

Royal Hospital Chelsea



The Royal Hospital Chelsea is a retirement home and nursing home for some 300 veterans of the British Army. Founded as an almshouse, the ancient sense of the word "hospital", it is a 66-acre site located on Royal Hospital Road in Chelsea. It is an independent charity and relies partly upon donations to cover day-to-day running costs to provide care and accommodation for veterans. Residents are known as Chelsea Pensioners. Any man or woman who is over the age of 65 and served as a regular soldier may apply to become a resident, if they have found themselves in a time of need and are "of good character". They must not, however, have any dependent spouse or family, and former Officers must have served at least 12 years in the ranks before receiving a commission. The gardens of the Royal Hospital are Grade II listed on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens.

Pallant House Gallery



Pallant House Gallery is an art gallery in Chichester, West Sussex, England. It houses one of the best collections of 20th century British art in the world.


クリーブランド (オハイオ州)


クリーブランド美術館(クリーブランドびじゅつかん、Cleveland Museum of Art)は、アメリカ合衆国オハイオ州クリーブランド市にある全米有数の規模の総合美術館。クリーブランド市東部の文教地区ユニバーシティ・サークルにあり、収蔵点数は7万点、展示室の数は70を数える。

Reading Museum



Reading Museum is a museum of the history of the town of Reading, in the English county of Berkshire, and the surrounding area. It is accommodated within Reading Town Hall, and contains galleries describing the history of Reading and its related industries, a gallery of artefacts discovered during the excavations of Calleva Atrebatum , a copy of the Bayeux Tapestry, finds relating to Reading Abbey and an art collection.

NHS Lothian



NHS Lothian is one of the fourteen regions of NHS Scotland. It provides healthcare services in the City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Mid Lothian and West Lothian areas. Its headquarters are at Waverley Gate, Edinburgh





Museo dell'Opera del Duomo (Siena)



Siena Cathedral is a medieval church in Siena, Italy, dedicated from its earliest days as a Roman Catholic Marian church, and now dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. It was the episcopal seat of the Diocese of Siena, and from the 15th century that of the Archdiocese of Siena. It is now the seat of the Archdiocese of Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino. The cathedral was designed and completed between 1215 and 1263 on the site of an earlier structure. It has the form of a Latin cross with a slightly projecting transept, a dome and a bell tower. The dome rises from a hexagonal base with supporting columns. The dome was completed in 1264. The lantern atop the dome was added by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The bell tower has six bells, where the oldest one was cast in 1149. The nave is separated from the two aisles by semicircular arches. The exterior and interior are constructed of white and greenish-black marble in alternating stripes, with the addition of red marble on the façade. Black and white are the symbolic colors of Siena, etiologically linked to black and white horses of the legendary city's founders, Senius and Aschius. There are thirty-five statues of prophets and patriarchs grouped around the virgin. The finest Italian artists of that era completed works in the cathedral. These artists were Nicola and Giovanni Pisano, Donatello, Pinturicchio, Lorenzo Ghiberti, and Bernini.

Ursulines of Quebec



The Ursuline Monastery of Quebec City, , was founded by a missionary group of Ursuline nuns in 1639 under the leadership of Mother Marie of the Incarnation, O.S.U. It is the oldest institution of learning for women in North America. Today, the monastery serves as the General Motherhouse of the Ursuline Sisters of the Canadian Union. The community there also operates an historical museum and continues to serve as a teaching centre.The complex was designated a National Historic Site of Canada in 1972.




マウリッツハイス美術館(オランダ語:Mauritshuis)は、オランダ南ホラント州デン・ハーグにある美術館。正式名称はマウリッツハウス王立美術館(オランダ語: Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis、英語: The Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis )であるが、単にマウリッツハウスと呼称されることが多い。日本ではマウリッツハウス美術館と呼ばれ、またマウリッツハイスの表記も用いられる。








シュテーデル美術館(ドイツ語:Das Städel)は、ドイツのフランクフルト・アム・マイン市にある美術館である。

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh



The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is a professional organisation of surgeons. The College has seven active faculties, covering a broad spectrum of surgical, dental and other medical practice. It has a main campus that is located on Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, within the Surgeons' Hall, designed by William Henry Playfair, and adjoining buildings. The main campus includes a skills laboratory, a Museums, a medical and surgical library, and a hotel. A second office was opened in Birmingham in 2014 and an international office opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2018. It is one of the oldest surgical corporations in the world and traces its origins to 1505 when the Barber Surgeons of Edinburgh were formally incorporated as a craft guild of Edinburgh. The Barber-Surgeons of Dublin was the first medical corporation in Ireland or Britain, having been incorporated in 1446 . It represents members and fellows across the UK and the world. The majority of its UK members are based in England with others across Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

New-York Historical Society



The New-York Historical Society is an American history museum and library located in New York City, at the corner of 77th Street and Central Park West, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The society was founded in 1804 as New York's first museum. It presents exhibitions, public programs, and research that explore the rich history of New York and the nation. The New-York Historical Society Museum & Library has been at its present location since 1908. The granite building was designed by York & Sawyer in a classic Roman Eclectic style. A renovation of the landmark building was completed in November 2011 that made it more open to the public, provided space for an interactive children's museum, and accomplished other changes to enhance access to its collections. Louise Mirrer has been the president of the Historical Society since 2004. She was previously Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the City University of New York. Beginning in 2005, the museum presented a groundbreaking two-year exhibit on Slavery in New York, its largest theme exhibition in 200 years on a topic which it had never addressed before. It included an art exhibit by artists invited to use museum collections in their works. The Society generally focuses on the developing city center in Manhattan. Another historical society, the Long Island Historical Society was founded in Brooklyn in 1863. The New-York Historical Society holds an extensive collection of historical artifacts, works of American art, and other materials documenting the history of New York and the United States. It presents well-researched exhibitions on a variety of topics and periods in American history, such as George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Slavery in New York, The Hudson River School, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Tiffany designer Clara Driscoll, and the history of the Constitution. The Society also offers an extensive range of curriculum-based school programs and teacher resources, and provides academic fellowships and organizes public programs for adults to foster lifelong learning and a deep appreciation of history.




アルベルティーナ(Albertina)は、オーストリアのウィーン第1行政地区のインネレシュタットにある美術館である。 アルベルティーナは、素描が約65,000点、版画が約100万点と世界有数のコレクションを誇るだけでなく、近代のグラフィック作品や写真、建築画なども所蔵している。 グラフィックコレクション以外にもアルベルティーナには近年、印象派と20世紀初頭の作品が永久貸与され、そのうちのいくつかが常設展示されている。 特別展が行われることもある。

Royal Cornwall Museum



The Royal Cornwall Museum in Truro holds an extensive mineral collection rooted in Cornwall's mining and engineering heritage. The county's artistic heritage is reflected in the museum's art collection. Through the Courtney Library the museum also provides a collection of rare books and manuscripts to help with education, research and the discovery of Cornish life and culture. The museum also highlights Cornwall's relationship with the wider world through one of the most significant British emigrations of the 19th century. The museum hosts a permanent exhibition of Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian objects, supported by the British Museum. The museum is part of the Royal Institution of Cornwall , a learned society and registered charity.




オックスフォード大学(University of Oxford)は、イギリスの大学都市、オックスフォードに所在する総合大学である。11世紀の末に大学の礎が築かれていることから、現存する大学としては世界で3番目に古く、英語圏では最古の大学である。また、各種の世界大学ランキングで1位の大学に選ばれるなど(例えば「タイムスハイヤーエデュケーション」では、2017年から4年連続で1位))、ハーバード大学、ケンブリッジ大学、スタンフォード大学などと並び、常にトップレベルの優秀な大学として評価される世界有数の名門大学である。 多くの指導的政治家や学者を輩出している。2019年時点で、政治家では28人のイギリス首相(現首相ボリス・ジョンソンのほかテリーザ・メイ、デーヴィッド・キャメロン、トニー・ブレア、マーガレット・サッチャーら)など30人以上の各国元首らがオックスフォード大学出身である。さらに、55人のノーベル賞受賞者、150人以上のオリンピックメダリストなどを輩出している。また、王族の大学としても有名であり、6人のイギリス国王が学び、日本からも今上天皇、皇后雅子、秋篠宮文仁親王らの皇族が留学している。 学生数(2019年時点)は、学部生が1万1930人、大学院生が1万1813人で、160カ国・地域からの留学生が4割を占める。 「オックスブリッジ」として並び称されるケンブリッジ大学の形成は、この大学に所属していた多くの教師と学生が1209年にケンブリッジに移住したことに端を発する。両校とも英語圏の古代の大学、欧州内の中世大学群に属し、イギリス伝統のカレッジ制を特徴とする大学である。入学式と卒業式はラテン語で行われる。




バチカン美術館(バチカンびじゅつかん、Musei Vaticani)は、ヴァチカン市国にあり、歴代ローマ教皇の収集品を収蔵展示する世界最大級の美術館である。日本語では「ヴァチカン美術館」、「バティカン美術館」などとも表記する。16世紀末に教皇ユリウス2世により創設されたこの美術館は、ベルヴェデーレの中庭の大部分を占めており、世界で最も大きな美術品コレクションの一つであり、歴代の教皇が蒐集した美術品の膨大なコレクションを展示している。ミケランジェロをはじめとする画家たちにより装飾されたシスティーナ礼拝堂と、ラッファエッロを中心とする画家たちにより装飾された教皇の居室は、見学コースに含まれている。 毎年、1800万人以上の来場者が7キロにおよぶ諸室と廊下に展示された美術作品を鑑賞する。