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Regno Unito

Il Regno Unito, ufficialmente Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord , è uno Stato insulare dell'Europa occidentale con una popolazione di circa 64,5 milioni di abitanti. Il Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda nacque con l'Atto di Unione del 1800 che univa il Regno di Gran Bretagna e il Regno d'Irlanda. Gran parte dell'Irlanda si separò poi nel 1922 costituendo lo Stato Libero d'Irlanda . Stato unitario, attualmente composto da quattro nazioni costitutive : Inghilterra, Scozia, Galles e Irlanda del Nord., è governato da un sistema parlamentare, con capitale e sede del governo Londra. Spesso viene impropriamente chiamato Gran Bretagna o Inghilterra, quando in realtà con il termine Gran Bretagna si indica un territorio geografico e con il termine Inghilterra si indica solo una delle quattro nazioni che compongono il regno.Situato al largo delle coste occidentali dell'Europa settentrionale circondato a est dal mare del Nord, a sud dal Canale della Manica e ad ovest dall'oceano Atlantico e dal mare d'Irlanda, le Isole del Canale e l'Isola di Man sono dipendenze della Corona britannica, ma non fanno parte del Regno Unito.. La Gran Bretagna è l'isola comprendente la maggior parte del territorio dell'Inghilterra, del Galles e della Scozia. Le isole britanniche invece sono l'arcipelago comprendente la Gran Bretagna, l'Irlanda, l'Isola di Man, l'Isola di Wight, le isole Orcadi, le isole Ebridi, le isole Shetland, le Isole del Canale e altre isole minori. Si compone anche di quattordici territori d'oltremare che costituiscono i resti dell'Impero britannico, quali Anguilla, Bermuda, il Territorio Antartico Britannico, il Territorio britannico dell'Oceano Indiano, le Isole Vergini britanniche, le Isole Cayman, le Isole Falkland, Gibilterra, Montserrat, le Isole Pitcairn, Sant'Elena, Ascensione e Tristan da Cunha, Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Meridionali, Akrotiri e Dhekelia e Turks e Caicos. Il Regno Unito è una monarchia parlamentare e la regina Elisabetta II è anche il capo di Stato di 16 paesi membri del Commonwealth delle nazioni , detti reami del Commonwealth . È stato il primo Stato del mondo ad essere industrializzato, e ha costituito storicamente il modello di democrazia parlamentare moderna al quale si sono poi rifatti quelli delle altre nascenti democrazie europee occidentali. Fu una potenza di prim'ordine, soprattutto durante il XVIII, il XIX e gli inizi del XX secolo, ma il costo economico delle due guerre mondiali e il declino del suo grande impero coloniale, nella seconda metà del XX secolo, segnarono un chiaro ridimensionamento della sua influenza nel mondo. Malgrado ciò, e in virtù della tenacia con la quale combatté nella Seconda guerra mondiale sino alla vittoria contro le potenze dell'Asse, cosa che gli valse l'attribuzione del seggio permanente con diritto di veto nel Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, esso continua ad esercitare, a livello internazionale, una considerevole influenza in campo politico e militare oltre che scientifico e finanziario. Con un PIL nominale stimato sui 3000 miliardi di dollari secondo il Fondo monetario internazionale, è la quinta potenza economica mondiale, dopo Stati Uniti, Cina, Giappone, e Germania, e la seconda in Europa . Il Regno Unito è uno stato con uno degli indici di sviluppo umano più elevati del mondo. È membro fondatore dell'ONU e della NATO e membro del G8 e del G7. Il Regno Unito è stato inoltre membro dell'Unione europea dal 1º gennaio 1973 al 31 gennaio 2020, ma non ha mai fatto parte dell'unione economica e monetaria dell'Unione europea, ossia non ha mai adottato la moneta unica, l'euro.

Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art


Il Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, noto anche come MIMA, è una galleria d'arte contemporanea con sede nel centro di Middlesbrough, in Inghilterra. La galleria è stata ufficialmente inaugurata domenica 27 gennaio 2007 e contiene circa 2500 opere. Attualmente è gestita in collaborazione con la Teesside University.

Royal Academy of Music


La Royal Academy of Music di Londra è un conservatorio di musica divenuto, dal 1999, una facoltà dell'Università di Londra.

St George's Hospital


St George's Hospital is a teaching hospital in Tooting, London. Founded in 1733, it is one of the UK's largest teaching hospitals and one of the largest hospitals in Europe. It is run by the St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It shares its main hospital site in Tooting in the London Borough of Wandsworth, with St George's, University of London which trains NHS staff and carries out advanced medical research. The hospital has around 1,300 beds and most general tertiary care such as accident and emergency, maternity services and care for older people and children. However, as a major acute hospital, St George's Hospital also offers specialist care for the more complex injuries and illnesses, including trauma, neurology, cardiac care, renal transplantation, cancer care and stroke. It is also home to one of four major trauma centres and one of eight hyper-acute stroke units for London. St George's Hospital also provides care for patients from a larger catchment area in the South East of England, for specialities such as complex pelvic trauma. Other services treat patients from all over the country, such as family HIV care and bone marrow transplantation for non-cancer diseases. The trust also provides a nationwide endoscopy training service.

National Museum of Wales


Il National Museum Cardiff è museo e galleria d'arte a Cardiff, nel Galles. L'ingresso è gratuito grazie a un finanziamento della Welsh Assembly Government. Il Museo Nazionale del Galles è stato fondato nel 1907, quando ereditò la collezione del Museo di Cardiff che condivideva la sede con il Cardiff Central Library. La costruzione di un nuovo edificio nel complesso civico di Cathays Park iniziò nel 1912, ma a causa della Prima guerra mondiale non ha aperto al pubblico fino al 1927. Gli architetti sono stati Arnold Dunbar Smith e Cecil Brewer, anche se l'edificio nella sua forma attuale è stato pesantemente rivisitato nel suo assetto. Il museo possiede collezioni di archeologia, botanica, arte figurativa e applicata, geologia e zoologia.

Eden Court Theatre


Eden Court Theatre is a large theatre, cinema and arts venue situated in Inverness, Scotland close to the banks of the River Ness. The theatre has recently undergone a complete refurbishment and major extension, adding a second theatre, two dedicated cinema screens, two performance/dance studios, improved dressing room and green room facilities and additional office space. The theatre's restaurant and bar facilities have also been totally overhauled and improved.

Hamilton Low Parks Museum

Hamilton (Scozia)

The Low Parks Museum is located in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland and traces the local history of South Lanarkshire through numerous exhibits on provincial industries and events of local historical importance.

National trust


The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust, is a charity and membership organisation for heritage conservation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, there is a separate and independent National Trust for Scotland. The Trust was founded in 1895 by Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley to "promote the permanent preservation for the benefit of the Nation of lands and tenements of beauty or historic interest". It was given statutory powers, starting with the National Trust Act 1907. Historically, the Trust acquired land by gift and sometimes by public subscription and appeal, but after World War II the loss of country houses resulted in many such properties being acquired either by gift from the former owners, or through the National Land Fund. Country houses and estates still make up a significant part of its holdings, but it is also known for its protection of wild landscapes such as in the Lake District and Peak District. As well as the great estates of titled families, it has acquired smaller houses including some whose significance is not architectural but through their association with famous people, for example the childhood homes of Paul McCartney and John Lennon. One of the largest landowners in the United Kingdom, the Trust owns over 248,000 hectares of land and 780 miles of coast. Its properties include over 500 historic houses, castles, archaeological and industrial monuments, gardens, parks and nature reserves. Most properties are open to the public for a charge , while open spaces are free to all. The Trust has an annual income of over £630 million, largely from membership subscriptions, donations and legacies, investments, entrance fees to properties, and profits from its shops and restaurants. It also receives grants from a variety of organisations including other charities, government departments, local authorities and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

National trust

Ashford (Kent)

The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust, is a charity and membership organisation for heritage conservation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, there is a separate and independent National Trust for Scotland. The Trust was founded in 1895 by Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley to "promote the permanent preservation for the benefit of the Nation of lands and tenements of beauty or historic interest". It was given statutory powers, starting with the National Trust Act 1907. Historically, the Trust acquired land by gift and sometimes by public subscription and appeal, but after World War II the loss of country houses resulted in many such properties being acquired either by gift from the former owners, or through the National Land Fund. Country houses and estates still make up a significant part of its holdings, but it is also known for its protection of wild landscapes such as in the Lake District and Peak District. As well as the great estates of titled families, it has acquired smaller houses including some whose significance is not architectural but through their association with famous people, for example the childhood homes of Paul McCartney and John Lennon. One of the largest landowners in the United Kingdom, the Trust owns over 248,000 hectares of land and 780 miles of coast. Its properties include over 500 historic houses, castles, archaeological and industrial monuments, gardens, parks and nature reserves. Most properties are open to the public for a charge , while open spaces are free to all. The Trust has an annual income of over £630 million, largely from membership subscriptions, donations and legacies, investments, entrance fees to properties, and profits from its shops and restaurants. It also receives grants from a variety of organisations including other charities, government departments, local authorities and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

National trust

Wellington (Somerset)

The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust, is a charity and membership organisation for heritage conservation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, there is a separate and independent National Trust for Scotland. The Trust was founded in 1895 by Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley to "promote the permanent preservation for the benefit of the Nation of lands and tenements of beauty or historic interest". It was given statutory powers, starting with the National Trust Act 1907. Historically, the Trust acquired land by gift and sometimes by public subscription and appeal, but after World War II the loss of country houses resulted in many such properties being acquired either by gift from the former owners, or through the National Land Fund. Country houses and estates still make up a significant part of its holdings, but it is also known for its protection of wild landscapes such as in the Lake District and Peak District. As well as the great estates of titled families, it has acquired smaller houses including some whose significance is not architectural but through their association with famous people, for example the childhood homes of Paul McCartney and John Lennon. One of the largest landowners in the United Kingdom, the Trust owns over 248,000 hectares of land and 780 miles of coast. Its properties include over 500 historic houses, castles, archaeological and industrial monuments, gardens, parks and nature reserves. Most properties are open to the public for a charge , while open spaces are free to all. The Trust has an annual income of over £630 million, largely from membership subscriptions, donations and legacies, investments, entrance fees to properties, and profits from its shops and restaurants. It also receives grants from a variety of organisations including other charities, government departments, local authorities and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.