon and Cornwall. In addition to its medieval and Georgian rooms, Torre Abbey is known for the formal gardens on Abbey Park and Meadows, for the third largest art collection in the county of Devon and for regular exhibitions by contemporary artists.

Healthcare in Devon

Torquay / Regno Unito

Healthcare in Devon is now the responsibility of the two clinical commissioning groups, one covering Northern, Eastern and Western Devon , and one covering South Devon and Torbay. It was announced in November 2018 that the two were to merge.

Torquay Museum

Torquay / Regno Unito

Torquay Museum is a museum in the town of Torquay, Devon, England. The building has been a grade II listed building since 1975.