




セントルイス美術館(Saint Louis Art Museum)はミズーリ州セントルイス市フォレスト・パークにある美術館。

Poole Museum

プール (イングランド)


Poole Museum is a local history museum situated on the Lower High Street in the Old Town area of Poole, Dorset, and is part of the Borough of Poole Museum Service. Entrance to Poole Museum is free, and the museum is the fifth most visited free attraction in South West England.

People's History Museum



The People's History Museum in Manchester, England, is the UK's national centre for the collection, conservation, interpretation and study of material relating to the history of working people in the UK. It is located in a grade II-listed, former hydraulic pumping station on the corner of the Bridge Street and Water Street designed by Manchester Corporation City Architect, Henry Price.The museum tells the story of the history of in Great Britain and about people's lives at home, work and leisure over the last 200 years. The collection contains printed material, physical objects and photographs of people at work, rest and play. Some of the topics covered include popular radicalism, the Peterloo Massacre, 19th century trade unionism, the women's suffrage movement, dockers, the cooperative movement, the 1945 general election, and football. It also includes material relating to friendly societies, the welfare movement and advances in the lives of working people.


ノーフォーク (バージニア州)



Ben Uri Gallery & Museum



The Ben Uri Gallery & Museum is a registered museum and charity currently sited at 108a Boundary Road, off Abbey Road in St John's Wood, London, England. It features the work and lives of émigré artists in London, and describes itself as "The Art Museum for Everyone".




スコットランド国立肖像画美術館は、スコットランドのエディンバラ、クイーン通りに面した美術館である。所蔵する肖像画のコレクションは、すべてスコットランド人を描いたものだが、必ずしもスコットランド人の手によるものとは限らない。また、絵画だけではなく写真コレクション(Scottish National Photography Collection)も所蔵している。 赤い砂岩で出来たネオ・ゴシック様式の美術館は1889年に一般公開された。建設にあたってはスコッツマン新聞社のオーナーであったジョン・リッチー・フィンドレイが寄付を行い、設計はロバート・ローワンド・アンダーソンが行った。建設期間は1885年から1890年までの間であった。完成以来初の大規模改装により2009年4月から閉館となっていたが、2011年12月1日より再び開館された。改装は、ページ・パーク・アーキテクツにより行われた。

Mount Stewart



Mount Stewart is a 19th-century house and garden in County Down, Northern Ireland, owned by the National Trust. Situated on the east shore of Strangford Lough, a few miles outside the town of Newtownards and near Greyabbey, it was the Irish seat of the Vane-Tempest-Stewart family, Marquesses of Londonderry. The house and its contents reflect the history of the Vane-Tempest-Stewart family, who played a leading role in British and Irish social and political life.

McManus Gallery

ダンディー (スコットランド)


The McManus: Dundee's Art Gallery and Museum is a Gothic Revival-style building, located in the centre of Dundee, Scotland. The building houses a museum and art gallery with a collection of fine and decorative art as well as a natural history collection. It is protected as a Category A listed building.The concept for the building was originally commissioned as a memorial to Prince Albert and intended to contain room for lectures, museum, picture gallery and a reference library for students by the British Association for the Advancement of Science. It was agreed that the funding for the building should be provided by the inhabitants of Dundee. Although the city could not afford such a lavish memorial outright, it did contribute £300. A guaranteed fund of £4,205 15/- from 168 contributors was collected which included a munificent gift from the Baxter family which totalled £420.The building was designed by the architect George Gilbert Scott, who was an expert for the restoration of mediaeval churches and advocate of the Gothic architectural style. He intended to design a large tower like in his previous work at St. Nikolai, Hamburg. The foundations were situated in a small wetland called Quaw Bog at the confluence of the Scourin Burn and Friar Burn, which has since been drained. This meant that the area under the building site was underpinned by large wood beams. However, when construction began in 1865, the ground proved too unstable to support the larger tower that he envisaged. The building was opened as the Albert Institute in 1867. Two further sections, which extended the building by four art galleries and four museum galleries, were added by 1889. The central section was designed to Scott's intention by David MacKenzie, with the Eastern Galleries by William Alexander. The contents of the Watt Institute, founded in 1848, were incorporated into the collection before the opening of the civic museum and art gallery in 1873. Between 1873 and 1949, the buildings were administrated as part of public library service. From 1959, the city corporation took over the running of the administration. Ironically, following a later refurbishment the building now commemorates the Lord Provost Maurice McManus. Initially retitled McManus Galleries, after refurbishment in 2010, it is now formally known as The McManus: Dundee's Art Gallery and Museum. In 1976, cracks were discovered in south-east corner of the building. The subsequent survey found that the building was partially subsiding. During 1979, remedial measures involved placing load-bearing concrete piles and cross-beams positioned to replace rotted timbers.The building was closed to the public on 24 October 2005 for a £7.8million redevelopment by Page\Park Architects and was reopened to the public on 28 February 2010. Currently, much of the McManus collection, which includes works by Dundee-based artists James McIntosh Patrick and Alberto Morrocco, is located at the former Carnegie Library on Barrack Street. The collection includes three paintings by Thomas Musgrave Joy which celebrate Grace Darling's rescue of passengers on the paddlesteamer Forfarshire.




バーゼル市立美術館 は、スイス・バーゼルにある美術館である。単にバーゼル美術館と呼ばれることもある。 バーゼル市立現代美術館 とは姉妹館であり、入場券も共通である。




ロサンゼルス・カウンティ美術館 は、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス市にある美術館である。美術館としては西海岸最大級の規模を有する。美術館には、伊藤若冲を中心とする日本画の収集家として知られるジョー・プライスが建設を主導し、プライスコレクション約600点のうち約200点を寄託品として収蔵する日本館(en:Pavilion for Japanese Art)が設置されている。




ナショナル・ポートレート・ギャラリー(英: National Portrait Gallery)あるいは日本語で国立肖像画美術館(こくりつしょうぞうがびじゅつかん)は、ロンドンの美術館ナショナル・ギャラリーの別館であり、肖像画専門の美術館である。

Musée Hébert



The Musée Hébert is a museum located in the Hôtel de Montmorency-Bours at 85, rue du Cherche-Midi, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, France. It has been closed since 2004 for renovations. The museum is housed within the Petit-Montmorency, constructed in 1743 by the Comte de Montmorency, and former home of academic painter Ernest Hébert . After his adopted son's death in 1974, the building became state property and opened as a museum in 1984. Since 2004, the museum Hébert has been affiliated with the Musée d’Orsay, and indefinitely closed for renovations. The museum contains collections of Hébert's work, furniture, decorative items, souvenirs, and photographs, set within rooms almost unchanged since the 18th century. His paintings include portraits of literary critic Jules Lemaître, and two noted grandes horizontales, La Païva and Madame de Loynes.

Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre

グリムズビー (イングランド)


The Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre is a heritage attraction at Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England, opened in 1991. The attraction is an Arts Council England Accredited Museum and holds a number of awards, including the TripAdvisor Hall of Fame, the Sandford Award for Heritage Education and the VisitEngland Quality Rose Marque. The centre was famed for its multi-sensory interpretation and lifelike manequins when it opened, winning the Attraction of the Year from the English Tourism Board and the Blue Peter Children's Museum of the Year award in 1993. It depicts the 1950s heyday of Great Grimsby's world famous fishing fleet, using displays consisting of preserved trawler interiors and carefully crafted recreations. The centre is also home to three historic fishing vessels. Perseverance is a sail trawler built in Boston Lincolnshire and is displayed in the main atrium of the museum. Ross Tiger is a 1957 side-trawler that is moored in the Alexandra Dock outside of the attraction. The G.I.C. or Esther is a large Grimsby sail trawler, built in 1888 at Alexandra Dock, close to the attraction. Tours of the Ross Tiger are available throughout the year, as well as a programme of temporary exhibitions in the attractions three gallery spaces.




シンシナティ美術館(シンシナティびじゅつかん)は、アメリカオハイオ州シンシナティにある同国で最も古い美術館の一つである。 1881年に創立された。

Aberystwyth University Ceramics Collection



The Aberystwyth University Ceramic Collection & Archive is located in Aberystwyth, Wales. It holds one of the major collections of studio ceramics in Britain and is particularly noted for its studio pottery of the period 1920–1940. The permanent and temporary exhibitions from the collection are on display in the Ceramic Gallery in Aberystwyth Arts Centre and the archive office is located in the School of Art, Aberystwyth University. The Ceramic Bulletin is produced every two years by the university and it features news of activities including exhibitions, new acquisitions, research, awards and grants.

Royal College of Physicians



The Royal College of Physicians is a British professional body dedicated to improving the practice of medicine, chiefly through the accreditation of physicians by examination. Founded in 1518, it set the first international standard in the classification of diseases, and its library contains medical texts of great historical interest. The college hosts four training faculties: the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, the Faculty for Pharmaceutical Medicine, the Faculty of Occupational Medicine and the Faculty of Physician Associates. The college is sometimes referred to as the Royal College of Physicians of London to differentiate it from other similarly named bodies. Its home in Regent's Park is one of the few post-war buildings to be granted Grade I listed status. In 2016 it was announced that the North of England centre of excellence was to be based at a new building in the Liverpool Knowledge Quarter in Liverpool. The new centre is set to open in 2020.

国防省 (イギリス)



国防省(こくぼうしょう、英語: Ministry of Defence, "MOD")は、イギリス(グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国)の行政機関であり、国防政策を統括しイギリス軍(イギリス陸軍、イギリス海軍及びイギリス空軍)を指揮する。 国防省の主要政策は、イギリスの本土及び海外領土を保持することである。冷戦が終結した1990年代以後の現在では、従来予想されていた短期通常戦争は予期されていない。大量破壊兵器の拡散やテロの防止などが主要課題として位置づけられている。




ボドリアン図書館 はオックスフォード大学の図書検索機関である。図書館の名前はイギリスの外交官兼学者で、図書館成立に大きく貢献したトーマス・ボドリーに由来する。 ヨーロッパでも有数の伝統を誇る図書館で、イギリスでは大英図書館に次ぐ規模の図書館である。オックスフォード大学の学者の間では「ボドリー 」もしくは単に「ボド 」として知られている。イギリスの出版物に関する「2003年法定納本図書館法案」の下に定められたイギリスに6つある法定納本図書館のひとつであり、アイルランドの法律のもとアイルランドのあらゆる出版物を複製する権利を所有している。大学の構成員はラドクリフ科学図書館のような独立した図書館から本を借りることができるが、ボドリアンは原理的には図書を参照する場所として機能しており、通常書物は閲覧室から除去されている。 すべてのオックスフォード大学のカレッジが独自の図書館を所有しており、その中の幾つかはボドリアン図書館が建設される前に建設された。歴史的に、大学の図書館はボドリアン図書館から独立している。しかし、近年はボドリアン図書館の傘下に入った以前の「オックスフォード大学図書館サービス のように、ある目的のため合併する例も見られるようになっている。このような合併の有名な例はオックスフォード図書館情報システム とボドリアングループの全ての図書館の電子カタログを提供していた「SOLO」 が合併してできた図書館統合システムであろう。