

イタリア共和国 Repubblica Italiana 国の標語:なし 国歌:Il Canto degli Italiani(イタリア語)イタリア人達の唱歌 イタリア共和国(イタリアきょうわこく, IPA: [iˈtaːlja] , イタリア語: Repubblica Italiana)、通称イタリアは、南ヨーロッパに位置する共和制国家。首都はローマ。 総面積は30万1,338km2で、イタリアではロ・スティヴァレ(lo Stivale)と称されるブーツ状の国土をしており、国土の大部分は温帯に属する。地中海性気候が農業と歴史に大きな影響を与えている。



国立マルチャーナ図書館(イタリア語:Biblioteca nazionale Marciana)は、イタリアのヴェネツィア、サン・マルコ広場の一角に建てられたルネサンス建築の図書館である。マルチャーナとは、ヴェネツィアの守護聖人である聖マルコの事である。イタリアでも最も古い図書館の一つで、世界的に見ても随一の古い文献コレクションを保管している図書館である。

Orvieto Cathedral


Orvieto Cathedral is a large 14th-century Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and situated in the town of Orvieto in Umbria, central Italy. Since 1986, the cathedral in Orvieto has been the episcopal seat of the former Diocese of Todi as well. The building was constructed under the orders of Pope Urban IV to commemorate and provide a suitable home for the Corporal of Bolsena, the relic of miracle which is said to have occurred in 1263 in the nearby town of Bolsena, when a traveling priest who had doubts about the truth of transubstantiation found that his Host was bleeding so much that it stained the altar cloth. The cloth is now stored in the Chapel of the Corporal inside the cathedral. Situated in a position dominating the town of Orvieto which sits perched on a volcanic plug, the cathedral's façade is a classic piece of religious construction, containing elements of design from the 14th to the 20th century, with a large rose window, golden mosaics and three huge bronze doors, while inside resides two frescoed chapels decorated by some of the best Italian painters of the period with images of Judgment Day. The cathedral has five bells, dating back to Renaissance, tuned in E flat.

Castelvecchio Museum


Castelvecchio Museum is a museum in Verona, northern Italy, located in the eponymous medieval castle. Restoration by the architect Carlo Scarpa between 1959 and 1973 has enhanced the appearance of the building and exhibits. Scarpa's architectural style is visible in the details for doorways, staircases, furnishings, and even fixtures designed to hold a specific piece of artwork. The renovation carefully balanced new and old, revealing the history of the original building where appropriate. Unusual at the time, this approach has now become a common approach to renovation.

Suardi Chapel


The Suardi Chapel is an oratory or private chapel inside the villa in Trescore Balneario, Province of Bergamo owned by the Suardi counts. It is dedicated to Saint Barbara and Saint Brigid and was completely rebuilt by the cousins Giovan Battista and Maffeo Suardi. It is fully covered in 1524 frescoes commissioned by them from by Lorenzo Lotto of Christ the Vine and Lives of the Saints. In the 19th century count Gianforte Suardi built a corridor connecting the chapel to the villa and modified the chapel entrance - those entering had previously immediately found themselves in front of the north wall with its depiction of Christ the Vine. Located on the road across the Val Cavallina which links Bergamo to Lago d'Iseo, the chapel had existed since the 15th century. Around 1523 count Giovan Battista Suardi commissioned Lotto to decorate the oratory and so the artist immediately moved to the area. By this show of piety the count hoped to avert a flood and to counter the seeds of Lutheranism brought to northern Italy by the Landsknechts. The frescoes were complete by summer 1524. The artist and commissioners were friends, as shown by their correspondence discussing the cartoons for the intarsi in the choir of Santa Maria Maggiore, Bergamo. Lotto was assisted by Francesco Bonetti, documented as his pupil from 1517 to 1550.

Palazzo D'Arco, Mantua


The Palazzo D'Arco is a Neoclassical-style palace located on Piazza Carlo D'Arco #4 in Mantua, region of Lombardy, Italy. The palace houses the Museo di Palazzo d'Arco, which displays the furnishings and artwork collected by the Duke D'Arco.



ヴィラ・ファルネジーナ、ファルネジーナ荘 はローマにある2階建てのヴィラ。“ルネサンスの宝石”と称され、ラファエロなどのフレスコ画で知られる。バチカンの南に位置するトラステヴェレ地区内、ジャニコロの丘の東端とテヴェレ川に挟まれた辺りに位置する。 このヴィラはシエナの富裕な銀行家で、教皇ユリウス2世の会計係でもあったアゴスティーノ・キージの依頼により建てられた。1506年から1510年の間に、シエナの芸術家でブラマンテの弟子であったバルダッサーレ・ペルッツィが、おそらくジュリアーノ・ダ・サンガッロの支援を受けて、デザインおよび建築を行った。完成は1520年という。これはローマのガイドブックによれば、内部装飾まで完了した時点が1520年ということであり、また当時はヴィラ・キージと呼ばれていた。この時期の都市型のパラッツォは通常ファサードがストリートに面したかたちで建てられるが、このヴィラは側面を見せている。プランはコの字型で、アームとアームの間には5ベイのロッジアが渡されている。当初は北側、ロッジアの側が入り口であった(図では下方)。現在の入り口は南側(図では上方)で、右手(東側、図では左方)にあるチケット売り場からガラテアの間(図ではSala di Galatea)へ行き、次いでロッジア(図ではLa Loggia、アモーレとプシュケの間とも)、帯状装飾の間(図ではSala del Fregio、フリーズの間)という順路となっている。 1500年代終わりにアレッサンドロ・ファルネーゼによって買い取られたが、川向うのパラッツォ・ファルネーゼと区別するため、こちらは特にファルネジーナと発するようになっている。 1714年にはブルボン家の所有となった。その後曲折を経て1928年にはイタリア王立アカデミーの本拠地となる計画があった。しかし1944年にアカデミー自体が禁止されしてしまうと、アッカデーミア・デイ・リンチェイの所有となって現在に至る。賓客を迎えるための施設として使われるとともに、内部の部屋やロッジアに見学者も受け入れている。

Villa Valmarana (Lisiera)


The Villa Valmarana is a Renaissance villa situated in Lisiera, a locality of Bolzano Vicentino, province of Vicenza, northern Italy. Designed by Andrea Palladio, it was originally built in the 1560s for the Valmarana family.The villa was nearly totally destroyed during World War II, but has been rebuilt. Even before the war damage, the building did not closely resemble the plan which Palladio published in his I quattro libri dell'architettura of 1570, possibly because Gianfrancesco Valmarana, the architect's client, died while his house was being built.

Laurentian Library


The Laurentian Library is a historic library in Florence, Italy, containing more than 11,000 manuscripts and 4,500 early printed books. Built in a cloister of the Medicean Basilica di San Lorenzo di Firenze under the patronage of the Medici pope Clement VII, the library was built to emphasize that the Medici were no longer merchants but members of intelligent and ecclesiastical society. It contains the manuscripts and books belonging to the private library of the Medici family. The library is renowned for its architecture, designed by Michelangelo, and is an example of Mannerism.A Codex Laurentianus identifies any of the book-bound manuscripts in the library. The library conserves the Nahuatl Florentine Codex, the Rabula Gospels, the Codex Amiatinus, the Squarcialupi Codex, and the fragmentary Erinna papyrus containing poems of the friend of Sappho.

Collegiate Church of San Gimignano


The Collegiate Church of Santa Maria Assunta, San Gimignano is a Roman Catholic collegiate church and minor basilica located in San Gimignano, Tuscany, central Italy, situated in the Piazza del Duomo at the town's heart. The church is famous for its fresco cycles which include works by Domenico Ghirlandaio, Benozzo Gozzoli, Taddeo di Bartolo, Lippo Memmi and Bartolo di Fredi. The basilica is located within the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the "Historic Centre of San Gimignano", with its frescos being described by UNESCO as "works of outstanding beauty".