

アメリカ合衆国 United States of America 国の標語:E pluribus unum(1776年 - 現在)(ラテン語:多数からひとつへ)In God We Trust(1956年 - 現在)(英語:我ら神を信ずる) 国歌:The Star-Spangled Banner(英語)星条旗 アメリカ合衆国(アメリカがっしゅうこく、英: United States of America, USA)、通称アメリカは、50の州および連邦区などからなる連邦共和制国家。日本語では音訳の「亜米利加」から一文字を取って、米国(べいこく)または米(べい)英語圏では合衆国を意味するUnited StatesまたはU.S.とも略称される。 首都コロンビア特別区(ワシントンD.C.)とアメリカ本土の48州はカナダとメキシコの間の北アメリカ中央に位置する。 アラスカ州は北アメリカ北西部の角に位置し、東ではカナダと、西ではベーリング海峡を挟んでロシアと国境を接している。ハワイ州は中部太平洋における島嶼群である。 同国は、太平洋とカリブに5つの有人の海外領土および9つの無人の海外領土を有する。985万km2の総面積は世界第3位または第4位、3億2,700万人の人口は世界第3位である。同国は世界で最も民族的に多様かつ多文化な国のひとつである。 同国は先進国かつ世界最大級の国民経済を有する。同国経済は、豊富な天然資源と高度な労働者の生産性により支えられている。同国経済は脱工業化社会だとされている一方、世界最大の製造国のうちのひとつであり続けている。同国は2018年で世界の軍事支出の36%を占め、世界最高位の経済・軍事大国であり、多大な影響を及ぼす政治・文化的勢力であり、科学研究・技術革新におけるリーダー的存在とされている。

Cumbria Archive Service

Russell, Georgia

Cumbria Archive Service serves the English county of Cumbria. Rather than having just one county record office, Cumbria County Council operates four local record offices, now known as archive centres, in Barrow-in-Furness, Carlisle, Kendal and Whitehaven.

Detroit Historical Museum


The Detroit Historical Museum is located at 5401 Woodward Avenue in the city's Cultural Center Historic District in Midtown Detroit. It chronicles the history of the Detroit area from cobblestone streets, 19th century stores, the auto assembly line, toy trains, fur trading from the 18th century, and much more.

Figge Art Museum

ダベンポート (アイオワ州)

The Figge Art Museum is an art museum in Davenport, Iowa. The Figge, as it is commonly known, has an encyclopedic collection and serves as the major art museum for the eastern Iowa and western Illinois region. The Figge works closely with several regional universities and colleges as an art resource and collections hub for a number of higher education programs. The museum opened on August 6, 2005, and is the renamed successor to the Davenport Museum of Art, which was opened on October 10, 1928, as the Davenport Municipal Art Gallery. The museum has its roots in the Davenport Art Association, which was founded before February 23, 1878, and was re-located on November 15, 1889, to the Bianca Wheeler art studio. The Figge Art Museum is one of the oldest art institutions in the country and is considered the first municipal art gallery in the United States. The Figge won an AIA award.The new building was designed by Stirling Prize-winning Modernist British architect David Chipperfield. It was Chipperfield's first architectural commission in the United States. The Figge Art Museum gets its name from the V.O. and Elizabeth Kahl Figge Foundation, which donated $13 million towards its $47 million construction. The Figge family, a local banking family of Swiss origin, has a long tradition of philanthropy and cultural enrichment. The first pieces of its collections were donated by Davenport community leader Charles Ficke , a successful lawyer and former mayor, who collected art from around the world. Robert E. Harsche, then Director of the Art Institute of Chicago, reported that to his knowledge no American public art gallery had "started out with so large a number of important paintings as a nucleus."

Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial


Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial, also known as Church of the Evangelists and St. Martin's College for Indigent Boys, is a set of four buildings with a history that unites idealism or religious beliefs, service to the poor, and art. Formerly an Episcopal church in the working-class Bella Vista neighborhood of South Philadelphia, it is best known as the home of the Graphic Sketch Club founded by Samuel S. Fleisher, which offers free art lessons to children and adults. The four buildings include a campanile built in 1857, a basilica built 1884-1886, St. Martin's College built in 1906, and two rowhouses built in the 1850s. Since Fleisher's death in 1944, his trust, which owns the buildings, has been administered by the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The Art Memorial was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982 and is located at 711-721 Catharine St. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Fruitlands Museum

Harvard, Massachusetts

Fruitlands Museum in Harvard, Massachusetts, is a museum about multiple visions of America on the site of the short-lived utopian community, Fruitlands. The museum includes the Fruitlands farmhouse , a museum about Shaker life, an art gallery with 19th-century landscape paintings, vernacular American portraits, and other changing exhibitions, and a museum of Native American history. Visitors can tour the farmhouse, which has been restored to appear as it did during the 1840s, and exhibits about Transcendentalism and the Alcott family. Fruitlands offers a diverse schedule of contemporary exhibits, lectures, outdoor concerts and easy walking trails. There is also a museum store and restaurant. The properties are overseen by The Trustees of Reservations.

Henry Art Gallery


The Henry Art Gallery is the art museum of the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA. Located on the west edge of the university's campus along 15th Avenue N.E. in the University District, it was founded in February, 1927, and was the first public art museum in the state of Washington. The original building was designed by Bebb and Gould. It was expanded in 1997 to 40,000 square feet , at which time the 154-seat auditorium was added. The addition/expansion was designed by Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects.

Living Desert Zoo and Gardens

パームデザート (カリフォルニア州)

Living Desert Zoo and Gardens, formerly the Living Desert Museum, is a desert botanical garden and a zoo located in Palm Desert, Riverside County, California, United States. They are in the Sonoran Desert of the Coachella Valley and Santa Rosa Mountains foothills near Palm Springs, California. The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens has been a member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums since 1983, and is a member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums . It has participated in species reintroduction programs including the peninsular bighorn sheep to the local mountains and returning Arabian oryx to Oman.

Mount Holyoke College Art Museum

South Hadley, Massachusetts

The Mount Holyoke College Art Museum in South Hadley, Massachusetts, is located on the Mount Holyoke College campus and is a member of Museums10. It is one of the oldest teaching museums in the country, dedicated to providing firsthand experience with works of significant aesthetic and cultural value. The works in the museum's collection can be searched on the database maintained by the Five College Museums/Historic Deerfield.Working in conjunction with the Five College museums, its collection includes contemporary works from Asia, Europe, and the United States, as well as classical Egyptian, Greek, and Roman works. Other periods include medieval and Renaissance art. The collection was inaugurated by the purchase of Albert Bierstadt's Hetch Hetchy Canyon by Mrs. A. L. Williston and Mrs. E. H. Sawyer in 1876.In addition to the permanent collection, the museum offers multiple rotating exhibitions each year.In March 2016, the museum was named one of the "35 Best College Art Museums" in the nation by Best College Reviews.