Procure museus e pinturas


Dinamarca , oficialmente Reino da Dinamarca, é um país nórdico da Europa setentrional e membro sênior do Reino da Dinamarca. É o mais meridional dos países nórdicos, a sudoeste da Suécia e ao sul da Noruega, delimitado no sul pela Alemanha. As demais fronteiras da Dinamarca são marítimas, ao norte e leste com o Mar Báltico e ao oeste com o Mar do Norte. O país é composto por uma grande península, a Jutlândia, e 443 ilhas, das quais 78 habitadas, com destaque para a Zelândia , Funen , Vendsyssel-Thy, Lolland, Falster e Bornholm, assim como centenas de ilhas menores, muitas vezes referidas como o Arquipélago Dinamarquês. A Dinamarca há muito tempo controla a entrada e a saída do mar Báltico, já que isso só pode acontecer por meio de três canais, que também são conhecidos como os "Estreitos Dinamarqueses". A língua nacional, o dinamarquês, é próxima do sueco e do norueguês. A Dinamarca compartilha fortes laços históricos e culturais com a Suécia e com a Noruega. 82,0% dos habitantes da Dinamarca e 90,3% da etnia dinamarquesa são membros da Igreja Estatal Luterana. Cerca de 9% da população tem nacionalidade estrangeira, sendo que uma grande parte deles são provenientes de outros países escandinavos. O país é uma monarquia constitucional com um sistema parlamentar de governo. Possui um governo central e outros locais em 98 municípios. O país é membro da União Europeia desde 1973, embora não tenha aderido ao euro, e um dos membros fundadores da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte e da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico. A Dinamarca, com uma economia mista capitalista e um estado de bem-estar social, possui o mais alto nível de igualdade de riqueza do mundo, sendo considerado em 2011, o país com menor índice de desigualdade social do mundo. A Dinamarca tem o melhor clima de negócios no mundo, segundo a revista estadunidense Forbes. De 2006 a 2008, pesquisas classificaram a Dinamarca como "o lugar mais feliz do mundo", com base em seu princípio de saúde, bem-estar, assistência social e educação universal; O Índice Global da Paz de 2009 classificou a Dinamarca como o segundo país mais pacífico do mundo, depois da Nova Zelândia. A Dinamarca também foi classificada como o país menos corrupto do mundo em 2008, pelo Índice de Percepção de Corrupção, compartilhando o primeiro lugar com a Suécia e a Nova Zelândia.

The David Collection

Região da Capital (Dinamarca)

The David Collection is a museum of fine and applied art in Copenhagen, Denmark, built around the private collections of lawyer, businessman and art collector C. L. David. The museum is particularly noted for its collection of Islamic art from the 8th to the 19th century, which is one of the largest in Northern Europe. The museum also holds fine and applied art from Europe in the 18th century and the Danish Golden Age as well as a small collection of Danish early modern art. All the works of art in the collection of Danish early modern art were acquired by C. L. David himself. The museum is located in a neo-classical building in 30 Kronprinsessegade in central Copenhagen, overlooking Rosenborg Castle Garden. From 2006 to 2009 the collection was closed to the public while the premises underwent a major refurbishment and rearrangement. When it reopened on 15 May 2009, it was described as "the most exclusive museum in Denmark" in national Danish newspaper Politiken.

Fuglsang Art Museum

Guldborgsund Municipality

Fuglsang Art Museum is an art museum set in rural surroundings in Guldborgsund Municipality on the island of Lolland in Denmark. It is part of the Fuglsang Cultural Centre. The museum features Danish art with an emphasis on artists and motifs of local provenance. The museum is located in a purpose-built building, designed by Tony Fretton. Noted for its integration with the surrounding architecture and landscape, the museum building won a 2009 RIBA European Award and was short-listed for the Stirling prize the same year.

Funen's Art Museum


Funen's Art Museum , formerly The Museum of Funen's Abbey and Museum Civitatis Othiniensis, founded in 1885, is an art museum in Odense, Denmark. Funen's Art Museum operated as a part of the Odense City Museums .

National Museum of Denmark

Região da Capital (Dinamarca)

The National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen is Denmark’s largest museum of cultural history, comprising the histories of Danish and foreign cultures, alike. The museum's main building is located a short distance from Strøget at the center of Copenhagen. It contains exhibits from around the world, from Greenland to South America. Additionally, the museum sponsors SILA - The Greenland Research Center at the National Museum of Denmark to further archaeological and anthropological research in Greenland.The museum has a number of national commitments, particularly within the following key areas: archaeology, ethnology, numismatics, ethnography, natural science, conservation, communication, building antiquarian activities in connection with the churches of Denmark, as well as the handling of the Danefæ .

KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art Aalborg


KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art is located in Aalborg, Denmark, on Kong Christians Allé near its junction with Vesterbro. Of a modern Scandinavian design, it was built between 1968-72 by Finnish architects Elissa and Alvar Aalto and Danish architect Jean-Jacques Baruël. It was completed on 8 June 1972.The museum has been termed a "showplace for 20th-century Danish and international art", as it showcases both domestic and international modern art collections. It is described as "strikingly contemporary in both form and content".

Ribe Kunstmuseum

Esbjerg Municipality

Ribe Kunstmuseum is an art museum in Ribe, Denmark.

Sorø Art Museum


Sorø Art Museum is an art museum located in Sorø, Denmark. It displays a representative collection of Danish art as well as a collection of Russian art, covering both painting from 1870 to 1930 and Russian icons, and also hosts special exhibitions both of classical and contemporary art. The museum is housed within a listed Neoclassical house, part of a traditional Danish market town setting along Sorø's main street, which was expanded by the architects Lundgaard & Tranberg in 2011, tripling its size.

Sundby Church

Região da Capital (Dinamarca)

Sundby Church is a Church of Denmark parish church located on Amagerbrogade in Copenhagen, Denmark. Completed in 1870 to designs by Hans Jørgen Holm, it is the oldest church on the northern part of Amager.

Amalienborg Square, Copenhagen

Região da Capital (Dinamarca)

Amalienborg Square, Copenhagen is an 1896 oil on canvas painting by the Danish artist Vilhelm Hammershøi in the Statens Museum for Kunst.This painting shows Amalienborg Square, Copenhagen in a hazy setting with full sunlight on the 1768 Neoclassical statue of Frederik V on Horseback, commissioned by the Asiatic Company and created by the French sculptor Jacques Saly. This statue took 14 years to complete and cost more than Amalienborg's four palatial buildings which surround it, which is perhaps why Hammershøi decided to place it in full sunlight. The lack of any trace of human life in the painting is typical of Hammershøi's work and emphasizes the monumental qualities of the subject. The skewed architectural lines give the painting a sense of space and the horseman seems to be trotting calmly out of the painting, leaving the two-dimensional palace behind him. The trompe l'oeil effect makes the painting seem taller, but it is actually square. Other monumental paintings of architecture by Hammershøi in this period were: