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Regno Unito

Il Regno Unito, ufficialmente Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord , è uno Stato insulare dell'Europa occidentale con una popolazione di circa 64,5 milioni di abitanti. Il Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda nacque con l'Atto di Unione del 1800 che univa il Regno di Gran Bretagna e il Regno d'Irlanda. Gran parte dell'Irlanda si separò poi nel 1922 costituendo lo Stato Libero d'Irlanda . Stato unitario, attualmente composto da quattro nazioni costitutive : Inghilterra, Scozia, Galles e Irlanda del Nord., è governato da un sistema parlamentare, con capitale e sede del governo Londra. Spesso viene impropriamente chiamato Gran Bretagna o Inghilterra, quando in realtà con il termine Gran Bretagna si indica un territorio geografico e con il termine Inghilterra si indica solo una delle quattro nazioni che compongono il regno.Situato al largo delle coste occidentali dell'Europa settentrionale circondato a est dal mare del Nord, a sud dal Canale della Manica e ad ovest dall'oceano Atlantico e dal mare d'Irlanda, le Isole del Canale e l'Isola di Man sono dipendenze della Corona britannica, ma non fanno parte del Regno Unito.. La Gran Bretagna è l'isola comprendente la maggior parte del territorio dell'Inghilterra, del Galles e della Scozia. Le isole britanniche invece sono l'arcipelago comprendente la Gran Bretagna, l'Irlanda, l'Isola di Man, l'Isola di Wight, le isole Orcadi, le isole Ebridi, le isole Shetland, le Isole del Canale e altre isole minori. Si compone anche di quattordici territori d'oltremare che costituiscono i resti dell'Impero britannico, quali Anguilla, Bermuda, il Territorio Antartico Britannico, il Territorio britannico dell'Oceano Indiano, le Isole Vergini britanniche, le Isole Cayman, le Isole Falkland, Gibilterra, Montserrat, le Isole Pitcairn, Sant'Elena, Ascensione e Tristan da Cunha, Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Meridionali, Akrotiri e Dhekelia e Turks e Caicos. Il Regno Unito è una monarchia parlamentare e la regina Elisabetta II è anche il capo di Stato di 16 paesi membri del Commonwealth delle nazioni , detti reami del Commonwealth . È stato il primo Stato del mondo ad essere industrializzato, e ha costituito storicamente il modello di democrazia parlamentare moderna al quale si sono poi rifatti quelli delle altre nascenti democrazie europee occidentali. Fu una potenza di prim'ordine, soprattutto durante il XVIII, il XIX e gli inizi del XX secolo, ma il costo economico delle due guerre mondiali e il declino del suo grande impero coloniale, nella seconda metà del XX secolo, segnarono un chiaro ridimensionamento della sua influenza nel mondo. Malgrado ciò, e in virtù della tenacia con la quale combatté nella Seconda guerra mondiale sino alla vittoria contro le potenze dell'Asse, cosa che gli valse l'attribuzione del seggio permanente con diritto di veto nel Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, esso continua ad esercitare, a livello internazionale, una considerevole influenza in campo politico e militare oltre che scientifico e finanziario. Con un PIL nominale stimato sui 3000 miliardi di dollari secondo il Fondo monetario internazionale, è la quinta potenza economica mondiale, dopo Stati Uniti, Cina, Giappone, e Germania, e la seconda in Europa . Il Regno Unito è uno stato con uno degli indici di sviluppo umano più elevati del mondo. È membro fondatore dell'ONU e della NATO e membro del G8 e del G7. Il Regno Unito è stato inoltre membro dell'Unione europea dal 1º gennaio 1973 al 31 gennaio 2020, ma non ha mai fatto parte dell'unione economica e monetaria dell'Unione europea, ossia non ha mai adottato la moneta unica, l'euro.

Kettle's Yard


Kettle's Yard is an art gallery and house in Cambridge, England. The director of the art gallery is Andrew Nairne. Both the house and gallery reopened in February 2018 after an expansion of the facilities.Kettle's Yard galleries, shop and cafe are open Tuesday - Sunday, 11am - 5pm. The House is open Tuesday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm. Free, timed entry tickets to the House are available from the information desk. Online booking is coming soon.

Royal Albert Memorial Museum


Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery is a museum and art gallery in Exeter, Devon, the largest in the city. It holds significant and diverse collections in areas such as zoology, anthropology, fine art, local and overseas archaeology, and geology. Altogether the museum holds over one million objects, of which a small percentage is on permanent public display. It is a 'Major Partner Museum' under the Arts Council England administered programme of strategic investment, which means RAMM receives funding to develop its services. RAMM receives this funding in partnership with Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery. Previously they were described as 'hub museums' under the 'Renaissance' Programme for regional museums which operated between 2002–11 and funded by the now defunct Museums Libraries & Archives Council . Founded in 1868, the museum is housed in a Gothic Revival building of local New Red Sandstone that has undergone several extensions during its history; most recently, the museum was re-opened on 15 December 2011 after a redevelopment lasting four years and costing £24M. Since its re-opening the museum has received several awards.

Hereford Museum and Art Gallery


The Hereford Museum and Art Gallery is a local museum in the cathedral city of Hereford, Herefordshire, England.The museum is housed in a Victorian Gothic building. Through the generosity of James Rankin, President of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club, it was opened as a free library and museum on 8 October 1874 and has since exhibited artefacts, fine art, and decorative art associated with the local area.

English Heritage


English Heritage, prima conosciuto come Historic Building and Monuments Commission for England , è un organismo pubblico inglese che si incarica della gestione del patrimonio culturale dell'Inghilterra. L'English Heritage si definisce come « il consigliere legale del governo sul patrimonio storico ». Dipende dal ministero della cultura, dei media e dello sport . Il suo ruolo principale è quello di gestire un gran numero di siti storici ed archeologici di primo piano, dalle vestigia preistoriche di Stonehenge al relativamente moderno Iron Bridge. Si occupa anche di conservare, registrare e proteggere il patrimonio storico, inoltre consiglia direttamente il segretario di stato sulla politica di conservazione e la classificazione dei vari monumenti. English Heritage possiede direttamente numerosi siti, ma collabora anche con proprietari ed associazioni minori; collabora frequentemente con il National Trust inglese. English Heritage è stato fondato nel 1983, e conta nel 2010 oltre 400 siti sparsi nel paese. Dal 1999 al 2008 ha creato l'iniziativa Images of England, un progetto che ha raccolto 323.107 fotografie di tutti i siti appartenenti ai monumenti classificati di Gran Bretagna. Chiunque può iscriversi ad English Heritage: l'adesione conferisce dei vantaggi come l'ingresso gratuito nelle sue proprietà, ma non dà ai membri nessun potere sulla gestione dell'organizzazione, che dipende dal governo .

Manchester Art Gallery


Manchester Art Gallery, formerly Manchester City Art Gallery, is a publicly owned art museum on Mosley Street in Manchester city centre. The main gallery premises were built for a learned society in 1823 and today its collection occupies three connected buildings, two of which were designed by Sir Charles Barry. Both Barry's buildings are listed. The building that links them was designed by Hopkins Architects following an architectural design competition managed by RIBA Competitions. It opened in 2002 following a major renovation and expansion project undertaken by the art gallery. Manchester Art Gallery is free to enter and open seven days a week. It houses many works of local and international significance and has a collection of more than 25,000 objects. More than half a million people visited the museum in the period of a year, according to figures released in April 2014.

The Beverley Treasure House


The Treasure House is a cultural centre operated by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council in the town of Beverley in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. The centre acts as the main hub for heritage and information services, and contains the East Riding Archives and Local Studies, the Beverley Library, a Museum and the Beverley Art Gallery. The building also contains a coffee lounge and gift shop. The top floor, known as 'The Tower', serves as an elevated sightseeing platform, showcasing 360 degree views of the Beverley Minster and the town of Beverley.

Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens


Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens is a municipal museum in Sunderland, England. It contains the only known British example of a gliding reptile, the oldest known vertebrate capable of gliding flight. The exhibit was discovered in Eppleton quarry. The museum has a Designated Collection of national importance.It was established in 1846, in the Athenaeum Building on Fawcett Street, the first municipally funded museum in the country outside London. The first recorded fine art acquisition was commissioned by the Sunderland Corporation, a painting of the opening of the new South Dock in 1850. This may have been the first time that an artwork was commissioned by a town council.In 1879, the Museum moved to a new larger building next to Mowbray Park including a library and winter garden based on the model of the Crystal Palace. U.S. President Ulysses Grant was in attendance at the laying of the foundation stone by Alderman Samuel Storey in 1877. The building opened in 1879.During World War II, Winter Garden was damaged by a parachute mine in 1941 and later was demolished with a 1960s extension taking its place, but in 2001, a lottery funded refurbishment of the museum created a new Winter Garden extension and improved facilities. The Winter Gardens contain over 2,000 flowers and plants.In 2003, the Museum was recognised as the most attended outside London. The Museum contains a large collection of the locally made Sunderland Lustreware pottery. Other highlights of the Museum are a stuffed Lion which was acquired in 1879, the remains of a walrus brought back from Siberia in the 1880s and the first Nissan car to be made in Sunderland. Also featured are the skeletal remains of a male human being. The library moved in 1995 to the new City Library and Arts Centre on Fawcett Street . The relocation left more space for museum exhibitions. The new City Library Arts Centre also houses the Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, renowned as one of the leading forums for emerging artists in the North of England. John Morrison wrote an affectionate memoir of the two and a half years he spent working in the museum as a junior curator, starting about 1918, which appeared in the Australian literary journal Overland in 1968.L.S. Lowry described his discovery of Sunderland in 1960, after which it became his second home: "One day I was travelling south from Tyneside and I realised this was what I had always been looking for." Sunderland Museum, with six works and 30 on long-term loan, have a Lowry collection surpassed only by Salford and Manchester.

Cartwright Hall


Cartwright Hall is the civic art gallery in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, situated about a mile from the city centre in the Manningham district. It was built on the former site of Manningham Hall using a gift of £40,000 donated by Samuel Lister and it is named after Edmund Cartwright. The gallery which opened in 1904 initially had a display of artworks loaned from other galleries and private collections until it was able to purchase a permanent collection of Victorian and Edwardian works using money raised by the 1904 Bradford Exhibition.Cartwright Hall stands in Lister Park and enjoys scenic views of the city. Cartwright Hall has been held to represent "Bradford Baroque", a style of architecture typical of Bradford. It is however designed by the same architects as Glasgow's Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum , also in the Baroque style.The purpose-built gallery is home to a collection of permanent works, from Old Masters to 20th-century British paintings and sculpture. Cartwright Hall also has a biennial open exhibition and contemporary and historical exhibitions by local, national and international artists. Since the mid 1980s the Bradford museum group has collected works that are associated with the cultural background of many post-war migrants to the Bradford area. Acquisitions include contemporary South Asian Art - Islamic calligraphy, phulkari style illustrated textiles and items of contemporary Sikh art, including a portrait of Guru Nanak.In 1983 Cartwright Hall was briefly used as part of the musical number 'every sperm is sacred' in the Monty Python film, The Meaning of Life.In 2003 an Unreal Tournament map was created featuring the inside of the hall as part of a contest for PC Format Magazine.

Kew Gardens


I Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew , più noti come Kew Gardens, sono un esteso complesso di serre e giardini ubicati tra Richmond upon Thames e Kew, a circa 10 km a sud-ovest di Londra, in Inghilterra.