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Regno Unito

Il Regno Unito, ufficialmente Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord , è uno Stato insulare dell'Europa occidentale con una popolazione di circa 64,5 milioni di abitanti. Il Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda nacque con l'Atto di Unione del 1800 che univa il Regno di Gran Bretagna e il Regno d'Irlanda. Gran parte dell'Irlanda si separò poi nel 1922 costituendo lo Stato Libero d'Irlanda . Stato unitario, attualmente composto da quattro nazioni costitutive : Inghilterra, Scozia, Galles e Irlanda del Nord., è governato da un sistema parlamentare, con capitale e sede del governo Londra. Spesso viene impropriamente chiamato Gran Bretagna o Inghilterra, quando in realtà con il termine Gran Bretagna si indica un territorio geografico e con il termine Inghilterra si indica solo una delle quattro nazioni che compongono il regno.Situato al largo delle coste occidentali dell'Europa settentrionale circondato a est dal mare del Nord, a sud dal Canale della Manica e ad ovest dall'oceano Atlantico e dal mare d'Irlanda, le Isole del Canale e l'Isola di Man sono dipendenze della Corona britannica, ma non fanno parte del Regno Unito.. La Gran Bretagna è l'isola comprendente la maggior parte del territorio dell'Inghilterra, del Galles e della Scozia. Le isole britanniche invece sono l'arcipelago comprendente la Gran Bretagna, l'Irlanda, l'Isola di Man, l'Isola di Wight, le isole Orcadi, le isole Ebridi, le isole Shetland, le Isole del Canale e altre isole minori. Si compone anche di quattordici territori d'oltremare che costituiscono i resti dell'Impero britannico, quali Anguilla, Bermuda, il Territorio Antartico Britannico, il Territorio britannico dell'Oceano Indiano, le Isole Vergini britanniche, le Isole Cayman, le Isole Falkland, Gibilterra, Montserrat, le Isole Pitcairn, Sant'Elena, Ascensione e Tristan da Cunha, Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Meridionali, Akrotiri e Dhekelia e Turks e Caicos. Il Regno Unito è una monarchia parlamentare e la regina Elisabetta II è anche il capo di Stato di 16 paesi membri del Commonwealth delle nazioni , detti reami del Commonwealth . È stato il primo Stato del mondo ad essere industrializzato, e ha costituito storicamente il modello di democrazia parlamentare moderna al quale si sono poi rifatti quelli delle altre nascenti democrazie europee occidentali. Fu una potenza di prim'ordine, soprattutto durante il XVIII, il XIX e gli inizi del XX secolo, ma il costo economico delle due guerre mondiali e il declino del suo grande impero coloniale, nella seconda metà del XX secolo, segnarono un chiaro ridimensionamento della sua influenza nel mondo. Malgrado ciò, e in virtù della tenacia con la quale combatté nella Seconda guerra mondiale sino alla vittoria contro le potenze dell'Asse, cosa che gli valse l'attribuzione del seggio permanente con diritto di veto nel Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, esso continua ad esercitare, a livello internazionale, una considerevole influenza in campo politico e militare oltre che scientifico e finanziario. Con un PIL nominale stimato sui 3000 miliardi di dollari secondo il Fondo monetario internazionale, è la quinta potenza economica mondiale, dopo Stati Uniti, Cina, Giappone, e Germania, e la seconda in Europa . Il Regno Unito è uno stato con uno degli indici di sviluppo umano più elevati del mondo. È membro fondatore dell'ONU e della NATO e membro del G8 e del G7. Il Regno Unito è stato inoltre membro dell'Unione europea dal 1º gennaio 1973 al 31 gennaio 2020, ma non ha mai fatto parte dell'unione economica e monetaria dell'Unione europea, ossia non ha mai adottato la moneta unica, l'euro.

Ulster Hospital


The Ulster Hospital, , commonly known as the Ulster, is a teaching hospital in Dundonald in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is within the townland of Ballyregan, beside the A20 road. It provides acute services in the North Down, Ards and Castlereagh council areas, as well as east Belfast. It is managed by the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust.

Università di St. Andrews

Saint Andrews

L'Università di St. Andrews è la più antica università della Scozia e la terza più antica del mondo anglosassone, essendo stata fondata tra il 1410 ed il 1413. L'Università è situata nella città di Saint Andrews, nel Fife, sulla costa orientale del Paese, a nord-est della capitale Edimburgo..

Valence House Museum


Valence House Museum is the only surviving of the five manor houses of Dagenham. The timber-framed museum building, partially surrounded by a moat, is situated in Valence Park off Becontree Avenue, in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, London, England. The building has been used as a manor house, a family home, a town hall, the headquarters of the library service and now houses a museum.

Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust runs Yeovil District Hospital in Yeovil, Somerset, England. It provides acute care for a population of about 180,000, people living in South Somerset, North and West Dorset, and parts of Mendip. The hospital admits around 30,000 inpatients or day cases each year and treats more than 90,000 people in the outpatient appointments. Approximately 40,000 people are treated in Accident and Emergency and 1,300 babies are born in the maternity unit each year.

Thomas Alderson


Thomas Hopper Alderson GC was a British Air Raid Precautions warden in Bridlington, and the first person to be directly awarded the George Cross shortly after its creation in 1940.Alderson was fifth of six children. He went first to his local village school and then continued his schooling at Elwick Road senior boys' school, West Hartlepool, becoming Head Boy. During World War I he witnessed the bombardment of West Hartlepool by the German High Seas Fleet on 16 December 1914. After leaving school at 15 he first worked as an office boy and a draughtsman, and then undertook an engineering apprenticeship. He joined the Merchant Navy, becoming a first engineer. Following the birth of his daughter in 1935 he became an engineer for West Hartlepool council. He moved to Bridlington in 1938 as works supervisor for the Corporation. Local authorities were responsible for air raid precautions and trained their own workforces in rescue work. Alderson attended an anti-gas school at Easingwold, near York, and became an instructor in the subject. He worked as part-time Air Raid Warden, leading a detachment of rescue and demolition parties in Bridlington. The coastal town was soon attacked by Luftwaffe bombers, and residential areas were hit. On three occasions in August 1940, Alderson led rescue teams and entered dangerous buildings to rescue trapped civilians. He was the first person to receive the newly-instituted George Cross from the King, and in a radio broadcast at the time insisted that his award was for all the rescue parties in Bridlington. This interview can be heard in full on The Blitz, an audiobook CD of wartime recordings. In 1946, Alderson joined the East Riding of Yorkshire County Council workforce as an assistant highways surveyor. He then joined the new Civil Defence Corps, this time to protect the civilian population from nuclear warfare, rather than conventional bombs. On 28 October 1965 he died of lung cancer in Northfield Hospital at Driffield, Yorkshire. His George Cross is now on display at the Imperial War Museum alongside a medal from the RSPCA, awarded later in the war for rescuing two horses from a burning stable.

Alloa Tower


Alloa Tower in Alloa, Clackmannanshire in central Scotland is an early 14th century tower house that served as the medieval residence of the Erskine family, later Earls of Mar. Retaining its original timber roof and battlements, the tower is one of the earliest, and largest, of Scottish tower houses, with immensely thick walls. It was designated as a scheduled monument in 1960 and is now owned by the National Trust for Scotland.

Grand Pump Room


The Grand Pump Room is a historic building in the Abbey Church Yard, Bath, Somerset, England. It is adjacent to the Roman Baths and is named for water that is pumped into the room from the baths' hot springs. Visitors can drink the water or have other refreshments while there. It has been designated as a Grade I listed building since 1950. Along with the Lower Assembly Rooms, it formed a complex where social activity was centred, and where visitors to the city gathered.

Beckford's Tower


Beckford's Tower, originally known as Lansdown Tower, is an architectural folly built in neo-classical style on Lansdown Hill, just outside Bath, Somerset, England. The tower and its attached railings are designated as a Grade I listed building. Along with the adjoining Lansdown Cemetery it is Grade II listed on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of special historic interest in England.The tower was built for William Thomas Beckford, a rich novelist, art collector and critic, to designs by Henry Goodridge, and was completed in 1827. Beckford used it as a library and a retreat, with the cupola at the top acting as a belvedere providing views over the surrounding countryside. The Italianate building at the base of the tower housed drawing rooms and a library. Extensive grounds between Beckford's house in Lansdown Crescent and the tower were landscaped and planted to create Beckford's Ride. William Beckford’s ability to build, and to collect, was made possible by the wealth he inherited and continued to accumulate as an owner of plantations and enslaved people, and through the compensation he received from the government following the abolition of slavery. This aspect of his life is explored within the Beckford Tower Museum displays . Following Beckford's death in 1844, the tower and lands were donated to Walcot parish and a burial ground created, with the Scarlet Drawing Room being converted into a chapel. In 1931 the house and tower were damaged by a fire and a public appeal was made for funds for its restoration. The cemetery closed in 1992 and the next year the site was bought by the Bath Preservation Trust who have carried out extensive renovation. It is now home to a museum displaying furniture originally made for the tower and paintings, prints and objects illustrating Beckford’s life as a writer, collector and patron of the arts.

Shire Hall, Cambridge


Shire Hall is a municipal building at Castle Hill in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.